Pyre-5 wrote:
((You still there?))
Velkres sighed as he sat down rebandaging his arm away from any on lookers. Aside from this the two did managed to find some new supplies and armor. Now asides from the boots and pants he wore the two was now wearing the old outdated fallen armor. "Ugh These are clearly from the Devils...." Ikota groaned as he decided swapped out damaged parts of his armor with the armor found here. Just remove the identifying markings off them if it bothers you so the way brother have you been practicing your English at all? Velkres asked as he began reload his fallen handcannon but keeping his human rifle considering the guns they found was in far worse condition. Ikota look up shaking his head. "I still don't understand why I should be learning it as well." The younger fallen chuckled as he was preparing the captain's helmet he found. "Your getting better, but it should be obvious why I'm making you learn brother. If something happens to me then how are you gonna be able to figure things out? Your luck will only get you so far." he said smiling as he donned the helmet to make sure everything was working on it. "So you really think we will find that bunker this way brother? Just imagine how helpful the stuff in there will be to us if the intel we got from those old computers are true."
The banner was the first sign that they were in too deep. "It's one of the Dusk banners," Talos realized right before they realized they were in Dusk territory, "Must have been from a while ago, if they're not around." He looked around for a minute. "We need to get moving if we're going to find those rouge Fallen." He concluded as the two went onward into the dark.
((Is it alright if I introduce a second character? She's another Fallen, but from the House of Dusk/Devils, depending on the time this takes place.))
((go for it man also we kinda established this is after the events of destiny 2 il let you post again cause cause pretty much that is why my guys are doing for a little while))
She hid atop a rooftop, occasionally downing a Taken here or a Cabal there. She enjoyed shooting the helmets off Cabal troops, watching them suffocate without them in the air; it brought her such pleasure. She wasn't concerned of being Taken, as she knew that they would pose no threat from far away. She had noticed two of her kind being chased by a Guardian, following in close suit. She didn't care if the Fallen died, as long as she was the one that found what they were after and wasn't interfered by the Guardian. Batroks watched them enter the tunnels, but stood above ground to have fun in killing. She would follow, just not until she knew the time was right.
Ikota looked back at his brother. "Judging by our findings it there is a good chance it is." Velkres said with a nod as he pulled out his old and mildly torn yellow silken scarf and wrapped it around his neck. "Good. Once we find that we can proceed to get what we can operational. Then maybe finally get in contact with our Baron." He said just as his brother waved shrugged as he started to put on vandal helmet he just found and the put his hood over the helm. "Alright enough English practice. We better keep moving before the guardian catches up" Velkres nodded as he got up although now as he grabbed his rifle another old fallen rifle next to it fell over with a audible clang. "Oh shit!" He said as both fallen raised their weapons making sure nothing rushes out from the darkness in response to the noise. A few moment passed and the two relax. "Velkres I never seen you be the one to make a mistake like that. Did you finally get your growth spurt?" Ikota said chuckling. Velkres was always sensitive over his height dude to some illness or allergy at birth that caused him to be unable to grow taller then 6'4 which is the around the height dreg and humans share so it was rather common for other captains to joke about his stature until they saw how agile he was. The response the fallen got from his brother was one of his more iconic death stares as he loaded his rifle rather slowly staring at him the whole time. "Right...Ikota remind me to smack you later. Lets get moving He said while Ikota was laughing as he followed.
Still progressing into the deep, the pair eventually found where the Fallen had been a few moments earlier. "Looks like they may have taken a few 'toys'," Talos remarked, "that could spell trouble for us." The Ghost looked around for a minute before saying, "I think they went this way. C'mon." Pyre-5 ran after his Ghost, following the trail of light.
The two brothers kept on walking down the tunnel now carrying better armor and munitions for the weapons they have. Eventually they soon reached a underground train depot. Ikota looked down at his scanner and sighed, "Brother we need to turn on the life support. Something in this area is creating a dense and toxic fog in this area." The younger fallen captain gave a nod. "I understand brother. Be sure to conserve your ether supply" He said as he hooked up his mask to his personal supply of ether as well. The two began to walk into the room. The gas in the room made the air hazy and visibility low. This alone began to put the two fallen on high alert as they slowly made their way through the fog before there was Velkres began to make something out in the fog....and it didn't take log to realize what it was. "Ikota stop....there is Taken in the mist." He said via coms in a hushed tone to avoid drawing attention. Although it didn't matter after a ball of black energy whizzed past them causing the two to scramble to whatever cover they can find. "Why cant we just get a break Ikota!?!" The captain yelled to his brother as he began to return fire.
((I'm still here))
Hearing the gunfire from deeper in the tunnels, Pyre-5 and Sirius (I renamed him) rushed to the source; a Taken ambush. "There's the Fallen," Sirius shouted over the attack, "but how are we going to get to them?" Pyre noticed the many portals the Taken were crawling through, finding each location where a rift was stationed. He began to fire at one, closing it in a matter of seconds. Unfortunately, any who didn't notice him at first now turned their heads in his direction, now opening an assault on the debris he hid behind.
Hearing the gunfire from deeper in the tunnels, Pyre-5 and Sirius (I renamed him) rushed to the source; a Taken ambush. "There's the Fallen," Sirius shouted over the attack, "but how are we going to get to them?" Pyre noticed the many portals the Taken were crawling through, finding each location where a rift was stationed. He began to fire at one, closing it in a matter of seconds. Unfortunately, any who didn't notice him at first now turned their heads in his direction, now opening an assault on the debris he hid behind.
((ah gotcha. got a lil worried since it was two weeks))
Velkres managed to spot the guardian as he ducked down to reload. "Ikota, looks like our guardian finally caught up with us. " He said as audible groan from his older brother can be heard. "Of course the guardian would show up at the worst possible moment. Any Ideas brother?" Velkres looked about seeing the weak support near the portals. Tossing a stun grenade to his brother. "Use this!" He called out to his younger brother who nodded in return. Instantly both brothers popped out of their cover and threw grenades The stun grenade went of first a it blinded the advancing forces just long enough for the other one, a high explosive to blow up next to the weak support beam causing a small cave in above where the Taken's portals was appearing. "That will keep them busy now we have one more issue to deal with." Velkres said as he gave a nod to the other fallen who now disappeared behind some remains of ruined trains. Now the captain raised his rifle toward were he last saw the guardian. "You are a persistent one I'll give you that guardian." Velkres said as he slowly started to inch to where he can only assume the guardian is with his gun raised. "But we can't let you ruin everything...not when my brother and I are so close."
Velkres managed to spot the guardian as he ducked down to reload. "Ikota, looks like our guardian finally caught up with us. " He said as audible groan from his older brother can be heard. "Of course the guardian would show up at the worst possible moment. Any Ideas brother?" Velkres looked about seeing the weak support near the portals. Tossing a stun grenade to his brother. "Use this!" He called out to his younger brother who nodded in return. Instantly both brothers popped out of their cover and threw grenades The stun grenade went of first a it blinded the advancing forces just long enough for the other one, a high explosive to blow up next to the weak support beam causing a small cave in above where the Taken's portals was appearing. "That will keep them busy now we have one more issue to deal with." Velkres said as he gave a nod to the other fallen who now disappeared behind some remains of ruined trains. Now the captain raised his rifle toward were he last saw the guardian. "You are a persistent one I'll give you that guardian." Velkres said as he slowly started to inch to where he can only assume the guardian is with his gun raised. "But we can't let you ruin everything...not when my brother and I are so close."
((Hey hey, was wondering if I could join. Seems like this thread fell off a few months back, are you interested in getting it started back up?))
((I’m back; sorry, I forgot to respond, and then lost the forum. Are you still willing to do this?))
It...he...was speaking, which was rare in such conditions, if anywhere at all; at this point, only Variks and the Spider has actually spoken in English rather than their native tongue. (Assuming they had tongues...)
“What exactly is so important here,” the Warlock shouted at a few more Taken Psions were put down just before they could replicate, “perhaps if I knew what was going on, I could get a better grasp of the situation; right now, all I’m hearing is typical Eliksni secrecy and a possible threat to the Last City. Traveler knows we need another invasion after Ghaul.” In the meanwhile, Sirius was scanning the nearby area in hopes to find anything these scavengers might want to get their claws on, just as a precaution.
“What exactly is so important here,” the Warlock shouted at a few more Taken Psions were put down just before they could replicate, “perhaps if I knew what was going on, I could get a better grasp of the situation; right now, all I’m hearing is typical Eliksni secrecy and a possible threat to the Last City. Traveler knows we need another invasion after Ghaul.” In the meanwhile, Sirius was scanning the nearby area in hopes to find anything these scavengers might want to get their claws on, just as a precaution.
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