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Forums » General Roleplay » Trick or Treat: Joseph Corex

Hyla (played by DragonQueen)

i know. -there was a collective scream- but eventually they return-i wander over to the path- WHOSE SCARED NOW HUH! -they all glare at me and walk ofer. one is frankenstein, one is ninja turtle, and one is harry potter- Mom says be home by midnight. we are heading off.-the one as harry potter was presumed the eldest- alright go home weirdos-i push them to the nicer path- make sure you sont piss yourselves. go-they all walks away- i only like my youngest brother,aiden. hes 6 and adorable
Stratos - Gluttonous Fly (played by Asroc)

He loved the petting. The attention made him feel happy. Waving his tail. he gave a y awn. Turningto the male, his ears perked up.

"Can ya add some sweets in my pouch?" He asked. "Paws make it hard."
Joseph Corex (played by Dathmach) Topic Starter

Joseph let out a small smile at seeing the family interact. She may say that she only liked one of her siblings, but he could tell that she had a soft spot for them, even if they did seem to annoy her.

"Of course my friend," Joseph said to Stratos, "There's no need to explain yourself to me." Joseph once again began searching through the candy bowl, looking for sweets that Stratos could handle. Every time he found one, he would put it in his pouch. When Joseph finished, Stratos's pouch had a good handful of candies in it.
Hyla (played by DragonQueen)

-i reach in and throw in some smarties into his pouch-
Hyla (played by DragonQueen)

-my eye clicked suddenly,glowing a broght red and returning to its normal dull red-
Hyla (played by DragonQueen)

-her eyes were normally brows but just for tonight they were red-
Hyla (played by DragonQueen)

*brown(if i could type right that would be great)
Joseph Corex (played by Dathmach) Topic Starter

Noticing the sudden glowing of her eyes, Joseph turns to Hyla in surprise. "Are your eyes alright? Most people I know don't have randomly glowing eyes. I could call an ambulance if you need one."
Stratos - Gluttonous Fly (played by Asroc)

"Thank ya two kindly. I like ya guys."

HE decided to stay a bit longer. Laying down, he crossed one paw over the other.
Joseph Corex (played by Dathmach) Topic Starter

"I like you too, tricker treater. I'm glad to have visitors to my house." Joseph says as he looks at them with a smile.
Hyla (played by DragonQueen)

oh no its a special setting for this one,and the other is a simple colored contact lens,special for tonight. my eye got stabbed out in a fight, so ihave this mechanical one instead. better than a glass one. works really well to.
Joseph Corex (played by Dathmach) Topic Starter

Joseph looked at her eyes curiously, trying to figure out which one was robotics. Eventually he said, "I might be able to fix that eye, but you may not want me to. It sounds like you've found a good solution to your problem, and you've probably gotten used to only having one normal eye."
Maggie was dared by her best friend to come to this address and go inside 'the scary tunnel', whatever that means. Her best friend Carrie is going to a Halloween party and since Maggie refused to go, Carrie dared her to come here.

She sucks up her fears, and checks out the tunnel ahead of her. From what she can see it doesn't look all that scary. Proceeding to the entrance, she takes tiny steps, prepared to run if something jumps out at her.
Joseph Corex (played by Dathmach) Topic Starter

Maggie managed to walk a few feet without anything particularly scary happening. Then she heard noises coming from around her. They were strange rustling sounds, as if someone was trying to follow her through the bushes. But if she turned to look, no one was there. These sounds started to increase, until suddenly there was a giant, moving, rolling thing coming towards her.
Stratos - Gluttonous Fly (played by Asroc)

"Ya have a pretty nice place." HE complimented. "Makes me feel happier." He gave a short yawn and curls up a bit.
Joseph Corex (played by Dathmach) Topic Starter

Joseph gave a satisfied nod to the wolf. "Thanks, I worked pretty hard on this place."

Upon noticing how the wolf had curled up, Joseph gave a bit of a chuckle and said, "If you need to take a nap, feel free. I may not be in my fox form when you wake however."
Maggie felt her skin crawl like something, or something's, were watching her then she started hearing the noises and she got freaked out. When the rolling... Thing came at her she let out a screech that she will deny till the day of her death, and turned tail and ran the opposite way, to the edge of the side walk where it's safe.

"What is that?" She says aloud to no one in particular.
Hyla (played by DragonQueen)

-i smile- its my right eye. and i can repair it myself. I'm pretty good at mechanics and stuff on account of my work. Easy peasy when ya get down to the basics
Joseph Corex (played by Dathmach) Topic Starter

(to Maggie)

Whatever had been chasing her had stopped when she had run out of hte path. Safely on the sidewalk, she wouldn't receive any more attacks as long as she didn't enter that path again. A noise that came from the path made elluded to whatever had been rolling at her had been alive.

(to Hyla)

Jospeh shook his head at Hyla's words. "Easy? I do some pretty complicated stuff, and I know I wouldn't be able to create that eye that you've made."
Hyla (played by DragonQueen)

Oh i did t make it myself. i had help of course. -i smile- it reacts to emotions, serves as a calculator, voice recorder, amongst other things. can also locate my phone, and change pupils according to how i set it.

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