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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Mercenaries and nomads

Dragoncat (played by Dragoncat)

I'm basing this on the world of Fire Emblem 6 and 7. There is a country of nomadic tribes there, so it will be perfect. We will basically be doing an AU. No knowledge of the games is needed. Check out the world map here. The tribe country is Sacae, we're starting in Bulgar and probably won't go far from it.

Most NPCs will be well, NPCed. All felynes will be played by Felyne, from what I gathered, but he can correct me if I'm wrong. The exception to this rule is everyone else can indirectly mention a felyne, what they said or did, but not felynes "on screen" if that makes sense. Similarly, tribespeople mostly belong to RedLantern.

Bandits can be written by everyone, but common courtesy means if somebody writes a bandit, somebody else can't make that bandit do something completely different. Example: if a bandit is using a bow and striking from afar, don't make him suddenly switch to using a big honkin mace and chain.

The above also applies to villagers/townspeople, maybe nobles and soldiers/knights if they come up.

Try to post once every 3 or 4 days at the least. No filling up a page with interactions between just a few people. Give everyone a chance. If your post is going to be delayed, tell everybody in the PM.

RP will start in the next post!

Easy links to the characters I'm using:

Dragoncat (played by Dragoncat) Topic Starter

(( In Fire Emblem canon, Sacae is more of a warm climate plains area, but I was informed each tribe worships a tundra animal, so change it I did. ))

The sky over Bulgar was light gray, and the air was chilly. It was an early spring morning in the tundra. A watchman stood in his watchtower near the city gates. Looking out over the frosted plains, he spotted a flying shape the color of flames coming his way. He took out his binoculars to get a better look. It was a wyvern, an orange wyvern, carrying two riders. A third rider appeared to be floating in thin air until the watchman looked closer and saw the white wyvern. The sky had been camouflage for the second wyvern, but the first was noticeable immediately.

"Hail, travelers!" The watchman greeted when the visitors were within earshot. The wyverns landed. A man with short red hair got off the white one and looked up at the watchman. "Hello. Is this Bulgar?"

"Sure is."

The orange wyvern had been carrying a woman, clearly the red haired man's sister, perhaps twin. Her green eyes widened in mild surprise. "Wow. It's gonna snow. That's all we need."

The watchman smiled. "It does snow an awful lot here. Pretty much the only precipitation we get, actually. Hardly ever rains." Then he looked at the sky and blinked. "But the sky is perfectly clear. Trust me, I know when it'll snow and when it won't."

"It might be a foreign figure of speech to you, yeah...where we come from, if somebody does something surprising, we say it's gonna snow. And just now, my brother, who is normally terrible at reading maps, successfully led us to Bulgar."

"See? I TOLD you I could do it. Only town in the middle of nowhere. A caveman could've figured it out."

"You sound like me and my sister." The watchman chuckled. "I'll open up the gates for you. Just walk the wyverns through, please. And if you need help finding something, don't hesitate to ask someone."

The twins both had lances strapped to their backs. The orange wyvern belonged to the woman, the white one to the man. Their companion was a man with gray furry cat ears and a tail. He was dressed in light leather and cloth, while the other two had light armor over tunics. Each wyvern carried a pack, as well as the rider's secondary weapon. The man had a throwing axe, the woman had a bow and some arrows.

"Are you ever going to get off my butt about that?" The man rolled his eyes at his sister.

"Probably not, admittedly..."

The cat man laughed. "At least she's honest."

"Yeah, well..." The wyvern rider's face turned almost as red as his hair. "Anyway. Who do you think we should ask for directions?"
Janella had come here because she'd heard that the town was offering a reward for bandit killing. The elf had been getting into too much trouble in the regions where she came from, and she had decided it might be best to seek out her fortune elsewhere. She enjoyed traveling and seeing new places. Especially places where people didn't know her reputation. Whenever she heard that she could make good on some bounty, she'd decided to travel to the town. Not favoring walking by herself over the tundra, she'd decided to spend the coin on a winged horse to get there. She found the company of animals to be an improvement over that of many humans, anyway. That, and it would be refreshing to have such an efficient mode of transportation that also allowed for a panoramic view of the landscape.

Janella was already in the stables, having recently arrived. She had rode in on a Pegasus, and it looked like she had been seeing to the animal. It was a male, most of it's color was gray but there were some black, dappled spots here and there. It was currently muzzle deep in some oats, it's tail flicking back and forth and occasionally scattered some of the fresh hay in it's stall. It's wings were folded over it's back, though they gave an occasional flutter. A grooming brush with some loose bits of fur was on a shelf out in the hallway, and the water was still sloshing around in the trough from where she had brought it in. The elf had been traveling for a while to get here. She knew she likely smelled like a mix of horse, sweat and dirt. With her own poor sense of smell, she really didn't get a whiff of herself often. With the smell of manure in the stables, it was probably for the best right now.

She heard a couple of others come in and looked up, seeing a few people and their wyverns. There were some other people milling about as well, either travelers, hunters or stable hands. "You here to try and get in on the bounty with all the bandits, too?" the elf called over to them, her tone was courteous but not quite friendly. Her facial expression and demeanor were neutral and relaxed. One of her spidery hands gave some scratches and pats over the Pegasus's neck, earning a distracted, muffled neigh from the animal.
Dragoncat (played by Dragoncat) Topic Starter

"Hmm?" The cat man, known officially as a laguz, flicked his ears and turned. A dark skinned woman, clearly a traveling warrior, had called to him and his adopted siblings. There was a pegasus beside her, and she was patting him and leading him.

"We are." He smiled and raised his tail slightly in a friendly gesture. "Supposed to be harassing the nomads that live around here. I can usually smell them from quite a distance. Bandits, not nomads. As far as I know..."

The white wyvern screeched softly and leaned toward the pegasus, causing his rider to pull him back and chuckle. "I don't think I've ever seen a gray pegasus with black spots before. Looks kinda like you, Samba."

"I do NOT have a long horse face and smell like manure."

"I meant the coloration."

Samba tilted his head. "Yeah, I guess. Spots instead of stripes though." He paused for a second before introducing himself. "The name's Samba. My adopted siblings and I are visiting from Tellius."

The male wyvern rider introduced himself as Leo, and his wyvern was Frostbite. His sister was Cerai. Her wyvern was named Blaze. Cerai smiled at the woman. "That pegasus has taken quite the liking to you. Maybe you should consider buying him instead of renting him." Near the reins, there was a buckle that clearly said "rental pegasus". "If the ranch even allows it. But it'd be a shame if it didn't." Blaze snorted loudly behind her and nearly made her jump. She looked back at her, and the orange wyvern sneezed. "You better not be getting a cold." Cerai said.

Frostbite sneezed behind Leo. "If she is, he's caught it too. But I hope not. They're probably just not used to the cold air." Leo turned to the woman with the pegasus after his comment. "Do you have any idea where to find these tribes? I mean, yeah, out on the tundra, but where? Do you know? Or know of somebody who does?"
Aatu Adelheid (played anonymously)

Aatu was watching the grey sky under her roof, from behind the thick round glass from the window.
Tucked away from the cold, her mind was wandering. It's been three months that very nasty bandits got to raid the vikings tribes and now magic users been said to be part of the band. It started a while ago, last year, but the problem grew too big. They were now hurting badly Aatu people. A call for mercenaries for hire has been sent across the tundra to the big cities out on the continent. Still no answer. Aatu sighed. Closing her eyes, she slowly drifted to sleep
Alex (played by EeveeMaster)

A felyne walked through town, carrying a bag on it's back.
The Pegasus neighed in protest, flapping it's wings and scattering the straw on the floor. The elf reached to pet over it's neck, muttering to it to calm it. "Well, there is always a certain amount of bandit activity, perhaps. In most places, there are. It must have worsened for them to put out a call for mercenaries. Or maybe they hit someone important and raided their stock," she speculated.

Scoffing a bit, she said, "He does not smell like manure. It's the stable." Scratching the animal under the chin, having ensured he was taken care of, she addressed the group more fully, "I'm Janella Silentread. That's Arion," she gestured to the pegasus, which was back to eating. It seemed wary of the wyverns, keeping an eye on them.

"I can find out where they are easily enough. My skills rely on stealth, and making use of shadows. I have some arcane ability that I pair with my talents as a rogue. I can see well at night, and can likely scout about on the tundra and figure out where they are," she shrugged casually. "I'm not an expert tracker, but with the flat earth and no cover, if they have any sort of fire or leave tracks, I'll be able to find them." She snickered, "Not that I intend on trying to take them out myself, they're a pretty large band if they're causing this much trouble. By my estimation, anyway. Much of the time, I scope out a group and report back what I find. Easier to kill them that way."

Lifting a hand to scratch at her hair, pulling at some tangles, she said, "Some of the city officials surely have some idea of where their camp might be, it likely moves about often. But they might have developed some patterns and routines that some of the guard have noticed. I should probably clean myself up, since I smell and look like I've been traveling for days . . . . perhaps we can meet in the tavern afterward and start asking some of the townsfolk some questions."
Aatu Adelheid (played anonymously)

The sky was beginning to darkening. There was big clouds that was screaming "Rain! Tempest!Lightning!" when Aatu woke up of her mid-day nap. She figures she could get down to the kitchen and living pieces to see how the cooking and the discussion for the future attempt at raiding the bandits where going in her family. She could use the sturdy late lunch too.
Aatu Adelheid (played anonymously)

Aatu was definitly becoming worried. She could not rest enterely until they slapped out from their lands the raidings bandits and their camps. After a meal with her cousins siblings, she headed out to the forge to find Aërin, the chef when her father was doing business away from the forge. Then she suddenly collapsed in the middle of the street.
Dragoncat (played by Dragoncat) Topic Starter

Samba nodded at the elf and smiled. "We laguz of the beast tribe have good night vision too. And my adopted sister here is a decent tracker as well." He gestured toward Cerai. "Combining our talents...those bandits don't stand a chance."

Before either twin could reply, a man yelled from the street. "Someone find a healer! This tribeswoman just fainted!"

"Tribeswoman?" Leo stood straight up and seemed to bristle.

Cerai shoved through the gathering crowd nearby. "Excuse me, coming through, excuse me..." She looked at the collapsed woman. She was definitely from one of the tribes: dressed in furs, leathers, and bone jewelry. She turned back to her companions. "We might have a lead here..." The crowd began to break up as people went their separate ways.

Leo approached the man who had yelled. "Our wyverns can transport her to the nearest infirmary, or clinic, or even church with priests that can heal, if you direct us to it."
The elf was always up for combining her talents with other people, knowing that more profit could be garnered and that it was easier to keep your hide intact if you weren't out there by yourself. She was walking away from the Pegasus, trying to find one of the locals to figure out where an inn or maybe a bath house was, whenever she heard some commotion.

Janella was curious, approaching with the other new arrivals. "A lead? How so?" the elf arched a brow, curious as to how the occurrence of a woman fainting would be a lead on the bandits. "She might just be ill."

Grateful for the offer of assistance, the man pointed southwest, "Five blocks up and then three down, there is a church with some clerics, and there is an infirmary next to it. The clerics and healers there overlap, and they should be able to help her, find out why she simply collapsed like that . . . "
Aatu Adelheid (played anonymously)

The man pointed to the north quartier of the district and as people made their way to let pass the group, rain began to fall down. People started to going back into their houses, being somewhat mefiant of the foreigners, as the trouble came over the lands.
Aatu started to convulse midway. She shot up straight, as she was being carried by the butcher brother. Droplets of water fall unto her forehead, cold, as the fever rose in her.
An medecine-mat of her tribe should not be that far, as they strolled to the house of the herbalist's town.

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