Keith slightly chuckled. "D'aww!" He had a sort of mocking tone but didn't mean anything of it. "Nice I must say!" He let his wings unwrap and let them spread out then let them vanish like a dark mist. He heard the school bell ring and everyone was starting to come out of their classes.
She'd snort, brushing her hair back from her face, that smirk returning to her. "A demon? Just what do you think I am? I assure you, I'm about as human as you are. As for the number, it varies, as 'demon' is a relative term, which can refer to anything from an imp or such vermin all the way up to, though Gabriel seems to disagree with me, the Fallen themselves, though they tend to be a bit elitist about insisting that their proper rank be used." Very fitting, as he was not quite human, but very, very close, and so their situations were rather similar. "In any case, I must be going. You'll find me if you need me, I trust? It shouldn't be hard, just follow the sound of bullies crying mercy." She'd smile, patting the wolf-boy on the head. "Don't worry. I'm one of the good guys. Well, girls, but that's hardly the point. Gabriel, you'll be needing this. Don't call where you might be heard, but I doubt you'd do that anyway." she'd throw him a small card, bearing only her name and a phone number. "If I start getting prank calls, I shall hunt you down, understood?"
Gabriel coughed as the summoner complimented him, hr looked the other dead in the eyes."yes and do not let anyone know of it." He sId to him and turned hus attention to Evangeline as she tossed him her carsld. Garbriel quickly caught it and looked at the card. He waved bye to her and gave a.dark smile. "oh certianly if you do vet prnak callsbit will be more then likely me. so tatta. And as for you two do not worry, the sound of bullies and misfits alike will be crying my name. I must be off crowds are not my thing." He said as he wauved goofbye to the group and headed of to P.E it was something he enjoyed. He could freely use his wings with no triuble. He looked at the card and smilied, if he was in diciplinary commitee it would be anonymous and he woukd get to beat the tar out of anyone that dared to take his turff.
(I don't know if I can join or not but the title says open so I assumed... If not I'm sorry to disturb you)
Flori walked silently through the babbling crowds, eyes darting from face to face nervously. She had been sent to the Nurse's Office, for a panic attack in Biology. She'd forgotten to take her meds again, and her insanity was showing. Her steps faltered when she saw people blocking the entrance to the Nurse's office. She had a choice: Talk and try to make friends and get past, or run away without her meds. She decided to try and make at least one friend. Your 1st day in a new school is never easy. If she felt brave she might even learrn where her next class was!
"Umm... Hello," Flori mumbled, fighting the urge to run, "I'm sorry to bother you but d-do you know where room C-36 is? I think it's a math class."
Flori walked silently through the babbling crowds, eyes darting from face to face nervously. She had been sent to the Nurse's Office, for a panic attack in Biology. She'd forgotten to take her meds again, and her insanity was showing. Her steps faltered when she saw people blocking the entrance to the Nurse's office. She had a choice: Talk and try to make friends and get past, or run away without her meds. She decided to try and make at least one friend. Your 1st day in a new school is never easy. If she felt brave she might even learrn where her next class was!
"Umm... Hello," Flori mumbled, fighting the urge to run, "I'm sorry to bother you but d-do you know where room C-36 is? I think it's a math class."
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