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Forums » General Roleplay » Running Free

Marik (played by JonahMa07)

"Looks fun" I say. "Heh, I'll give it a shot" says Monica. She begins to chase me. "You're on!" I managed to stay ahead for a bit but she eventually caught up to me and tackled me over.
Devil and Deme (played by Maylee)

“Nope your doing it wrong ya gotta make a loop around soemthing like this rock” Devil said trotting over to boulder sized jagged rock “then you have to make your way back sorta like a race but one of them gets to tackle them”she added trotting back over to them. “Ray Atlanta? Or Wolf?” Devil called out to Ray who answered “Atlanta of course”. Devil took of running quickly making it to the rock by the time Rya started running after her. She turned sharply making her way back to them as Deme and the fawns stopped to watch there always close race. Ray quickly caught up but failed to tackle her and she beat him back to them.
Marik (played by JonahMa07)

"That so?" I ask. "Well then, I want to see if I can beat you" I say to Devil.
Devil and Deme (played by Maylee)

“I can wolf you can be Atlanta, the hunter” Devil said and started running slowly at first letting him catch up before going to full speed easily turning around the rock slowly down slightly.
Marik (played by JonahMa07)

I chase after her, running full speed. I slowly gain on her and almost as she gets back, I leap forward and tackle her.
Devil and Deme (played by Maylee)

Devil falls down getting easily tackled by Marik.
Marik (played by JonahMa07)

"Heh, guess I'm ok at this game then" laughs.
Devil and Deme (played by Maylee)

“My turn to be Atlanta”Devil said crouching down about a foot away from Marik waiting for him to start.
Marik (played by JonahMa07)

I take off running. When I approach the rock, I make a sharp turn and begin to sprint back.
Devil and Deme (played by Maylee)

She quickly caught up with him and ran besides him. She jumped nocking him over and sitting on his back.
Marik (played by JonahMa07)

"Heh, guess its easier as Atlanta" I say.
Devil and Deme (played by Maylee)

“It’s eiser against one of the bucks, not Amos though he’s fast. Amos Atlanta or wolf?” Devil said glancing at Amos. “Wolf” she heard the tiny fawn answer before bounding ahead. Devil chased him and he dodged when she tried to tackle him. He watched her walk back.
Marik (played by JonahMa07)

"Fast eh?" I say to Amos.
Devil and Deme (played by Maylee)

Amos nodded smiling slightly.
Marik (played by JonahMa07)

Looks over at Devil smiling. "You're a pretty fast runner as well though." Monica nudges Devil "See, he likes you" she says quietly to her.
Devil and Deme (played by Maylee)

“No he’s just being nice because I’m new” Devil whispered back to Monica unsure wether it was true. “Monica, wanna go? I call Atlanta”Devil said and Deme day nearby watching them with some of the other deer.

(Thanks for responding)
Marik (played by JonahMa07)

"Sure" Monica said, giving her a quick smile.
Devil and Deme (played by Maylee)

Devil crouched down her ears pricked waiting for the sound of Monica’s paws running. Devil watched them not sure of who would win.
Marik (played by JonahMa07)

Monica sprinted off as fast as she could. As she approached the rock, she prepared to make a sharp turn.
Devil and Deme (played by Maylee)

Devil took off running at almost the same second that Monica started. Devil practically bounded her way up to Monica and jumped over the rock instead of a sharp turn. She toppled on top of Monica. Deme sighed slightly shifting and watched them.

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