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Forums » Looking for RP » Supernatral High (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Supernatural high is a high school for Supernatural teens. Feel free to start when your ready,Warning:Violence is a norm in this rp.
-NO sexual content.
-Treat others with respect.
Magic 100%
Mundane? What's that? Magic permeates every part of the setting. Almost everyone has access to strong magic.
Technology 50%
Combat 10%
Small possibility of combat, usually brief and not detailed.

Details: Character sheets & strict mechanics, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

Antero Perez (played by CoyBoat275)

I'm interested!
Celobra Shadows (played by Lupus-Raziel-Shadows)

Sounds fun, I'm down
Lukida (played by Raven14)

(Lukida's down! So we just start right)

Lukida made her way down the hall to her class hiding her wings she hid what she truly was in order to not be judged for Angels we not very high and mighty in the eyes of others. Once she found her class room she sat down quietly and layed her head down on her desk wrapped away in her arms.
Celobra Shadows (played by Lupus-Raziel-Shadows)

I would suggest making a post in the Fantasy or General Role-play forum for actually role-play.

Ya but in rp your supposed to just rp is what it says! And im interested but don't know what character to use!
I'm down to use Ice.
Antero Perez (played by CoyBoat275)

Lukida wrote:
(Lukida's down! So we just start right)

Lukida made her way down the hall to her class hiding her wings she hid what she truly was in order to not be judged for Angels we not very high and mighty in the eyes of others. Once she found her class room she sat down quietly and layed her head down on her desk wrapped away in her arms.

Antero ran into the class room, trying not to be late. But then, crashed into the desk and fell over, "OWWW!" He quickly got up and picked up the desks he knocked down. He then sat down, appologising to the teacher.
Volana Blevins (played by SmewQueen)

Antero wrote:
Lukida wrote:
(Lukida's down! So we just start right)

Lukida made her way down the hall to her class hiding her wings she hid what she truly was in order to not be judged for Angels we not very high and mighty in the eyes of others. Once she found her class room she sat down quietly and layed her head down on her desk wrapped away in her arms.

Antero ran into the class room, trying not to be late. But then, crashed into the desk and fell over, "OWWW!" He quickly got up and picked up the desks he knocked down. He then sat down, appologising to the teacher.

Volana was already in class reading a book. The room started to heat up as she got to an exiting part. She smiled and got more buried into the book. Her reading was disrupted as the desk next to hers fell and hit her side. She put down her book and started smoking trying to calm down. 'Don't get mad don't get mad. I'm clumsy too.'

'Hey Vio remember that time you triped over that guys coat and face planted while everyone was watching?' Her crystal glowed inside her pocket. 'Shut up.' 'Lol it was so funny! So graceful am I right.' 'Heh yea.' Then she spoke out loud. "That was hilarious!"

(Heads. When I roleplay I use 'for thoughts' and "for speaking.")
Antero Perez (played by CoyBoat275)

Volana Blevins wrote:

Volana was already in class reading a book. The room started to heat up as she got to an exiting part. She smiled and got more buried into the book. Her reading was disrupted as the desk next to hers fell and hit her side. She put down her book and started smoking trying to calm down. 'Don't get mad don't get mad. I'm clumsy too.'

'Hey Vio remember that time you triped over that guys coat and face planted while everyone was watching?' Her crystal glowed inside her pocket. 'Shut up.' 'Lol it was so funny! So graceful am I right.' 'Heh yea.' Then she spoke out loud. "That was hilarious!"

(Heads. When I roleplay I use 'for thoughts' and "for speaking.")

He looked over to the girl, "Huh? Funny? Honestly, I just, tumbled, over that joke." he said smirking. Everyone else in the class groaned at the child's terrible pun, "Guess you could say I needed a little, trip me up this morning!" he laughed sitting down on his desk. Everyone in the class hated these puns, "Hey, you got to give me some credit. I made these puns, on the fall!" One child threw a paper ball at him. He knew that he should now shut up. So he did, a wide grin on his face
Um this forum topic should be moved to either the General Roleplay or Fantasy Roleplay forum list, this is just the OOC chat. The GR and FR forums are IC, or used actual role playing.
Volana Blevins (played by SmewQueen)

Antero wrote:
Volana Blevins wrote:

Volana was already in class reading a book. The room started to heat up as she got to an exiting part. She smiled and got more buried into the book. Her reading was disrupted as the desk next to hers fell and hit her side. She put down her book and started smoking trying to calm down. 'Don't get mad don't get mad. I'm clumsy too.'

'Hey Vio remember that time you triped over that guys coat and face planted while everyone was watching?' Her crystal glowed inside her pocket. 'Shut up.' 'Lol it was so funny! So graceful am I right.' 'Heh yea.' Then she spoke out loud. "That was hilarious!"

(Heads. When I roleplay I use 'for thoughts' and "for speaking.")

He looked over to the girl, "Huh? Funny? Honestly, I just, tumbled, over that joke." he said smirking. Everyone else in the class groaned at the child's terrible pun, "Guess you could say I needed a little, trip me up this morning!" he laughed sitting down on his desk. Everyone in the class hated these puns, "Hey, you got to give me some credit. I made these puns, on the fall!" One child threw a paper ball at him. He knew that he should now shut up. So he did, a wide grin on his face

"In all my life I never thought I'd here puns worse than my crystal's. And that's saying a lot. Because it's jokes are REALLY bad." 'Are not.' "Are too."

(but how do we move this form somewhere else?)
Celobra Shadows (played by Lupus-Raziel-Shadows)

Mathgeek124 wrote:
Um this forum topic should be moved to either the General Roleplay or Fantasy Roleplay forum list, this is just the OOC chat. The GR and FR forums are IC, or used actual role playing.

I tried to tell them.......
Antero Perez (played by CoyBoat275)

has it been moved yet?
Volana Blevins (played by SmewQueen)

Antero wrote:
has it been moved yet?

How do we move it? Doesn't the creator have to do that?
Antero Perez (played by CoyBoat275)

Yah, the person who did this have to move it.
Volana Blevins (played by SmewQueen)

Antero wrote:
Yah, the person who did this have to move it.

Antero Perez (played by CoyBoat275)

Volana Blevins wrote:
Antero wrote:
Yah, the person who did this have to move it.

Don't worry, I'll ask them to move it. To bad though,all my puns were for knot.
Lukida (played by Raven14)

Ya XD they were

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Supernatral High (closed)

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