Walks forward with Jay on his back. "Be strong Jay" I whisper to her.
(I just woke up)
Luna ran to catch up with them. When she reached Marik, she looked to him and asked, "What can I do to help?"
Luna ran to catch up with them. When she reached Marik, she looked to him and asked, "What can I do to help?"
"Help comfort Lilac, I've got Jay"
She gave a slight nod and went to catch up with Lilac. "Hey, Lilac. What's the best thing about Jay?" She asked.
Lilac looked at Luna, "The best thing.... is her fur. I love how soft it is.."
"We'll get you back" I say softly to Jay.
Wynbain smiled at Luna's kind words, "don't worry it's alright we'll get your mom home and you'll be able to help heal her.
They begin to approach the clearing. I seem exhausted after carrying Jay all that way, especially with my bad leg. We walk towards Jay and Lilac's Cave.
Wynbain sat the pup down, "Lupus!!! Jays been attacked!!!"
Carries Jay into the cave. I set her down gently. "Jay, we're here" I say softly.
He looked Luna, "do you having healing experience?" He began to follow.
"You can heal her right Lilac?"
Wynbain grabbed some mor webs and walked over, "anyone who has no healing skills out of the cave. I do, my mom made sure of that."
"Maybe.. I havent learned everything.." Lilac started chewing on some leaves
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