The remaining boys fled leaving just the one that had kicked Luna. “Uhh we can umm talk this out right?” He said then saw they were serious and took of running.
(Jonah respond on running free)
(Jonah respond on running free)
He lets out a sigh and watches them run off “god I hate pepole like him “
Luna ran off chasing them but came back quickly a price of torn jean fabric hanging form her mouth with blood on it as if she had bite one of there legs. Sissy limped over to Jonah (still as a wolf) and nudged his hand as a way of saying thanks.
(Sissy and Luna were getting bullied by a group of boys and Jonah and William came to the rescue)
(Sissy and Luna were getting bullied by a group of boys and Jonah and William came to the rescue)
I stroke her head. "You can go back to human form now sis." I look over to William "Thanks for helping out"
She hesitated before turning into human. “Y y your t the best b b bro” Sissy said punching Jonah in the shoulder. “H hi” she said to William giving a small wave.
HE nods calmly “there’s no need to thank me” he sighs he loooks at sissy “sup”
I smirk at Sissy. "You're my only family, I'm not about to let you get hurt"
She garbbed Luna’s leash and pet her head. “G good g girl” she mumbled to Luna crouching down to kiss her forehead.
William gave a weak smile and began walking back to his bench
Kylie rolled off her crouch and mumbled to herself, no one came home yet and she was a bit worry
He sighed and sat on the bench and saw the gang that beat up his face walked in “What... no no not now...” he began to panic “just stay calm and do what they say or hide” he told himself
She noticed a group of peaple walking up to William and turned into a wolf trotting over to him growling at the group. Luna closely followed her her massive size enough to scare at least one of them.
Kylie grabbed her phone from the charger and started watching animations maps cuz she had no one to talk to.
William looked at Luna quickly and panicked “uh no.. the gang the did this to my face is here you should hide I don’t want you or anyone else to get hurt”
All of the gang members ran off except the leader who rolled his eyes and kept walking to William “Hey buddy! Been awhile”
All of the gang members ran off except the leader who rolled his eyes and kept walking to William “Hey buddy! Been awhile”
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