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Forums » General Roleplay » Running Free

Marik (played by JonahMa07)

As the howl continued, more and more wolves joined in. Even the pups, led by Maya, were attempting to howl. Monica walked over to them. "Guess I'll join in" she said before howling along with the pack.
Devil and Deme (played by Maylee)

Devil shifted back a bit still listening to the howling. Wish I could howl... oh well then I’d be normal Devil thought lifting her head up to look at the sky. (Not really just looking up I guess lol)
Marik (played by JonahMa07)


As I stop howling, all the other wolves begin to stop as well. When all is silent I walk more out of the cave. "Today has been a devastating day" I say to all the wolves. "We all lost a great leader and I lost a father. Although we may all be down hearted, we must look forward. I may be injured but I promise to continue my father's legacy and keep this pack safe." The other wolves nod slightly at what I'm saying. "But for now, we must get some sleep and not wake up down cast but looking on to a bright new future!" I end my mini speech and nod to the other wolves. As all the wolves begin to head to their own dens, I limp back to the Alpha's den. "How'd I do?" I ask Devil and Monica.
Devil and Deme (played by Maylee)

“From what I heard most of them were nodding” Devil said sitting back down.
Marik (played by JonahMa07)

"Yeah, I think you'll make a great leader" Monica said. "I hope so" I reply. "Anyway its late, we should be heading to bed." "I'm looking after the pups tonight" Monica said. "See you tomorrow morning" she trots of towards the pups. I look over to Devil. "I'm assuming your going back to the cave with you brother then."
Devil and Deme (played by Maylee)

“Why wouldn’t I? I haven’t slept anywhere without him since we were born” she relied pausing before hesitantly trotting off to the forest.
Marik (played by JonahMa07)

"Ok good night!" I call over to her before I walk back into my own cave. I curl up and attempt to fall asleep.
Devil and Deme (played by Maylee)

“Night” she calls back softly and makes her way to the cave.
Marik (played by JonahMa07)

(Timeskip to next morning?)
Devil and Deme (played by Maylee)

Marik (played by JonahMa07)

As the sun rose next morning, I got up and stretched. I look out through the cave and let out a big yawn.
Devil and Deme (played by Maylee)

“Deme you awake?” Devil whispered nudging him and got a mumbled response. “I’ll be back” she whispered and trotted off to find Marik.
Marik (played by JonahMa07)

I sigh before walking to the entrance of the cave.
Devil and Deme (played by Maylee)

“Hey” Devil said softly sitting by the entrance to Mariks cave.
Marik (played by JonahMa07)

"Morning Devil" I say as I walk over to her. "How are you today?"
Devil and Deme (played by Maylee)

“Good. How about you?” She asked yawning.
Marik (played by JonahMa07)

"I'm fine, somehow I managed to get enough sleep despite all that's happened"
Devil and Deme (played by Maylee)

“Yeah me too”Devil said smiling to herself.
Marik (played by JonahMa07)

"You got a plan for today?" I ask
Astrid and Isabella (played by SkyeAnnMarie)

(Room for one more?)

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