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Forums » Looking for RP » Broken Utopia (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Basically i'm looking to start a 3-5 person rp about people that get dragged into this separate lifestyle of my character, Roxas, this life that seems to be a fun adventure filled life with an apparently happy go lucky fox boy, but under the makeup of it all is this life of loss and tragedy.

There is this clan of people called hunters, and they think that magic users and mythological creatures are these creatures bent on destroying the human race, but its just xenophobia. Old stories the likes of blood pudding. Not only that but a group that uses demonic creatures referred to as "Eyesores" are trying to strike fear to the masses in hopes of controlling people to their whim. And both of these groups for reasons unknown to you are kinda centered around Roxas, but they don't like, occupy the whole group with killing him specifically.

Basically im going for an innocence lost thing here, just these happy characters getting messed the hell up through drama and death and tragedy just in general. So yeah, id love for at least 2 people to join, but if it has to be one on one im still down.
Magic 70%
Magic is fairly common. Players and NPCs important to the tale may have it. Mistborn.
Technology 50%
Combat 60%
Combat is woven into the storyline and could come to the forefront if the characters seek it out.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

Mind if I toss in a character that was turned into a magic user grimoire? It would be half a month or so when it happened.
RoxasNotAFox Topic Starter

Sure, totally.
Also what time period are we in?
RoxasNotAFox Topic Starter

Modern, just 2017.
I know its a little far fetched but can I add my succubus?
It's a female
Well I take it back. Not one month but about 2000 years or so. Her bio took place during medieval times
RoxasNotAFox Topic Starter

To Dani, Sure just try not to he like, too too innapropriate. Im okay with everything but actual literal sex.

To Robin, Bokay.
I'm interested!
Are Felynes or Pokemon allowed for a character?
RoxasNotAFox Topic Starter

Oh, well, i suppose that depends. For pokemon most likely not but do suggest what kind, and with felynes it also depends. Either way just explain what characters you would like to put in, please. Then ill decide wether or not it would make any kind of sense for the rp.
RoxasNotAFox Topic Starter

sorry btw been offline for a lil from the irma aftermath, i live in florida. might not be able to post super smoothly for a lil. sozzy.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Broken Utopia (closed)

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