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Forums » General Roleplay » Trick or Treat: Grimms

Grimms (played anonymously)

There's something to be said about sticking with the classics.

Frankenstein's Monster was perched on the front steps of an Addams Family mansion scale replica, or at least that's what it felt like; his childhood home layered with decorations to the point of 'really, mom, is the gigantic spider 100% necessary?' She had soon enough swept him into the spirit of things (like it was hard, the boy was born to be spooky) and had eventually pushed him outside with a red solo cup of some sort of cauldron punch and promises of favors if he just did this tiny little one for him. Jack was good at playing the disgruntled spoiled brat, dragging platform boots out to the front porch and rolling those yellow-eye contacts. Momma Ameline knew better, but that was what made him her kid.

Bolts plastered to inked neck and hair slicked back so he can't hide and play morose behind those bangs of his, a green smear of body paint to shirt-line and patchwork lined stitches, blackened lips hinting at a mother who was actually well skilled in costume makeup, Jack's ready to deadpan some one liner jokes to those who dare bother to ask for the 'trick' bit in the holiday request. Bring it on.

Also, oooh a piece of candy.

As much as she didn't really want to admit, the act of going around dressed as something you were not and getting free candies in return was something that Valerie still found incredible amusing and fun despite her age. Not so much as getting the free candies part—although she wouldn't say no to any of that and heaven forbid if there was a house giving away full-sized bars—but the fact that looking at it from a different perspective, trick-or-treating was like a huge neighborhood-spanning block party that was open for everyone. Considering the fact that you got to do it celebrating death and supernatural beings was a major plus and, besides, little Amy here could finally get in on the fun.

"Come on! Hurry up now," Val did that fluttering motion with her hand that sent the small barely-toddler into a fit of giggles and a run. She was hired by another high-class power couple who were now off to a convention somewhere as their baby girl was left to roam in her princess bumblebee outfit during one of the rare instances she was allowed to go outside with her babysitter. "Do you want me to carry you? We could go much faster."

"No!" It was the only thing the girl could say and Val couldn't really blame her. She felt sorry for Amy the moment she reach school-age. Those parents would certainly enroll their daughter into every single class on about everything that was within driving distance.

"Okay then, how about we go visit this... place then..." Looking up at their next destination, Val couldn't help but wonder if it would be a good idea. It might be too scary for the toddler and she didn't think she could pacify her like this outside the confines of the comfy penthouse. "Stay close to me and I'll do the talking," she eyed the lone person on the porch as they walked closer and wondered if she still had a chance to go the other direction.
Arlon Wulf (played by FreeJayFly)

This was not a good idea... no matter who was looking at it that knew the situation, this was not a good idea. Arlon was walking the streets in his were-form -- he was not alone, luckily for him. No... he, fortunately, was accompanied by his good friend (though he was starting to question the 'good' part), Lani. His shoulders were hunched, and his brow was furrowed as he walked alongside the white-haired huntress.

'Lani, are you really sure about this? I know you find this Evian tradition quite... charming... but are you sure that this will be fine?' Arlon asked, his voice not really coming from his maw, but instead resonating in a kind of telepathic area where anyone within that area could 'hear' him.

"Yees, I'm abzolutely shore, Valf," Lani replied, her Iliean accent thick as she pat Arlon on the back. The most that he had been wearing were his breeches at this time, his runes and tattoos were visible with a faint glow of blue under his white fur.

All of a sudden, Lani pointed in the direction of a house that stood out more so than the others that they had come across.

"Ieha! Vu'thamir!" Lani exclaimed, grinning.

'Lani... I can't understand when you speak your native tongue. Common, please. Or in my own native tongue...' Arlon sighed, his attention going toward the house as he perked his hears in that direction as well.

"Look, over theer, Valf," Lani clarified, rolling her eyes somewhat. Lani then caught the sight of others that were approaching the house as well and beamed ever more. "Zeems that you might haf some people that you can empress~"

'Yeah, sure...' Arlon sighed, his shoulder heaving as he walked up to the house with Lani tagging along. He looked to her and then asked, 'what was it that those Evians say on this holiday? Gavyn must have told you all about it when you travelled together....'

"Ah, let me zee..." Lani looked thoughtful as she searched her memories. "I theenk... il'kravuun -- ah, that ees... maybe... 'treat for a treek'?"

'You sound unsure. I hate when you sound unsure,'

"That iz eet, Valf! Go weeth eet!"

The large, snowy werewolf approached, the happy seeming elf behind him sticking close. He was just hoping that Lani was indeed right that he would not have been causing alarm when roaming about. Getting to the house and looking awkwardly to the others that had been guests perhaps, his words resonated: 'Treat for a trick?'
Amy suddenly shrieked beside her and Valerie had no choice but to quickly pull the little girl close to her and sidestep sideways. She had just assumed it was on their side, as her defensive instinct was to get her ward as far away from what was making her upset as possible.

"What—" The two of them huddled on the side of the sidewalk, with Val still shielding the toddler beside her, and was instantly rewarded with a full view of what seemed to be a rather impressive attempt of a Halloween attire. Was that a dog? No, it was too big and the proportions were all wrong. The guy must be somewhere inside then. "Don't worry Amy, it's just a costume. A very realistic one. Hey, umm, where'd you get that, by the way?"
Liliana (played by Gothic_Girl)

Liliana was walking around with a big smile on her face, she truly enjoyed Halloween it was her favorite holiday, She looked at the what seemed to be a place that looked like it from the Addams family, she smiled and walked up to the house. She saw a what she believed looked like a teenager sitting on the porch and smile a little bit thinking she was gonna make a new friend
Arlon Wulf (played by FreeJayFly)

Almost as soon as he heard the shriek, Arlon's ears went down as the fur along his scruff and back raised in a form of defence. He looked around, first looking to Lani, who also seemed to be alarmed, and then catching sight of other people that he must have missed on his way in. It seemed that his conversation with Lani about doing this 'Halloween' thing had distracted him into having a form of tunnel vision when walking toward the odd house per the smaller elf's suggestion.

'I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to scare anyone--' was what Arlon had immediately started saying before Lani patted him on the back.

"Eet's okay, Valf! Thees holeeday, the people love the scares!" Arulania tried to reassure. "People screameeng because of your 'costume' ees like... compleement!"

'I... I see....' Arlon was sceptical, though his puffed out fur started to go back down, and his ears came back up to a more neutral position.

"--A very realistic one. Hey, umm, where'd you get that, by the way?"

Arulania looked from Valerie and the toddler to Arlon, hoping that Arlon would take it from there with ease.

'I... I made it myself,' Arlon replied, hesitating. He was not too sure if that constituted as a lie, or if it was some perverted version of the truth of what he was. However, that was about as good as the answer was going to have to get without informing anyone of his true identity.
While being aware that the giant white canine—it was still unclear whether it was actually based on an Earthly animal—was sufficiently not a monster but apparently just a costume-maker inside one of his own creations, Valerie still couldn't imagine how a human could fit in there. Either the guy was slim and small, or the costume is skin-tight and body snug. Fortunately, the startled Amy was now all over the furry visage and trying to climb up on its haunches.

"No, Amy! Don't bother the, umm... nice man in the suit. He's probably tired walking around in it," Val grabbed the giggling tyke and put the half-filled bag of sweets into her pudgy hands to keep her busy. "No need to tire him out any further. Here, let's go to the house and get some more sweet, alright?"

Turning to the couple, Val gave an apologetic smile and excused themselves, "I'm really sorry about that. You surprised us is all. Absolutely stunning one you've got there though."
Arlon Wulf (played by FreeJayFly)

As Arlon and Arulania listened to Valerie speak with them, Arlon seemed to become quickly distracted as he felt the tiny tyke trying to climb up on him. Looking down to Amy, the white werewolf gave a nervous chuckle before the toddler was taken away by their guardian. Turning his attention back to Valerie, Arlon simply gave a small shrug of his shoulders.

"He's probably tired walking around in it."

'Surprisingly, it isn't too cumbersome as one might think,' Arlon replied rather swiftly before Arulania gave him a look of piqued curiosity.

'That... that is to say... the material isn't so bad. Getting in and out of this, uh... this suit is quite tiring and challenging at times,' Arlon added with a small, half chuckle at the end of his statement.

"I'm really sorry about that. You surprised us is all. Absolutely stunning one you've got there though."

At this statement, that was when both Arulania and Arlon gave their own looks of confusion. Arlon's ears had perked up a little more as his brow raised, and Arulania's expression involved one brow quirked, and her lips pursed inward for a moment. Looking to one another, they both kind of laughed off the remark, not sure who the statement was referring to.

"Ees not... we're just friends," Arulania said, knowing that Arlon would have found the topic difficult to speak about.

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