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Forums » Introductions » New Banana in Town

Well, I'm Banana, and I've officially been recruited here after the fall of RPG. I've been migrating the interwebs looking for a good fit for a while now, and I'm hoping this will be my last stop on my journey.

I've always been absolutely terrible at talking about myself, but I'll give a go.

It all started 23 years ago--- No, don't worry, I'm kidding. It started about 10 years ago, give or take, on MySpace with my cousin, at least my roleplaying did. I've been around on and off, going by different names here and there and everywhere. With any luck, I'll find a place to stay here.

Dark and psychological themes are my ish, but I'm not completely opposed to lighter threads. I'm a fairly versatile writer, as long as I'm in the current mood for something. I'm leaning more towards science fiction at the moment, but, well, like I said, I'm versatile.

I prefer longer threads - at least multi. But if you want to just mess around a little bit while you wait for a longer reply, I'm more than happy to goof off in one-liners to para. As long as it's kept separate, that's perfectly fine with me.

I'm super laid back about pretty much everything. And if there's a problem with something, I'm perfectly capable of talking it out~

And yeah, that's about all I have in me about me, ha. Feel free to hit me up with questions or whatever.


Hi Banana

Welcome! We're happy to have you here, and I hope you stay! :D

Banana~! Yes! I'm so glad you've joined. This place is pretty freaking rad, if I do say so myself. Welcome to the RPR and make yourself at home.
Welcome to the site Banana. What an interesting name to choose. Hope you enjoy the site.
Hey, welcome to RPR! :)
Yo! Welcome to RPR! I hope you enjoy your stay here, hit me up if you're interested in doing an RP!
Welcome to the site! Hope you don't get eaten up!
Or if you least be it the fun variety of being "eaten" lol

Anyways welcome to RPR from a fellow RPG refugee


Welcome to RPR. I'm Asroc. I RP many and mostly Canons, but I am friendly to OC RPers and will RP with them. I do mainly AU RPs as them. Enjoy your time here.
Hi banana! ;D welcome welcome. Please DO start up so new and fresh sci-fi action. There haven't been many it seems, fantasy is the fav here, which is fun too!
Anyhew, goodluck :D
Heya Banana!

A lot of people are finding their way here after the fall of RPG. Hopefully you'll enjoy your time here!

Kim Site Admin

Welcome to the site! I assume you've already seen this, but just in case, here's the link...

How are you liking the site so far? Do you have any questions for us? :)

Hey der how ya do'n **Thick Country Accent.**
Welcome to RPR! I hope you're loving the site so far! :D
Oh Banana-Rama, I think you'll find your stay here a very pleasant one. Awesome writers abound and there is no shortage! Especially now that another one joined the ranks. Welcome!


hello and welcome :)

Welcome Banana!!

Banana~ hehehe, its a fruit XD
I love and adore you. So glad you ported over here with us!

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