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Forums » Introductions » Hey y'all!

Nice forum you've got here!

I'm a recent transplant from DWRP (which I never wholly clicked with) and before that from the wilds of the internet where IMRP was my bag and chatrooms came and went like farts on the breeze. I've been kindly pointed your way by a friend, and I have to say, I love the vibe you guys give off. There's a lot of cynicism online and in other RP communities I've been a part of, and I love that there's real, earnest enthusiasm here.

I'm pretty much all OCs all the time, but DWRP has gotten me well used to playing off of canons, so I'm not picky. I'm a bit slow due to real-life time constraints, and I think I'm going to get a feel for this place before I dive into anything, but it seemed the thing to do to stop by and say hello to everyone.

So, any pointers for getting used to the system here? Any other DWRP expats who have a bit of compare-and-contrast savvy to pass on?
Welcome to the site! Honestly the best way to get used to the system here is to use it and explore around with it. I recommend checking out the Forums tab, it contains a lot of what goes on here.

Hello and welcome to RPR! :D I haven't been here long myself, but I think I've hit a metaphorical jackpot with this site. (Please keep in mind that I have never actually hit a jackpot. I am not that violent.) Anyway, as Dathmach said above, I think you'll find that the forums are a great place to look when starting off. If you prefer 1x1 RPs, you may find a lot of those in the forum "Looking for RP", but there's also a lot of group RPs with unique concepts that are open. Clicking "Community" and "Browse Groups/Characters" is also a great option to find characters and groups of people who like to RP specific genres and such. Good luck and I hope you feel at home here!
Hey, welcome to RPR! :)
Yo! Welcome to RPR! I hope you enjoy your stay here, hit me up if you're interested in doing an RP!
jkatkina Topic Starter

Thanks for the warm welcome, guys! I'm just beginning to dip my toes in, and I love the way stuff's organized here. Super easy to find.
Welcome to RPR


Welcome to RPR. I'm Asroc. I RP many and mostly Canons, but I am friendly to OC RPers and will RP with them. I do mainly AU RPs as them. Enjoy your time here.
jkatkina Topic Starter

Awesome! I love AUing characters too, and that's always seemed like a cool way to handle dealing with canon/OC interactions. Actually, you sound like you might be the right person to ask -- do people usually make new profiles for AUed characters that end up getting used a lot, or is there some utility for appending some sort of AUed version of a character page onto an existing character page?

Hello hello and welcome to RPR~!
Kim Site Admin

Welcome to the site! I'm not actually sure what DWRP is, but I'd love to learn. :)

When it comes to starting RPs, most people start in the Looking For RP forum to find some other players. There's also a search tool that will help you find what you're looking for within that forum - click "Find RP" in the top menu, then "join game" then scroll to the bottom to adjust your preferences for game types. If you want more info on using that search tool, here's a handy help article.

If you end up joining someone else's RP, they'll let you know the details about how to join in.

If you're starting up your own RP, you have a few choices about how to proceed once you've found a RP partner or two.
  1. You can just create a RP topic on one of our 3 public RP forums: General Roleplay, Sci-Fi Roleplay and Fantasy RP. Keep in mind that because these areas are public, you'll have to make sure the RP stays in the PG-13ish range.
  2. You can choose to RP via private messages, and just create a new conversation thread with all your RP partners as recipients. Since this is private, the only rules that tend to apply are not to do OOC illegal things and be nice to your RP partners OOC.
  3. If you're going to have a whole lot of people in your RP, or the RP setting is going to be very strictly defined and you want to have a place to store world building information alongside it, you might consider starting your own group. This gives you access to profile building tools for the group, but also to creating your very own forums!
  4. In some cases, you and your RP partner might even decide to use some other messenger or game to RP on.

By the by, you can use the "launch chat" button at the top and bottom of any forum topic, whether it's in a private group forum or our public RP forums, to turn your topic into a real time chat! There's also a link in the sidebar of private messages that will let you do the same.

Hey der how ya do'n **Thick Country Accent.**
Welcome to RPR! :) I hope you're really enjoying the site so far!

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