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Forums » General Roleplay » 'The Enemy' Based RP

Jonah (played by JonahMa07)

This is an RP based on Charlie Hinson's "Then Enemy" series. If you don't know this book series, its based around the idea that anyone over 14 is turned into a zombie (with few exceptions) and the kids have to survive. In order to enter the RP, first you can make a new character with a specific format for your character to RP as (Format found in this post) and post in the RP as your character to say your in. This RP is set in the British countryside.

Here is The Character Bio Format:

Age (14 or under):
Relation to other characters (If any):

Enjoy the RP!

You are on: Forums » General Roleplay » 'The Enemy' Based RP

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus