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Forums » Suggestions & Development Discussion » Delete Button for Posts

Yep. Everyone knew this suggestion was coming.

But I've noticed it a lot, and had it happen to me... the dreaded 'double post'. Two of our posts popping up saying the same thing when we only desired one? Then what do we do?

Edit the second post with a 'oops, double-posted. Sorry'.

I think we should be able to delete those naughty double posts, and send them back to the realm of naughtiness! *raises fist*
This is a idea I can concur with as myself have either fallen victim to the dreaded double post monster or almost have. On these forums and group forums as well as other Rping site forums who neglected the idea of a delete button. Or even a edit button to change the copies saying sorry for the double post and what not. The unscrupulous lazy peoples... But yes. I second the notion of an anti double post monster delete button.
Amirrora Topic Starter

Anti-double post monster delete button ftw<3

Ha ha, You always seem to reply to my topics eh Lance?
I've seen this other places too and if memory serves, one of the concerns is that you can just delete posts that other people made that you don't want.

But what about something like Facebook did? Honestly I don't know anything about programming or stuff so it might not be possible on this kind of website but on Facebook you have the option to delete your own comment but not others.
That might help slay the evil double post.
Amirrora Topic Starter

Yes, I'd personally only want to be able to delete my own posts, not that concerned about others.

Just to slay those double-posts.
Darth_Angelus Moderator

I can delete double posts for cookies :)
Because of Darth's post, I think we should have a 'like' button too. XD (jk, lol, totally jk xD)
Darth_Angelus Moderator

And because of your reply, I second the request for a like button ;)

Yeah, I'm kidding too :D
CelestinaGrey wrote:
I've seen this other places too and if memory serves, one of the concerns is that you can just delete posts that other people made that you don't want.

But what about something like Facebook did? Honestly I don't know anything about programming or stuff so it might not be possible on this kind of website but on Facebook you have the option to delete your own comment but not others.
That might help slay the evil double post.

If memory serves me right, the only people who can delete their own posts & others are moderators and administrators, so if we did put in a delete button, that concern probably would be nonexistent (plus, we have a responsible staff group that I'm sure wouldn't delete posts for petty reasons! ;))

At any rate, I think a delete button would be useful for the double-post dilemma.
Darth_Angelus Moderator

As an alternative, what about a 5-10 second timer before another post can be made? It would stop double posts but is still short enough that it won't prevent you from posting something else soon after. Unless you have insanely fast typing skills...

But that would be trickier to code.
Sanne Moderator

I'm against users deleting their own posts. Not because I'm a big bad mod, but because a lot of valuable information can go to waste simply because people think it's not necessary anymore. This already happens frequently on forums where people edit their posts in tech support forums when their issue is solved; they remove the description of their problem and do not mention how their issue was solved, leaving other people to go guess what happened and having to post their issues all over again for an answer that was already given. It also kind of sucks if arguments happen and people just delete their posts to avoid getting caught. You can edit your post, but you can't erase your presence! *shakes finger at*

While RPR isn't a tech support forum, I don't want to encourage people to delete their delicious posts! :( What else should we feed the new victims that find their way into our hungry open arms?! With all the RP-y goodness and funny rambling etc. etc.!

(In all seriousness, I believe this can lead to more trouble than it's worth. I don't have positive experiences with people moderating their own topics, and I'd hate to have an entire topic or multiple posts vanish without a trace. It makes it difficult for mods to do their job and can encourage people to be 'nasty' without getting caught, something which I'd prefer to avoid. Of course it's not up to me to make the decision, but I hope these concerns will be considered too!)
Those that ask for Tech Support and post a question maybe we should lock it instead which would still give others a way to delete a post they feel they no longer need up. However, a quick "Can you delete this please" would allow for us Moderators to delete the post for you. So there are always alternatives.
Maybe part of the moderators jobs should be to go around the forums and delete those nasty double-posts?
I believe it is, but I also believe in common courtesy where maybe the other doesn't want their post deleted. Even if it's a double post. That way the Moderators wouldn't be possibly faulted at doing something the original poster didn't want happening. Unless of course the situation calls for it. Such as topics or posts that promote ill behavior that leads into arguments. :)
I understand your point Sherlock. But I don't think I've ever seen a place where the double post wasn't desired. xD Most moderators can identify them because the person has edited it to say something along the lines of; 'double post, ignore this' or something. I have only seen those kinds of double posts and I don't know why anyone would be angry at it being taken away. xD
As always, it's better to be safe than sorry. :)
Kim Site Admin

I'd rather program something that compares every post you make to the one you made just before to see if they are the same. Given some of the design plans I have, it may even be necessary to roll a prototype of this out very soon...

But in the meanwhile we have five very active moderators (plus me) who can delete a double post for you if you just label it "double post, please delete."

I've been burnt in some of the same ways as Sanne describes. Even though I am easily confident no one currently here wants to start any trouble, there's two reasons I am wary of this. One, I want to guard against the future and make sure that every decision made now helps to support a rosey one. Two, my gut says the real potential problem isn't so much nastiness as it is confusion.

There are lots of people who feel like they need to "clean up" old stuff, and while I am certain their mothers are very proud of them, it leads to wackiness on the internet. I'm so much a fan of unbroken continuity in conversation that I've only been deleting double posts if no one else has responded to them. Because the break in continuity in a conversation when someone's words go missing, even seemingly irrelevant words, can be quite off-putting and the time spent trying to figure out why people are joking about double posts when you can't find any is worse than having to spend .02 seconds scrolling past one. And you know the cleaning up behavior won't be limited to just double posts.

Better to just make it impossible, or really hard, to double post at all. :)
Amirrora Topic Starter

Kim wrote:
I'd rather program something that compares every post you make to the one you made just before to see if they are the same. Given some of the design plans I have, it may even be necessary to roll a prototype of this out very soon...

But in the meanwhile we have five very active moderators (plus me) who can delete a double post for you if you just label it "double post, please delete."

I've been burnt in some of the same ways as Sanne describes. Even though I am easily confident no one currently here wants to start any trouble, there's two reasons I am wary of this. One, I want to guard against the future and make sure that every decision made now helps to support a rosey one. Two, my gut says the real potential problem isn't so much nastiness as it is confusion.

There are lots of people who feel like they need to "clean up" old stuff, and while I am certain their mothers are very proud of them, it leads to wackiness on the internet. I'm so much a fan of unbroken continuity in conversation that I've only been deleting double posts if no one else has responded to them. Because the break in continuity in a conversation when someone's words go missing, even seemingly irrelevant words, can be quite off-putting and the time spent trying to figure out why people are joking about double posts when you can't find any is worse than having to spend .02 seconds scrolling past one. And you know the cleaning up behavior won't be limited to just double posts.

Better to just make it impossible, or really hard, to double post at all. :)

That sounds just as good to me.
Amirrora wrote:
Ha ha, You always seem to reply to my topics eh Lance?

Yes...I am stalking you. (`_´)ゞ heh. Nah you just start topics that I have a opinion on. And opinions make an awesome site even awesomer!
Yes...and unfortunately I had to delete some of my own and I do apologize heavily for that.

You are on: Forums » Suggestions & Development Discussion » Delete Button for Posts

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus