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Forums » General Roleplay » The Lupileum Pack (Just jump in.)

Lupus 'Raziel' Shado (played by Lupus-Raziel-Shadows)

A massive territory lies deep within a thick forest, untouched by human civilization. This territory belonged to a single wolf and his pack. The Alpha has been in power for as long as anyone could remember, and beyond. Though he still looked to be in his prime. The alpha is named Lupus Shadows. He is a white wolf standing at about 10' at the shoulder. From just behind his shoulders sprouted a massive set of white bat-like wings supported on dark purple bones, and his eyes were solid red, and glowing. Below his left eye was a discolored spot in the shape of a crescent moon. There are many stories about his origins. One says that he came from the stars at the beginning of wolf-kind, and established his rule then. Another states that he was a mutated cub, born in the first generation. Whatever his origin may be, he is a kind ruler, yet vicious to his enemies.

On this day Lupus rested at the opening of a large cave, centered in the pack's 'city.' Their home was a series of caves in the center of the territory. His red eyes were closed while his large head rested on his paws. His ear twitched as a rustling sound came to his attention, and his eyes slowly opened. He groggily lifted his head to look around, only to see some of his cubs playing in a nearby bush. He expression softened as he stood, and padded off into the trees to go hunt. It wasn't long before he found a beast that resembled a moose grazing in a meadow. The pack called them moreas. They were far larger then a moose, and their antlers were made of the same thing as horns were. With a soft flap of his wings, Lupus leaped into a low branches of a tree. He stalked closer, then leaped down on it, locking his jaws around it throat and severing the jugular vein. Once bringing down the morea, he dragged it to a small clearing next to the 'city' where he would commence to eating it.
Mason Woodock (played anonymously)

Other Characters (played by Lupus-Raziel-Shadows) Topic Starter

Celobra watched as her father left the caves, she was used to this. He often would go hunting, and being his oldest offspring, it would mean she was in charge until his return. She would chortle to herself as her gaze left his steady walk and fell to the cubs plating in some bushes outside the cave. They were of the youngest litter, only about three moons old. She rested her head on her paws, and was content on watching them for now.
Nick Lus (played by KylieWaterfall)

Ima just I dont have a wolf charater but I'll just... her name is going to be Lilac and her mothers name is Jay))

Lilac opened her eyes and yawned. She got up and shook her brown fur, She decided to stay in the cave and watched her mother, Jay, sleep quietly. Lilac was still a bit tired but sat down and waited for something to happen.

(Sorry its short Im not good at paragraphs)
Lupus 'Raziel' Shado (played by Lupus-Raziel-Shadows) Topic Starter

((Its fine. Mine aren't usually this long.))

Some time later Lupus would emerge from the bushes, returning to the caves. His massive form cast huge shadows across the rocks in the dimming light. Most of the pack would be gone hunting tonight as well, for it was the full moon. There was something about the full moon that made his pack hungrier for some reason. He dipped his head in greeting to his daughter, Celobra, as he entered their cave. He then carried what was left of his meal to the back of the chamber and left it there before leaving the cave again. He climbed up a rock that stood in the middle of the cave area and lied down, watching the pack move about their daily lives.
Nick Lus (played by KylieWaterfall)

Jay woke up and looked at her pup, "Now what got you up so early?" Lilac smiled at her, "I don't know" Lilac ran out of the cave her mother following slowly. Jay muscles tensed up as she walked, Lilac looked up at the sky
Lupus 'Raziel' Shado (played by Lupus-Raziel-Shadows) Topic Starter

He watched as a mother and her cub exited their cave. His white form would be blackened do to the setting sun being behind him.
Nick Lus (played by KylieWaterfall)

Lilac looked at Lupus and Jay dipped her head, "Hello Lupus" Jay stared at him
Lupus 'Raziel' Shado (played by Lupus-Raziel-Shadows) Topic Starter

He dipped his head in reply, yet remained silent.
Other Characters (played by Lupus-Raziel-Shadows) Topic Starter

Celobra padded out of the cave, her wings folded closely to her white furred body. She approached Jay and her cub. "Hey, y'all ready for tonight's hunt?" She asked, not even minding her father up on the rock.
Nick Lus (played by KylieWaterfall)

Jay turned and looked at Celobra, "I'm not sure if my pup is ready for a hunt." She looked down at Lilac that was still looking at Lupus
Other Characters (played by Lupus-Raziel-Shadows) Topic Starter

"I can tell she's still mesmerized by Father." She said with a wolf like chuckle. "I'm sure she'll do fine, there are plenty of jackalopes and small prey she can practice with." She flicked her fluffy tail in general joy and contentment.
Nick Lus (played by KylieWaterfall)

Jay nodded, "Then I guess she could come." Jay's tail flickered and Lilac ran off once more
Other Characters (played by Lupus-Raziel-Shadows) Topic Starter

"Good, Your never to young to learn, as father always says."
Celobra gave her the wolf equivalent of a smile, then looked up at Lupus.
"Though I have to say, He has been quieter the usual today."
Nick Lus (played by KylieWaterfall)

She nodded, "Yes he has..." Jay watched her pup
Wynbain (played by jpdelta)

Wynbain walks slowly through the hills, his eyes narrow and sharp. He was clearly injured but showed no care just a look of rage brought by a broken heart.
Lupus 'Raziel' Shado (played by Lupus-Raziel-Shadows) Topic Starter

Lupus would continue to silently watch as his daughter talked with the other female.
Nick Lus (played by KylieWaterfall)

Jay dipped her head, "Well I must watch my pup." Jay walked over to Lilac. Lilac smiled to her mother and her tail wagged
Wynbain (played by jpdelta)

He turned to the sent of other hounds, his curiosity peaked and he slowly turned to face the direction the wind blew the odor from and began walking. It didn't smell like the pack he sought but maybe they were related, or knew of them.
Lupus 'Raziel' Shado (played by Lupus-Raziel-Shadows) Topic Starter

The massive white form of Lupus climbed down from his post upon smelling a wolf he did not recognize. With the fur of his shoulders standing on in, he padded to the entrance to the cave area. He peered out into the darkening forest. From the strength of the scent, he knew this wolf wasn't far off.

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