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Forums » Looking for RP » Winter Waste Land (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Winter Wasteland
Is a new plot idea that, actually seems legitimately good. Let me set the story,

Once upon a time, the Earth was living in prosperity, and everyone was living in peace. But disaster reared it's ugly head. The Earth was soon turned into a snow ball, causing a new ice age. Oceans frozen, connecting all of the world together. The world's inabients were forced to live under ground, and to come out only when the time was right. Fortunately, luck was on the animals and residents side. Most of the animals have adapted and evolved to the harsh winters and inabitents were able to set up small villages around the world, connected each to another through radio. For years has passed the world have lived in a peaceful state, with these harsh conditions, but others were getting restless, wars started to break out and soon, the Earth was divided into three parts. Between the north and south poles, the neutral zone. This place mainly inhabitants merchants, quarries, all led by a very powerful man. To the east, live the smartest of the residents. These were mainly scientist, builders and engineers. Onto the west, lived the brutes. Hard as ice and with massive army's, all trained through the harsh winters. The world might go to war again. But it is unsure. Who knows, it might happen again...

Well, what do you people think? Cool huh? Anyways, I'm looking for, let's say 4 others to join me for this rp. Im really exited to see how it goes. Here is some rules to the rp however.
1. Volance is allowed, but don't kill others.
2. Any Race of creature is allowed to rp!
3. Cursing must be kept to a minimum. Be nice.
4. You must at least post five scentices. Although if you really can't. Then try to manage two.
5. You must be active! At least post when another does.
6.No op an have fun!

If you are interested in joining, please say so. I'll wait until we have about 4 players. I think that is it!

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

Would a Pokemon work? You said any race of creature, so I'm making sure.
CoyBoat275 Topic Starter

Felyne wrote:
Would a Pokemon work? You said any race of creature, so I'm making sure.
Yep! That is completely fine
CoyBoat275 Topic Starter

SmewQueen wrote:
O3O Ok... You can join as well. Not because I'm nice, but if I said no, you would kill me out f revenge XD lol, just kiding
CoyBoat275 Topic Starter

Ok, if by 12:00 no one else joins in, I'll post the rp.
CoyBoat275 Topic Starter

ok so im two hours late but heres the RP post

Hey der do I have in characters that could jump in??
CoyBoat275 Topic Starter

Lupus-Raziel-Shadows wrote:
Hey der do I have in characters that could jump in??
Any character you feel that is perfict for a snowball winter!
CoyBoat275 wrote:
Felyne wrote:
Would a Pokemon work? You said any race of creature, so I'm making sure.
Yep! That is completely fine
Ok, I'm thinking about a Litten that's beening studied by the scientist of the east for it's heat without harming or tiring it out.
CoyBoat275 Topic Starter

Felyne wrote:
CoyBoat275 wrote:
Felyne wrote:
Would a Pokemon work? You said any race of creature, so I'm making sure.
Yep! That is completely fine
Ok, I'm thinking about a Litten that's beening studied by the scientist of the east for it's heat without harming or tiring it out.

Hmm, the fire cat in a snowball? That is perrfict!
It's said "Purrfect."
CoyBoat275 Topic Starter

Felyne wrote:
It's said "Purrfect."
Lupus 'Raziel' Shado (played by Lupus-Raziel-Shadows)

I'm thinking this guy, but toned down power wise.
Copen Kamizono (played by Asroc)

I may join in.

Robot sidekick allowed?
CoyBoat275 Topic Starter

Lupus wrote:
I'm thinking this guy, but toned down power wise.
Yep! That is fine!
CoyBoat275 Topic Starter

Copen Kamizono wrote:
I may join in.

Robot sidekick allowed?
Your allowed to join. And as long as no one licks your robot anD get their thounge stuck, it's fine. XD
Copen Kamizono (played by Asroc)

Can not wait
But. I don't really want to control the scientists. It would get annoying. Also, for any combat, if you want a song for it, try "Cold as Ice" - A Original Minecraft song.
Copen Kamizono (played by Asroc)

Don't worry. His robot just floats around him. She's small~

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Winter Waste Land (closed)

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus