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Forums » Looking for RP » POTC with OCs (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

If anyone wants to be Jack, Will or such go right ahead, I will be an OC, and we will start from TBP and make our way through the movies.
Ren (played by Black-Bandit) Topic Starter

"Please, Will! Take her! Take our daughter, she needs a better life then this, we can't hide her any longer, it's already hard enough hiding our son. The Governor, he said that him and his wife would takes her, as a sister to their daughter Elizabeth, this would be the best life for her. We can't keep hiding from your ebonies, you go, bring to the Swans and I'll take Will to our noisy, we will sail to England where you can meet us after your voyage with this Jack Sparrow is over. Please.
"I will Marianna, I'll take her, you go, NOW!" Bill Turner grabbed his daughter and ran, away from the cannons and towards a better life for her.
"Please, the Governer Swan I must speak with him!" The man yelled as he pounded on their fine door.
"Let him in Luise." He heard a commanding voice say. The door opened, revealing a wealthy man,
". "I see you have decided to take me up, e will take the best care of her, I can assure you. She will want for nothing.
" I'm sure of that Sir. It's just, my wife, this isn't her daughter so she wants her gone, I just ask that you never tell her about where she came from, her mother would want her to be happy.
"I would want the same for my child." The Governor reached and picked up the toddler holding her close sheasked, what's her name?"
"Serenity, Serenity Rose Oceana, after her mother. Now I must go! The cannons are closer than before! I thank you for this!" And he melted into the night.
Ren (played by Black-Bandit) Topic Starter

OOC: Sorry for the spelling, it's been a long day I will be better next time.
Ren (played by Black-Bandit) Topic Starter

"Please, Will! Take her! Take our daughter, she needs a better life then this, we can't hide her any longer, it's already hard enough hiding our son. The Governor, he said that him and his wife would takes her, as a sister to their daughter Elizabeth, this would be the best life for her. We can't keep hiding from your enemies, you go, bring to the Swans and I'll take Will to our new home we will sail to England where you can meet us after your voyage with this Jack Sparrow is over. Please.
"I will Marianna, I'll take her, you go, NOW!" Bill Turner grabbed his daughter and ran, away from the cannons and towards a better life for her.
"Please, the Governer Swan I must speak with him!" The man yelled as he pounded on their fine door.
"Let him in Luise." He heard a commanding voice say. The door opened, revealing a wealthy man,
". "I see you have decided to take me up, we will take the best care of her, I can assure you. She will want for nothing.
" I'm sure of that Sir. It's just, my wife, this isn't her daughter so she wants her gone, I just ask that you never tell her about where she came from, her mother would want her to be happy.
"I would want the same for my child." The Governor reached and picked up the toddler holding her close sheasked, what's her name?"
"Serenity, Serenity Rose Oceana, after her mother. Now I must go! Please let her keep her necklace it's from her mother. The cannons are closer than before! I thank you for this!" And he melted into the night.
Ren (played by Black-Bandit) Topic Starter

6 years later: She is now 8 and Elizabeth is 10.
3d person POV:
A large ship is sailing through the eerily silent sea and two young girls are standing on the deck. The taller one has blond curls and deep brown eyes, with fair skin it's not hard to see that she will be quite the heart breaker when she gets older. The younger one has hair black as coal but with eyes always changing as the sea does, in fact they seem to reflect the sea, giving her a certain ethereal beauty, her skin is also dark, but like one used to the sun. As the shop glides through the fog we hear them singing, arms hooked through each other's, each wearing the same dress.
"We pilfer we pillage we don't give a hoot, drink up me hearties yo ho! Yo ho yo ho it 'tis a pir- aah!" They gasp and spin around as a large hand grabs their shoulders.
"Quiet misses, cursed pirates sail these waters, you don't want to bring them down on us now do you?"
"Me. Gibbs, that will do." Captain James Norrington walked up to the superstitious sailor.
"But they were singin' 'bout pirates, and with us mired in this unnatural fog."
"I said that will do, besides I will make sure that any man who sails under a pirates flag gets exactly what he deserves, a short drop and a sudden stop. Both girls look up to Mr. Gibbs who phantomimes a hanging. They gasp, Serenity says,
"I think it would be sort of exiting."
"To meet a real live pirate!" Elizabeth." fineshes excitedly
"Please Captain, I'm worried about what effect this might have on my daughters. Even though I'm sure that right now they find the idea thrilling."
(Someone take over for Elizabeth and when she finds Will)

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