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Forums » Looking for RP » Immortal Souls {Modern Supernatural Grou (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Lucifer Morningstar (played by Sayuki)

Immortal Souls

"The myth regarding 'immortals' and 'immortal souls' has been around for many centuries and across all continents and countries of the world. However, the first seemingly accurate records were found in an eastern region of ancient China where these immortals were said to gather. Their unusual powers made them revered by the common folk in the area, who were said to be well-off thanks to the immortals

When these immortals came to call themselves 'angels' and 'demons' is not precisely known, but it likely followed the spread of the monotheistic religions. Any claims to divinity remains to be proven. Despite this, the seven strongest souls on either side certainly seems to believe their cause is great. The Archangels and the Princes of Hell, locked in an eternal conflict.

I fear that their perceived differences will lead to war. What these reborn immortal souls have forgotten is that we are all one and the same."

- Excerpt from "Book of the First", author unknown.

The year is 2017. The immortal beings that walk amongst ordinary humans have long since claimed the names of angels and demons for themselves. Each group believe that they are in the right and their infighting is only becoming worse.

Once an immortal dies, their soul will find its way into a new host - a baby about to be born. With every rebirth, the memories of its old life is lost and thus, much of the knowledge that the ancient immortals had is now gone. Is it possible to stop the infighting between the angels and demons or will the war bring devastation to mankind?

Hello everyone! I am hoping to find some players to join this group RP centered around the existence of immortals with extraordinary powers that walks among ordinary people in our world. As religion became more widespread, the immortals hit a disagreement and split into two groups - those who call themselves "angels" and their opposers the "demons". The two factions now wage a hidden war against the other, trying to remain hidden from ordinary people.

The RP focuses on the subject of immortality and rebirth while it may also touch upon subjects like religion and war against "the others", depending on the characters that join.

You do not need to join with one of your already existing characters if you feel like they can't be modified to fit this universe. Just hop on over to the group and use the application to post a character form for a completely different character without having to use one of your character pages.

I could go on and on here, but if this sounds like it could be for you, I suggest you check out the group where I've posted a bit of the lore regarding this universe. I am also happy to answer any questions you might have about the RP either here or via PM.

I hope to see some of you in the group soon!

Magic 40%
Magic is rare. Some of the players might have it. There may be sages or other magical figures that could be sought out for tutelage.
Technology 50%
Combat 50%
Combat is expected as part of the storyline but it won't dominate the plot.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

Is there an application form for this?
Lucifer Morningstar (played by Sayuki) Topic Starter

Raider-jack29 wrote:
Is there an application form for this?

The application form is in the group forums. To join the RP, you have to first join the group and then post the application in the forums. As mentioned, the character application form can be found there as well.
Thank you kindly.
Apparently I can't reply to the application forum because it's locked. Was this intentional, if so I need to know where to apply.
Lucifer Morningstar (played by Sayuki) Topic Starter

Is it the forum itself ir the one already existing post in it? I have locked the post "Character Form" since you are not supposed to post the form in there as a reply, but rather as a new topic. That makes it easier to move ti accepted applications once I have read it.

I'll check to see if I have somehow locked the forum itself, but personally I an still able to add topics to it.
Oh never mind I figured it out awhile ago. But thank you though it was much appreciated.
I finally applied.
Lucifer Morningstar (played by Sayuki) Topic Starter

Still looking for more players!
Lucifer Morningstar (played by Sayuki) Topic Starter

Up we go!
Lupus 'Raziel' Shado (played by Lupus-Raziel-Shadows)


You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Immortal Souls {Modern Supernatural Grou (closed)

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