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Forums » General Roleplay » The Lupileum Pack (Just jump in.)

Wynbain (played by jpdelta)

Wynbain sniffed the air his nostrils flaring as he searched for the pups mother, "we will little one we will."
Marik (played by JonahMa07)

"Don't worry Lilac"
Nick Lus (played by KylieWaterfall)

"How can I not worry!" Lilac ran ahead of them
Wynbain (played by jpdelta)

The older wolf snarled at shot after him.
Nick Lus (played by KylieWaterfall)

You keep callin Lilac a he. She's a female))

Lilac tripped on a root and fell over, "Ow!" She rubbed her muzzle
Marik (played by JonahMa07)

Easily gets in front of Lilac. "Stay behind us Lilac, you're not getting hurt too"
Nick Lus (played by KylieWaterfall)

Lilac nodded again, "Ok.." Soft breahing was heard nearby. It sounded as if something was dying.
Marik (played by JonahMa07)

"Jay?!" I call out once more
Nick Lus (played by KylieWaterfall)

"M-marik.." Jay said back. Lilac run to Jay, blood was covering her neck.
Marik (played by JonahMa07)

"Oh my... Jay!" I called out. I run to her "What happened!?"
Wynbain (played by jpdelta)

Wynbain shot up wheeling around looking for her attacker, "what happened?!"
Nick Lus (played by KylieWaterfall)

"I dont know it all happened so fast.." Jay said
Wynbain (played by jpdelta)

He growled, "they must be still around!" He sniffed the air looking for the culprit.
Marik (played by JonahMa07)

Lifts Jay onto my back. "Come on, I'm getting you back to Lupus" I say
Nick Lus (played by KylieWaterfall)

"No my time has come..." Jay looks at Lilac, "Be safe.."
Marik (played by JonahMa07)

"Jay!" I try and carry her forwards.
Wynbain (played by jpdelta)

Nodding, "quickly get back to the cave, I got Lilak." He grabbed the pup by his scruff and began to back away covering Marik and Jay.
Nick Lus (played by KylieWaterfall)

Lilac had tears falling down on her face, "You can't die!"
Wynbain (played by jpdelta)

He patted her, "it's ok it's just a flesh wound she'll be fine in time."
Nick Lus (played by KylieWaterfall)

"A-are you sure?" Lilac mumbles

You are on: Forums » General Roleplay » The Lupileum Pack (Just jump in.)

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