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Forums » General Roleplay » Trick or Treat - Asroc

Asroc - The Pygmalion Furnace (played by Asroc)

"Candy? Too much for me to handle..."

The young French Chef would gather some better treats he baked beforehand. Various Halloween themed cookies and cupcakes were made. The cup cakes being iced with Halloween type colours and topped off with pumpkins, ghosts, black cats, bats and some witches.

The cookies where in various shapes as well. From Witch faces, Werewolf heads, pumpkins, bats, cats and a few modelled after his robot, Gelette Krone.

He was in costume, which was a French Chef. Turning to his larger robot Gelette Krone, he adjusted the jacket and scarf that he wore.

"You will be a big help this year. You and Petite Krone... speaking of, where did he go?"

A smaller robot toddled out, nearly tripping. He wore a chef outfit where the hat fell over his optics. Taking his tiny metal hands, he pushed up his hat. That was when Asroc hoisted him up and placed him on a table, fixing his outfit.

"Now you. You and Gelette will be of a help. Please pass out these treats to those primitives. I worked hard on these and I am doing a good cause. Some social interaction would do me well."

Outside where he was, which was Eden of course was decorated. All his team mates pitched in. From illuminated Green, orange and purple lights, to various sound effects, fog and near realistic creatures, created by Teseo.

Motioning for Gelette Krone to pick up a large tray of the treats, which were wrapped up in orange, purple and green bags and tied off with orange and black ribbons. The smaller robot was rather excited. He had his own tray as well. He was careful, trying not to drop it.

All three now waited out the door for the on coming prim... humans and other creatures to get their treats.
Farra (played by DragonQueen)

-farr was dressed as a witch. With a skull dress, a black witches hait with a bucke on it,and a purple vile clasped to a belt arpund her purple sash. her boots were original witches boots, and her hair had been dyed black with purple tips. Her wings had even changed into black and purple as she entered the sweet shop- oh my what goodies! nerpver seen anything as scrumptious since my mother baked me treats when i was just a little tot! -a chip,unk followed me,dressed as a cat- cmon nuts!
Asroc - The Pygmalion Furnace (played by Asroc) Topic Starter

Asroc's smaller robot would scope out someone. Giving a rather happy dance, he picked up one of the nicely crafted treats in his tiny, metal hands. Someone was coming and he was very excited.

Asroc on the other hand gave a nod at the small robot, holding the treat. Sure, he did not smile, but a tinge of burning happiness was in his heart.

"Go on, little one." He encouraged. You and Gelette Krone. Make them smile."

The tiny robot would toddle over to Farra and gave a bow. With his tiny metal hand, he handed her a small purple coloured bag filled with two cookies and a cupcake.

Asroc on the other hand would give a bow. Being polite was a good thing. For guests that is.
Farra (played by DragonQueen)

-she curtsiesed and bit into one of the cookies- aye, if one didnt know better, i would suspect fae work in your kitchen. these are absoltuely wonderful. i adore the kick of cinnamon and pumpkin added. and this little robot, wonderul work.
Asroc - The Pygmalion Furnace (played by Asroc) Topic Starter

Asroc gave a nod. This made him feel rather happy. He did something that made other people smile. The larger robot of his would walk over to Farra and gave a 'happy' expression.

"All of us worked on these treats. Gallete Krone here..."He said as he pointed to the larger robot, "Baked them. He serves as an oven, while Petite helped me pack everything nearly. You are very welcome, "ma'am."
Farra (played by DragonQueen)

The name is Farra. My mom is a well known faerie baker, named Violet, if you have heard of her.
Asroc - The Pygmalion Furnace (played by Asroc) Topic Starter

"Asroc." He softly said. He folded his hands together and gave a nod. "Violet? I have heard about her through the school I attended for my culinary arts. Loads of famous folk were mentioned there."
Farra (played by DragonQueen)

-i nod,my wings raining glitter. slowly your little robot floated. he had been staring up at them in amazement- oh! -i laugh- i do apologize.
Asroc - The Pygmalion Furnace (played by Asroc) Topic Starter

"It is okay! Many of my guests seem to like Petite allot. He is rather affectionate and friendly to guests. Almost acts like a kid brother a times. Do take your time here. Have a seat or even ask for a drink. We have autumn themed drinks here as well."
Farra (played by DragonQueen)

such as? -i grab the robot and dust him off-
Asroc - The Pygmalion Furnace (played by Asroc) Topic Starter

"Apple Cider, Pumpkin spice and even some warm tea. Whatever you want, I will have the little one get you something."
Farra (played by DragonQueen)

pumpkin spice sounds wonderful.
Asroc - The Pygmalion Furnace (played by Asroc) Topic Starter

Petit Krone heard what Farra wanted Looking over at Asroc, he darted of into the kitchen and went to work. He later returned, gently holding a cup. Asorc chuckled a bit at his small robot and placed some whipped cream on the top, handing it to the other.

"Please enjoy this. I hope it meets to your liking."
Jacob Linister (played by Dathmach)

The anthro dressed as a human walked into Eden. The place was beautifully decorated, and the creatures that moved around made Jacob shiver. He couldn't tell that they weren't real, and as such, he moved towards where the candy would be given out, so that he could get away from what appeared to be dangerous beasts as quickly as he could. Soon enough he was in front of two robots and what appeared to be a normal human.
Farra (played by DragonQueen)

-i drink,a little bit of whip cram ending up on the top of my lip- Oh! -i giggle and wipe it off- how wonderful,
Kristan and Lirit were both walking around, noticing the place. "Let's go," Kristan told Lirit, slowly getting into it as Lirit just groaned, still trying to eat the vegetables she had grabbed from the last person they visited. They walked towards the place, Lirit once again having Kristan's cosplay jacket. "Why didn't you bring your own jacket, not that I mind giving you mine," Kristan spoke. "You just used magic for us to switch costumes, remember?" Lirit said. "Oh yeah," Kristan chuckled as they reached the front.
Farra (played by DragonQueen)

-i was happily reading a book as i drank my oumpkin spice,enjoying it-
Farra (played by DragonQueen)

Farra (played by DragonQueen)

-i look up- oh hallo there-
Asroc - The Pygmalion Furnace (played by Asroc) Topic Starter

"More people." Asroc said in his tone. He motioned for Petite Krone to hand people their goods. The small robot gave a polite bow and handed he new guests each a bag of goodies.

Asroc motioned for the guests to come in and maybe take a seat.

"Do take a seat. " The French boy softly addressed. "Feel free to order a drink or two. Enjoy your baked goods."

Gellate Krone walked over to Farra and gave a polite expression. He wondered if she enjoyed the Pumpkin Spice drink.

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