This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
Hello everyone! I am looking to start a group roleplay based on an idea I had for a book I'm writing. This is the first time I'm trying to get a group together for something like this so sorry if I leave anything out or I confuse you.
Setting: Fantasy/Medieval
Plot: The world is controlled by a group of cultist warriors called the Crusaders. They seek to "purify" humanity by destroying all supernatural creatures and anything not human. However they use this goal to justify killing off anyone who stands against them, supernaturals and humans. Their leader, the Grand Crusader, is trying to open a portal to the Plane of Magic where all supernaturals powers originate from so that he can destroy it, this would cut off all magic from the world. The world however survives because of magic, no magic means that all life will die.
Looking for supernatural characters for this group, basically we will all join together to try and stop the Grand Crusader from fulfilling his master plan. I would like to try and have some character relationships already built up to be introduced into the rp at some point. I want two players to talk over what relationship their characters could have, I don't mean they already knew each other but that their pasts are somewhat linked and they don't know.
Thank you for your interest and please ask any questions here or pm me.
Setting: Fantasy/Medieval
Plot: The world is controlled by a group of cultist warriors called the Crusaders. They seek to "purify" humanity by destroying all supernatural creatures and anything not human. However they use this goal to justify killing off anyone who stands against them, supernaturals and humans. Their leader, the Grand Crusader, is trying to open a portal to the Plane of Magic where all supernaturals powers originate from so that he can destroy it, this would cut off all magic from the world. The world however survives because of magic, no magic means that all life will die.
Looking for supernatural characters for this group, basically we will all join together to try and stop the Grand Crusader from fulfilling his master plan. I would like to try and have some character relationships already built up to be introduced into the rp at some point. I want two players to talk over what relationship their characters could have, I don't mean they already knew each other but that their pasts are somewhat linked and they don't know.
Thank you for your interest and please ask any questions here or pm me.
Magic is fairly common. Players and NPCs important to the tale may have it. Mistborn.
Combat is expected as part of the storyline but it won't dominate the plot.
Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.
This sounds interesting... Lurking and possibly joining (:
Ooooh, sounds awesome, sign me up.
I would love to do this!
if there is room may I join?
I think my character could easily fit in here!
I think Evelyn would be perfect for this plz though read her info because she has a dragon and I'm not sure if your ok with that. I'm cool with having a long last sibling or like what do they call those when your parents choose to have you merried? A suitor I think?
Evelyn is 16 for this rp about the time a young girl would leave her family in medieval times.
Relationships open to>
Long lost sibling
Suitor choose by her father
Evelyn is 16 for this rp about the time a young girl would leave her family in medieval times.
Relationships open to>
Long lost sibling
Suitor choose by her father
Is there any room left, cause I would be down for this.
oooh. interesting... I could even create a character just for this...
I will see what I can whip up in an hour or two... I shall return once my character is done!
I will see what I can whip up in an hour or two... I shall return once my character is done!
Hello, Is your roleplay still open to players?
Alright... I have made this finally... man Lamon was a big piece of work... I got too into it I guess.
Hey, could I join?
Might I be able to join? I'd love your you all to "try" and destroy one or more of my characters...
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