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Forums » Looking for RP » Supernatural Highschool RP (1x1) (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Aster (played by godhatesleo)

Aster laid his chin on his hand, eyes threatening to fall asleep. His teacher was going on a long rant about having to control your instincts in public, or something like that. His wrist was itchy, he had to hold back the urge to scratch it in fear that he would accidentally pull it back, revealing tons of dried up scars. If anybody saw that, it would go anything but right. He was already made fun of for things as stupid as his name, he didn't want to make it worse for himself.
It was his final hour, and he practically jumped 100 feet high in joy, and he bolted out of the classroom and ran for his dorm room. However, his plans came to a halt, as someone he couldn't make out the face of quite yet stopped him in his tracks.
"Woah, slow down Flower Boy. Where ya going? Have plans with your boyfriend, huh?" the boy said, crossing his arms with a smirk.
"Shut up, fluffy. Why don't you go mind your own business? And FYI, I don't have a boyfriend, thanks. I'd like to go now," Aster said, clutching his fists.
"Why so soon? I wanna have some fun with you Flower Boy," he said, lifting his long arms and pushing Aster, making him stumble backwards a few steps.
"Now... isn't exactly the best time. Would you mind backing off?" Aster tried moving passed him, but he stepped in front of him again.
"Dont go, not yet, I've only just begun!" he cracked his knuckles, then his fist met Asters face, causing the black-haired boy to fall to the ground. When he looked back up at him, his eyes were no longer bright blue, but a dark shade of red. He was quick to get up, and when he did, he grabbed the bully's shoulders, and kneed him hard in the stomach. When he was him doubling over, Aster continued running down the hall.


PM me if you're interested in rping this with me! If you'd like, we could first discuss some sort of plot, or we could simply go with the flow and see where we end up. Paragraphs are preferred, but not required. Anything is alright as long as the RP is readable and gives me something to work off of, instead of just 'jared breathed.'
You can continue off of the starter I've already made, or make a new started/scene if thats what you prefer. Our characters could end up in a few different situations, which could be platonic or romantic, or both, depending on your character and how you'd like the rp to go~
For the most part, any character is fine, as long as they have some sort of power (it could be something as simple as the ability to change their eye color at will), aren't a mary-sue and aren't super OP.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask~!
Magic 80%
Magic is common.
Technology 50%
Combat 10%
Small possibility of combat, usually brief and not detailed.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

Aster (played by godhatesleo) Topic Starter

bump :~)
Aster (played by godhatesleo) Topic Starter

Aster (played by godhatesleo) Topic Starter

b u m p
Daku Yokubo (played by Fieryblood)

Daku arrived at the school, he looked around, he then shook his head, this was what it all came to. He was not in the best of moods, he was sure he wasn’t going to like it here. He wasn’t liking it anywhere so his mother had pleaded him, begged him to go to this school to get his mind off what happened and he had finally agreed, he had packed up that very day and left for school, leaving his mother in charge of the realm, letting her handle things again.
He had actually taken over once already, but he needed to work with himself before he could rule properly so he left there to start in school, maybe he could be taught control, which was exactly what he needed.

Daku looked at the clock, he should just head to the dorm, classes were over, so he tried to find his way to the dorm he had a letter to follow, giving him instructions, but it was still a really big school, and not so easy.
He turned a corner and saw some guys pick on another guy, he frowned and narrowed his eyes at the bullies, he hated bullies more than anything, he stood back and watch, he was new, it was not smart to get involved in things on the first day, so he just watched as the bully got what he deserved, Daku smirked and watched the other guy run off. Then Daku approached
“You know, I really despise those who pick on those less fortunate”
He would then say, the bully turned towards him and Daku snapped his fingers, a pulse of dark energy surged around him and without having touched the bullies, they all kneel down, holding their heads and screaming out, Daku walked pass them down the same hall the other guy went, once Daku turned the corner he would snap his fingers again and the screams stopped as the dark aura around him disappeared too. He would head towards the dorms.
Aster (played by godhatesleo) Topic Starter

DesWaterfall (played by WubbleFish)

Could I take part in this RP?
Aster (played by godhatesleo) Topic Starter

DesWaterfall wrote:
Could I take part in this RP?
whoops its been like over a month but if youre still interested, im avaliable!
Aster (played by godhatesleo) Topic Starter

giovanni wrote:

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Supernatural Highschool RP (1x1) (closed)

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