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Forums » Looking for RP » Community of Prophets (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

WELCOME. HERE IS INFORMATION. The divine Gift is rarely bestowed in full. There are many, of course, scores and scores of people, who have hints or Prophecy, glimmers of it. But to be a Prophet or a Prophetess in full… So overwhelming is The Gift that some consider it a curse. We found long ago that to carry our Gift alone and in absolute secrecy was too great a burden. The connection between worlds could not be properly maintained unless we united. Together, the Prophets walk Paths in dream states while our physical bodies are at rest. There are three Paths. An ordinary person can only walk the one: the Path of Split Realities. Prophets of varying degrees and skill can walk anywhere between two and all three. Most people don’t age in dreams, though there are exceptions. World There is the Path of Slit Realities, the one anyone can travel. Regular people occasionally join the community of Prophets to learn how to interpret and use the Realities open to them. On this Path, your consciousness hops through different timelines. Every time there is an option, infinite universes are created to accommodate the randomness of chance. So in different timelines, you will have different names, and such circumstances. There are infinite universes where your gender is reversed, infinite universes where you look different, live in different places, know different people. Lucid dreaming is to consciously shift situations and merge between related timelines, entering ones where your actions or wishes have the desired effect. Ever had a dream that relates to what you’re experiencing in “real life”? That’s your soul latching onto an alternate body that has a relation to what your consciousness has experienced in your body’s waking reality. This Path contain the most monsters. Animals can (and often do) talk. You can meet people who have died, were never born, who speak different languages, or live across the world. Prophets and advanced people without the Gift can guide other people to their dreams so they reach the right conclusion. There is the Path of Future. Prophets can access this path and see possible futures. It is their job to influence their waking reality to bring the world towards or away from these futures. Occasionally, this path also leads to the past. It is advisable not to travel this path alone. Finally, the most dangerous and esteemed path, the Path of the Gods. In the community, it is illegal to travel this Path with less than two other Prophets. Prophets can use this path to influence the gods’ decisions, interact with magic which they can bring back to their reality, or change the world… among other things. Prophets who walk this Path often remain youthful for much longer than everyone else. For example, they may look eighteen for twenty years and live for a few centuries. If a Prophet travels this Path alone, they are subject to whatever the gods wish to do with them. This is usually not pleasant, usually it is horrible: being tortured or eaten or transformed into something ghastly and unspeakable. However, on occasion, a god will choose a more pleasant fate for the lone traveller, and make them a demigod, or bless them with their heart’s desire, or some such wonderful thing. To enter this Path with another, your physical body must be in the same room as them, ideally touching hands or legs or heads or some part of the body. The Community of Prophets This is where most of the story is going to take place in the physical world. The community is on earth in Los Angeles.
Magic 60%
Magic may be accepted as truth but is not common. It might be harnessed only by specific beings. Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones.
Technology 50%
Combat 70%
More combat than not. The setting may be at war, and the characters will likely get involved whether or not they seek it out.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.


Jesus, I'm scared.

But interested! Count me in!

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Community of Prophets (closed)

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus