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Forums » General Roleplay » High School Romance RP

Jonah (played by JonahMa07)

Welcome to the RP! So basically, this RP is based in a high school named Mortyn's public school (Just Mortyn's to the teachers and pupils). Magical abilities are allowed but no non human species and no OP characters. Sexual content is to be kept to a minimum (hugging and kissing) but romance is encouraged. Flirting is definetly allowed ;) . All characters must be between 13-18. Violence is allowed.

So that's pretty much all the rules. The RP begins on the first day of school. Have fun!
Nick Lus (played by KylieWaterfall)

Kylie woke up in her bed and looked around her room. She grabbed her phone to see no messages and got up. Kylie yawned and walked over to her closet. Grabbing her new outfit she put it on.
Meghan (played by NeoKitty563)

(Can I join?)
Meghan (played by NeoKitty563)

She woke up and sighed. "Another day I guess.
Jonah (played by JonahMa07) Topic Starter

(You can if you want Meghan)
Jonah (played by JonahMa07) Topic Starter

He looked into his bathroom mirror. He had just moved to a new town and now it was his first day at his new school. He was not a shy person and he was always flirting with the girls and messing around with the boys but these were new people. He had to make a good impression today.
Nick Lus (played by KylieWaterfall)

Kylie walked to her bathroom and closed the door. She started brushing her teeth when her little sister barged in, "Hey are you getting ready? Make sure you make a lunch or else Im telling." Kylie growled and pushed her sister out while her toothbrush was in her mouth. She locked the door and continued to brush her teeth. After that she walked into the dining room and watched Youtube.
Chelsy Ray (played by Lupus-Raziel-Shadows)

The tall, darkly dressed girl stalks through her small trailer house, gathering everything she needed before leaving. After stuffing everything she needed into a black leather bag, then said bye to hr dad and walked out the door. She climbed into the driver seat of her '78 Malabu, and turned the key over. once she was sure it was running, she flipped the lights on, and turned the radio to 94.7 The Brew, a local rock station. She kicked it in gear, and drove out the gate and down the dark country roads towards the school.
Sissy (played by Maylee)

(Are Jonah and Sissy oblongs for this rp?)
Jonah (played by JonahMa07) Topic Starter

(What're oblongs? If you meant siblings then yes, they are)
Nick Lus (played by KylieWaterfall)

Kylie got back up and made herself a lunch. She threw it in her backpack and waited for the bus. Her short brown hair blew in her face she fixed her glasses and continued to watch Youtube.
Jonah (played by JonahMa07) Topic Starter

He walked down stairs wearing casual black trousers and a dark blue shirt. He walked to the kitchen and grabbed an apple and bit into it. As he was early, he went up stairs and logged onto his computer and emailed one of his friends from his old town. He leaned back in his chair. Today was gonna be a good day.
Nick Lus (played by KylieWaterfall)

She realized that the bus wasnt going to come soon she walked back inside and walked to her room. Kylie sat at her computer and messed around on it. She got on her animation software and played around with that
Jonah (played by JonahMa07) Topic Starter

His sister (Sissy) was starting school as well today. "Late up as usual" he thought. A quick glance at the clock revealed that he was gonna have to leave in 15 minutes.
Sissy (played by Maylee)

She stumbled down the stairs nearly running into Jonah. Luna walked down the stairs after her jumping over the last few steps.
Jonah (played by JonahMa07) Topic Starter

He logged of and chucked the core of the apple into the bin before walking down the stairs. "You're not seriously bringing Luna to school are you?" He asks Sissy
Nick Lus (played by KylieWaterfall)

Kylie yawned and looked at the time. Her eye widened realizing she missed her bus. She jumped up grabbed her bag and ran to the next bus spot just in time as the bus stopped. She got on and sat in the front
Chelsy Ray (played by Lupus-Raziel-Shadows)

In time, Chelsy drove into town. She would have switched her headlights to the dims if she could, but her car was so old it didn't have dims. Her windows were rolled down, and the song Strength of the World by Avenged Sevenfold was blaring through the radio.
Brity woke up the morning of school and sighed. "Late on the first day.." She whispered. She got out of the bed and took a shower and quickly brushing her teeth. She put on a cute beige lace sweater and a pink skirt. She put on her white converse and quickly got some toast and ran out the door, beginning to walk to school.
Antero Perez (played by CoyBoat275)

Antero was in his room still sleeping. He slowly rose up from his sleep, "Uh.. What time is it?" he looked at his clock and jumped up, "Crud! I'm going to be late!" he got up quickly and dressed up. He then ran out the door and zoomed down the streets, "Can't be late, can't be late!"

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Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus