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Forums » Looking for RP » Medieval fantasy, a lot of supernatural (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.


Now that I've managed to make the characters I want for this sort of RP, I can now offer it up to people! The characters I would use for for this kind of RP would be: Sarobando, Korem and Aeces. I've already got a few ideas for an RP but I'm always open to new ones! PM me if you're interested.

Saro RP idea: (This one is probably the one I will prioritise most , seeing as it's one I've been searching for the longest, a partner for him.)
Saro is wandering on the outskirts of the darker part of the forest he lives in, there is a desert not too far in the distance. He encounters a monster girl, at first he will be hostile although he won't attack on sight. The situation could escalate to a fight or maybe the monster woman could try to calm him down. (Monster can be of your choosing of course, but I would really like something like a Drider or Naga.)

Korem RP idea 1:
Korem is out with Anglaias, his half brother. As Anglaias goes to collect some mushrooms, Korem wanders off, knowing the area is safe before encountering your character. (I just realised something like a Drider would work pretty well here too. Lmao.) He may be forced to defend himself if need be, but may also try to befriend the one he has just met.

Korem RP idea 2: (Dependant on Saro's RP.)
Korem is out looking for Saro, seeing as he said he would be back at the Bassiss hometree at least 2 weeks ago. He knows that looking for him is probably futile but he's not about to sit around twiddling his thumbs. He also knows Saro is probably absolutely fine, he just wants to spend some time with him. He comes across Saro's new lover, she may spot the Bassiss crest on his right sleeve if she's observant.

Aeces RP idea 1:
Aeces is out collecting different kinds of winkle near, around and on the shores of some land he hasn't explored. As he comes onto the beach near some cliffs of chalk he is spied by your character who most likely hasn't seen, let alone even heard of the Maormer and decides to investigate. Ace eventually notices you (If you don't outright come up to him.) and calls for you to come out.

Aeces RP idea 2: (This is totally based underwater so your character has to be pretty magical otherwise you'll have to be a waterborne race. Siren, Mermaid/Man, Kelpie etc.)
Aeces is out hunting a Killer Whale that had strayed near his home, and killed a pair of Maormer children. He finds it, and kills it quickly, taking no pride in doing what he does. He pushes it toward the depths before leaving to go back to his city. On the way back, Ace encounters your character along with a group of you. (The group is optional, completely up to you.) And asks why you and your (optional) people are doing near his home. It's obvious he's not in a good mood, so he may become impatient and eventually hostile. It's up to you to calm him down and/or explain yourself. Or get ready for a fight.

If you made it this far, thank you for reading! I hope you find these ideas interesting and PM me.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Medieval fantasy, a lot of supernatural (closed)

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