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Forums » Introductions » Hello


Hello everyone,

Yet another refugee from RPG, just trying to figure out this new place. I'm still deciding what I actually want to do because most of what I used to RP over on RPG I don't think will fit here. I do like however the way the pages work and I like that I can use CSS to create customization on the character pages so that is very wonderful. I'm going to have to wait though to buy a subscription so my more elaborate website work will come later.

For now I want to stay private, I have my reasons but they are important to me. On the same note though if anyone is interested in an RP or discussion please let me know. I do prefer dice rolls in my RP, I'm familiar and love D&D, I also adore creating elaborate things out of basic ideas. My background in RP came from comic book themes, but I doubt I will be indulging in that anytime soon. That said I'm open to any reasonable ideas if anyone has any.
Welcome to the site!

I've never played DnD before, so no ideas here, sorry.
Raspberry_Beret Topic Starter

That's okay, no need to have played required. But thank you for the welcome, I appreciate it.
Hey, hey you!

I know you!
Raspberry_Beret Topic Starter

Xivean wrote:
Hey, hey you!

I know you!

Lol you better know me goober
Hello, welcome to RPR! :)
Raspberry_Beret Topic Starter

Thank you! It is very nice to be here.
Ah, a new face, and shrouded in mystery, no less. Thus I bid thee welcome, mysterious Empress, for a denizen of the graceful light has come to greet your fair presence, no matter how cloaked in dark cloth I may be...

...But no really, welcome to RPR! I'm Light, but call me whatever you like that's nice. A lot of people have shown up from RPG, so I'm sure you'll find a lot of old and new faces wandering around here!

I hope we can make you feel right at home! If you need anything, just let us know, and we'll be glad to help.
Raspberry_Beret Topic Starter

It is so lovely to meet you Light. I love your writer page, it's gorgious, and thank you for the warm welcome. Perhaps we can talk about a thread. ^__^
Welcome to RPR! I am not sure what RPs you mean, but for the most part as long as something is properly tagged you can RP it here (there are some exceptions of course) Hope you are enjoying the site so far and making lots of new friends! :D
Raspberry_Beret Topic Starter

Loki wrote:
Welcome to RPR! I am not sure what RPs you mean, but for the most part as long as something is properly tagged you can RP it here (there are some exceptions of course) Hope you are enjoying the site so far and making lots of new friends! :D

Hehe long story. But yes, I am enjoying the site very much and I'm very happy to be here and to see so many from RPG here too. Thank you for making me feel welcome. I am grateful.

Hey welcome to rprepository!!!!!! I have an ity bity question.........

why do you slant you text??? I mean I noticed it so kinda wanted to know your reason!

anyways hope you have a great time!
Raspberry_Beret Topic Starter

I really think it looks cool. I just keep forgetting that it isn't a default whenever you type, so that's something I'll have to remember I suppose. And it's very nice to meet you Holly, thank you for welcoming me.
Kim Site Admin

Hello hello! We've already bumped into one another around the site, but I wanted to sneak in to your intro topic and give you an official welcome as well. ;) It's a pleasure having you with us! I know you know already, but I'll say it again: don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions at all.
Raspberry_Beret Topic Starter

Kim wrote:
Hello hello! We've already bumped into one another around the site, but I wanted to sneak in to your intro topic and give you an official welcome as well. ;) It's a pleasure having you with us! I know you know already, but I'll say it again: don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions at all.

Kim, seriously thank you for making me feel so welcome. I'm so glad to be here too. You are a treasure and it's a true honor to meet you. I promise I will not hesitate for a thing. ^__^
Sanne Moderator

Welcome CelticEmpress! Love the name you picked, is there any special reason for it? :)
Raspberry_Beret Topic Starter

Sanne wrote:
Welcome CelticEmpress! Love the name you picked, is there any special reason for it? :)

Well thank you! I love your page ^_^ you have very lovely things and I like your pictures.
I have had this name for a long time but it comes from a belief on personal empires. Everyone has a personal empire, and I rule mine benevolently but completely. Some believe that they are in control of their own destiny and others believe it comes to them as it will. In my empire, it's a mix of what comes and what has to be controlled, and like any decent empress I do take all things into consideration for the good of my empire. I'm sure that sounds incredibly egotistical, but it's just how I view my own little world.
Welcome to RPR. I'm most-always available if you have any questions or want to roleplay.
Kim Site Admin

CelticEmpress wrote:
Kim wrote:
Hello hello! We've already bumped into one another around the site, but I wanted to sneak in to your intro topic and give you an official welcome as well. ;) It's a pleasure having you with us! I know you know already, but I'll say it again: don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions at all.

Kim, seriously thank you for making me feel so welcome. I'm so glad to be here too. You are a treasure and it's a true honor to meet you. I promise I will not hesitate for a thing. ^__^

D'awwwww <3


Welcome to RPR. I'm Asroc. I RP many and mostly Canons, but I am friendly to OC RPers and will RP with them. I do mainly AU RPs as them. Enjoy your time here.

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