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Forums » General Roleplay » Eris: Re uploaded.

Kai Kusanagi (played anonymously)

Wicked woke up from his sudden nap in a daze, he never remembered falling asleep though it appears he had forgotten to log out. Standing up, he found himself alone amongst the never ending sands around him. Where did all of the others go,How did he get out here in the middle of nowhere, and why did he feel so afraid. His tail flicked behind him as he looked around, he could spot Oasis in the distance and decided to head in in that direction.

Though when arriving he found a most peculiar sight, all around him people laid on the ground opening their eyes slowly. It felt as if the entire server had decided to nap simultaneously.

Now this was getting weird, much too weird for him. So he rushed to his personal menu to log out, only to realize that...he couldnt. There was no way to log out! This could only mean very bad things.

You are on: Forums » General Roleplay » Eris: Re uploaded.

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