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Forums » General Roleplay » Trapped

Janine (played by budgieboi)

"Ah, I see," she murmured, though it felt like she were more simply listing clubs rather than describing them. But she couldn't really be disappointed with that answer. So there were things to do around here, after all. Art club sounds somewhat alright.

She glances around, noticing the male having disappeared off to somewhere after that explanation. Wonder what that's for, perhaps he got lost somewhere as they went? Really, she did need to be more perceptive.
Zhou (played by Thatonionbrotho)

"Cool *hic* " swig" cooking sounds like fun"
Sarabelle (played by Clara) Topic Starter

"I guess. You get to eat the food after you make it" Sarabelle said, seeming slightly tangled in her own thoughts. After awhile she snapped out of her thoughts and looked at them all. "Hey, weren't there three of you" she asked, looking at her group that had lost one person.
TheForumMaster (played by 11Rain11)

Kuro had gone all the way down the hall, and there was a staircase. It was less crowded by here which was nice, but he still didn't know where to go for anything. "......maybe i could ask someone? Oh, why didn't i think of it before!?" He started up the stairs. "I'll just look for a teacher." What was odd however, was that he had only seen students. Didn't teachers usually monitor the halls?
Sarabelle (played by Clara) Topic Starter

Sarabelle looked at them before realizing that it was Kuro who was missing. A sigh left her mouth and she looked at the two students in front of her before motioning them to follow her so they could find the male. It was always easier to show one person around but apparently the school actually had a group for her this time. Guess she better start asking around so she could find him.
Zhou (played by Thatonionbrotho)

"NO.....maybe *hic*" she drunkenly pouts
TheForumMaster (played by 11Rain11)

As he continued up the steps he heard.....sobbing? He ran up the rest of the steps and saw a girl sitting by the wall crying. "Hey......are you ok?" She obviously wasn't, but that's just what people ask. The girl glanced up at him, then stared for a moment like he had three heads. "What....what's wrong?" Kuro asked, concerned. The girl looked down for a moment, wondering if she should tell him. Her dreams were crushed, but that didn't mean she needed to crush his. "It's...It's nothing!" She got up and quickly walked away, leaving Kuro confused as to what just happened. "ok..then...."
Zhou (played by Thatonionbrotho)

Zhou just sort of wandered the halls for a wile after the tour she already has enough of an education and a high school deploma but as an exercise she had to go through high school again
Sarabelle (played by Clara) Topic Starter

Sarabelle looked around before finding the staircase and pausing. She could hear sobs and she knew what was most likely going on. A frown plagued her face and she watched as the girl ran past before frowning a bit. There was a hesitation where she debated running after her or not but she knew that there was nothing she could do to make it better. She sighed and put on a cheerful smiled as she walked onto the stairs.
Janine (played by budgieboi)

"H-hey," she said over towards Sarabelle, noticing that she noticed both the male missing and a girl who ran past her, "You know what might be going on?" She blinked, "Is this sort of thing common?" Unusual questions, for sure.
TheForumMaster (played by 11Rain11)

Kuro watched the girl go, turning as he heard someone coming up the stairs. "Hello...?" He asked, before seeing it was the girl from before. "Oh, hi again.....sorry i kinda wandered off...hehe......." He stood there for a moment trying to process everything. "So uh....where are the classes and everything?"
Sarabelle (played by Clara) Topic Starter

"Oh, uhm, yea. It's pretty normal for this kind of stuff to happen around here. You'll probably find out why soon" Sarabelle answered as she looked at her feet. It didn't take long for her bright tour guide smile to reappear though. "It's fine Kuro, you don't need to apologize. Oh, the classes? Which one do you want to go to first" she asked, wanting to get enough time to think about how to explain that there were no adults there.
Zhou (played by Thatonionbrotho)

She incessantly looked for a kitchen of some sort
Justin Minton (played anonymously)

Came in through the doors late as always, his issues with time having been one of the leading issues for him to be kicked out of his old school. He'd walk his way towards the group, hands in his jacket's pockets and an earbud dangling from his ear. "H-hi? I'm new around 'ere. Any of y'all know how to get around?"
TheForumMaster (played by 11Rain11)

H wanted to ask where the dorms were but he couldn't leave Noodles there anyways, cause she would bark like there's no tommorow. "hmm.........How about the study hall?" He figured that would be an ok place to start, all things considering. Maybe he could sit for a bit and figure things out.
Sarabelle (played by Clara) Topic Starter

"Sure" she said, about to lead them towards it before noticing someone join their group. "Hey, my name is Sarabelle, I'll be your tourguide. You're just in time actually for me to show you guys around. And if you don't mind, I'd like to give you a run down of the rules later on today" she said before leading the way to the study hall.
Justin Minton (played anonymously)

Nodded, "Name's Justin, nice to meet ya'."
Zhou (played by Thatonionbrotho)

She finds the kitchen and jibs her hands together "time to find the beer heheh"
Janine (played by budgieboi)

Oh my, how foreboding. Find out why soon? She wondered, was the classes really that hard? Were most of the kids here simply having a hard time? Was this just a place for the troubled, of some sort?

"Oh? The rules?" Janine comments, as she followed the tour guide. She talks, as she eventually trails off, realizing that the tour guide, if no one else, should have touched upon some of these topics, "Sure, I don't think I'd mind. Though, I was wondering earlier when we would find out our schedule for our classes... and to meet some of the staff in person as well, perhaps..."
Sarabelle (played by Clara) Topic Starter

Sarabelle smiled and nodded at Justin. "Nice to meet you too" she said as she kept walking before hearing Janine's question. She turned and looked at her but she had stopped walking in the process. "The schedule is posted on the screen here every morning. The staff usually choose what classes we have and when we have them" she said, referring to whoever ran the school and gave them all the instructions. However, she was clearly trying to avoid talking to much about the faculty and staff members so early in the tour. After all, she didn't want to end up upsetting them.

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