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Forums » Introductions » RP anyone?

hey guys come rp with me
Welcome to the site! A good place to start rps would be in the Find Rp section.
Hey, welcome to RPR! :)


Welcome to RPR. I'm Asroc. I RP many and mostly Canons, but I am friendly to OC RPers and will RP with them. I do mainly AU RPs as them. Enjoy your time here.
Hello Jaded-Pixel, welcome to the RP site!

what type of RP are you looking for? 1x1 or group based? PM or forum based? what genre is your favourite choice? fantasy? sci-fi? general?

Do you have any plots already in mind? If so why not add a topic under "Looking for RP" you can either talk about ideas for stories or the type of RP partner that you're looking for
Hey, Jaded-Pixel, welcome to the site!

A good way to find RP buddies is to post in the Looking For RP forum with details of what you're looking for. The more detailed you are, the more likely you'll be able to find the partner/character combo you're looking for! :)

I hope you enjoy it here!
Kim Site Admin

Hi! Glad to meet you. :)

Can you tell us a bit more about yourself? For example, tidbits like... What's your favorite animal? What's your favorite RP genre? What do you hope to find here?

This is a pretty big site with a lot of features and areas, so just in case you run into questions, there's a couple things you can try. You can always try typing your question into the search box, or you can go to the Help section to see a list of popular articles. If you can't find it there, everyone here is awesome and friendly. Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or suggestions!
Hey always up for some

Welcome to RPRep! :D
Welcome to the site, I hope we can roleplay together and I hope that you will enjoy your time here too.
Ha, welcome! I hope you found some folks to RP with. If you haven't, you should create a character and put up an ad in the 'Looking for RP' forum with an idea or two that you'd like to play out. I find that tends to get bites more quickly.

Thank you im slowly getting the hang of it
Welcome! If you're still looking you can always check my open rps in the fantasy rp section. I wish you luck regardless.
wrong forum but welcome lmao
Jaded-Pixel wrote:
hey guys come rp with me

This right here is the most direct and succinct introduction ever.

Welcome, jaded one.
Hey there! Welcome to RPR! We're all a group of crazy weirdos who love to RP, duh! Don't be afraid to shoot me a Pm if you wanna chat or RP! Have fun here!
Hello! Love your profile picture. Pangolins are too cute!
Jaded-Pixel wrote:
hey guys come rp with me
Hey! Do you do romance, realistic, school, etc. roleplays?

You are on: Forums » Introductions » RP anyone?

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