This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
It was rainy day, perfect for splashing around in a puddle, perhaps playing with a paper boat? Yes! That sounds like an amazing idea! You go get an old newspaper nobody was reading anymore, folded it into a small paper boat, and grabbed your yellow raincoat. Cold, heavy rain fell on your face as you ran outside and put your boat down into a stream. You chased it down the street of your neighborhood, having a grand ol' time, until it kept going and going and you couldn't keep up with it. It went right down into the storm drain! Of course your just a silly child and reached down to get it. Suddenly, a face popped up, and startled you. "Hello." A feminine voice was heard. It sounded calm, and her yellow eyes were visible in the darkness. Sounds of small streams could be heard from the sewers below. She looked young, maybe about your age, and you noticed she was holding your boat in, wait, is that a claw? You felt scared, but you wanted your boat back. She held it out to you, and you reached for it, but then suddenly a low, loud growl could be heard.
Hey hey hey its me again~~~!
lol i still suck at coming up with ideas, but i LOVED the new IT movie and yeah I created an oc for it. I had this idea and i wanted to do it, but yeah i'm bad at describing exactly what I want...
This isn't the starter for this rp, just something to go off of it heh.
So what am i looking for this rp? I'm looking for a child character.... preteens could work as well (I'm thinking about ages 8-14... maybe older?) You could change your characters into children lol I don't really care... but yeah.
1. Swearing. Yes, there's going to be a lot of swearing probably... so be okay with that.
2. Adult Topics. Yes, a lot of that also.
3. Violence and gore... Nodding
For writing length, for this rp in particular, please be able to write maybe 2+ sentences... please please please don't just write "She/he nodded." I can't really go off of that... One liners are fine, if your in a conversation with someone I understand you cant always write actions during convos....
Moving on....
We're wrapping up here I promise
Where do i plan for this rp to go? Well, I'm thinking that your character could befriend Melanie, maybe help her fit into the human world. Take her to school, introduce her to some of their friends, make her feel human! hahah don't worry i'm gonna do some scary stuff too!
Okayyyy! Last thing! Please don't just get up and leave after we start the rp... it kinda makes me feel like I did something wrong (even though I didn't really) Just stick around! If you get bored, just tell me! Ill come up with some more ideas (well i hope you have some to...)
Alrighty! That's it! Just pm me or reply to topic if interested! Cant wait to start this haha.
Hey hey hey its me again~~~!
lol i still suck at coming up with ideas, but i LOVED the new IT movie and yeah I created an oc for it. I had this idea and i wanted to do it, but yeah i'm bad at describing exactly what I want...
This isn't the starter for this rp, just something to go off of it heh.
So what am i looking for this rp? I'm looking for a child character.... preteens could work as well (I'm thinking about ages 8-14... maybe older?) You could change your characters into children lol I don't really care... but yeah.
1. Swearing. Yes, there's going to be a lot of swearing probably... so be okay with that.
2. Adult Topics. Yes, a lot of that also.
3. Violence and gore... Nodding
For writing length, for this rp in particular, please be able to write maybe 2+ sentences... please please please don't just write "She/he nodded." I can't really go off of that... One liners are fine, if your in a conversation with someone I understand you cant always write actions during convos....
Moving on....
We're wrapping up here I promise

Where do i plan for this rp to go? Well, I'm thinking that your character could befriend Melanie, maybe help her fit into the human world. Take her to school, introduce her to some of their friends, make her feel human! hahah don't worry i'm gonna do some scary stuff too!
Okayyyy! Last thing! Please don't just get up and leave after we start the rp... it kinda makes me feel like I did something wrong (even though I didn't really) Just stick around! If you get bored, just tell me! Ill come up with some more ideas (well i hope you have some to...)
Alrighty! That's it! Just pm me or reply to topic if interested! Cant wait to start this haha.
On very, very, rare occasions there may be unexplained, POSSIBLY supernatural events. Minor "environmental" magic. Perhaps implies the existence of a deity or supernatural entity. Or perhaps it's just tricks?
Combat is expected as part of the storyline but it won't dominate the plot.
Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.
yuno_gasai wrote:
Hello! You may pm me whenever you'd like!
HinakoAckerman wrote:
Hey! Shoot me a pm whenever your ready!
Celobra Shadows wrote:
I could use a human version of this character.
Sure! Pm me

beep beep
I will love to rp with this! I love IT even though I hate clowns
Alicesweet wrote:
I will love to rp with this! I love IT even though I hate clowns
Alright! Pm me when you get a chance!

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » I wont let IT hurt you (Horror RP) (closed)
Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus