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Forums » General Roleplay » Trick Or Treat: Maligno

Despite rarely ever getting visitors in the norm, Mal has decided to decorate his home. He even got his two housemates to assist, creating a haunted house for people to visit if they dared, not that he advertised it, he just thought it would be fun to do. Mal went around setting things up, casting spells and the like. The outside "seemed" to have spirits floating around and the like that ghost would do while haunting a home. Inside were three different paths found just past the front door that was left open.

Which path do you take?
1) A hellish looking door.
2) A door looking arcane in nature.
3) A sleek metal isolation door.
Prince Merthyr knew there was something strange going on at this particular house. He suspected magic was at work and such was a crime of treason, a crime he had a duty to tackle.

On this occasion he was wearing his full armour, like proper knights of Camelot wore, a red cloak contrasting brightly in the dark as he whistled his knights, Lancelot and Gawain, to follow him for assistance.

They marched decisively into the property surprised at the unusual silence that was somewhat creeping weariness if a tinge of fear into their chest. Even hardened warriors had to be cautious at times.

Upon crossing the front door they found themselves upon three routes, a hellish looking door, an arcane looking door and a sleek metal one. They all shuddered at the hellish looking one and hesitated at the metal one that was not something medieval knights were accustomed to, so they decided to draw lots to decide who went which way, taking out a golden coin and tossing it to heads or tails.

Merthyr of course chose the Arcane looking one, the one he felt most comfortable with, after all, he was the prince and he had every right to choose which one he preferred.

"Heads or tails, heads goes to the hellish looking one" informed Merthyr with a sly smile tossing the coin and catching it mid air.

"I´ll take heads" nodded Lancelot

"Very well, I'll have tails" agreed Gawain not minding either way

rolled 1d2 and got 1
1 - Heads, 2 - Tails


"Well seems I'm going to the creepy one" muttered Sir Lancelot swallowing hard once and taking a deep breath.

The three warriors shook hands and turned to face their door, stepping into the respective rooms at the same time, weary of what they might find.

Lancelot entered the hellish looking door trying to focus his eyes amidst the darkness.

Merthyr crossed passed the arcane looking door also making an effort to gaze at what may lay before him

Gawain opened the door and crossed too, keeping the door open in case he had to make a run for it.
Aries Marx (played by FreeJayFly)

((There isn't a d3 on the site, so I went ahead to use -- my result is here. TT v TT / ))

It was not often that Aries went ahead and traversed towns when the Zephyr was having to undergo cleanup and repair so that it could get back into the sky. However, it seemed that Aries at least had the Zephyr in shop at the right time this year -- again. Coming onto land when it was All Hallow's Eve had always been a treat, his last couple years participating in the events proved as such.

However, this year, Aries would actually do this who 'house to house' business. That was the one thing he heard about though never really seemed to get. Spending most of your life with your head in the clouds would probably be the root of that disconnected, admittedly.

Looking to the apparitions that floated about a particular household, Aries snapped a finger and pointed in that direction. Bingo, as it were. That house must have belonged to someone that celebrated All Hallow's Eve, and was expecting people to come in and be guests to the abode. So, with that in mind, the sky pirate made his way over before being presented with three doors.

Aries sized them up carefully, a finger to his chin as he observed them carefully.

The steel door reminded him too much of something that was better off a forgotten memory of an adventure that almost went wrong. As for the arcane door... well... Aries was never really one to meddle with magic; tech and sky ships, absolutely -- but leave him out of magic. Which... left the last door that did not look too appealing in the slightest, but it felt like the better one to go through over the other two.

Reaching out, Aries opened the hellish looking door and began his trek.
Maligno L Anima (played by TheSilentDoctor49) Topic Starter

Merthyr Gawain n knights wrote:
Prince Merthyr knew there was something strange going on at this particular house. He suspected magic was at work and such was a crime of treason, a crime he had a duty to tackle.

On this occasion he was wearing his full armour, like proper knights of Camelot wore, a red cloak contrasting brightly in the dark as he whistled his knights, Lancelot and Gawain, to follow him for assistance.

They marched decisively into the property surprised at the unusual silence that was somewhat creeping weariness if a tinge of fear into their chest. Even hardened warriors had to be cautious at times.

Upon crossing the front door they found themselves upon three routes, a hellish looking door, an arcane looking door and a sleek metal one. They all shuddered at the hellish looking one and hesitated at the metal one that was not something medieval knights were accustomed to, so they decided to draw lots to decide who went which way, taking out a golden coin and tossing it to heads or tails.

Merthyr of course chose the Arcane looking one, the one he felt most comfortable with, after all, he was the prince and he had every right to choose which one he preferred.

"Heads or tails, heads goes to the hellish looking one" informed Merthyr with a sly smile tossing the coin and catching it mid air.

"I´ll take heads" nodded Lancelot

"Very well, I'll have tails" agreed Gawain not minding either way

// Not to burst your bubble but... There are 3 doors. Not 2. //
// Never mind that. Got confused. But wow I have a lot to write for you.//

First, inside the first door we shall see. As Lancelot entered the darkness the door would slam shut behind him, the darkness is banished as hellish red flames seem to roar around him suddenly. The area appears to be just outside a huge demonic castle. The design seeming to incorporate quite a lot of spikes and spires. Lava falls spouting from seemingly random spots in chaos into the moat below. The structure appears to be made of obsidian and brimstone. The gates are wide open leading to a courtyard ahead. Behind him the door is gone, leaving the knight with only one option left.

Next we shall see what is happening in the second door. The door would slam shut behind him, leaving the knight in complete darkness, except for a single path leading to another door. The air around him seems to be a void almost, yet it doesn't seem empty at all. The path seems to be marked out with small stars almost, their light soft and warm. The path seeming to lead on forever.

Lastly the third door shuts behind the knight, leaving him trapped in what looks like a run down facility, decay taking over the structure. The hallway seems like it would cave in at any moment. The walls and floor were once a bright clean white, but now grayed and greened from decay. Several doors line the hallway, though they all seem to be locked upon closer investigation except for one at the end. It being a large double door that would lead to an operating room.
((OOC indeed there are 3 doors. Prince Merthyr chose the comfortable arcane looking door and left it to the 2 knights, Lancelot and Gawain to decide who of the two gets which of the 2 remaining doors, leaving 1 door each))
Maligno L Anima (played by TheSilentDoctor49) Topic Starter

Aries Marx wrote:
((There isn't a d3 on the site, so I went ahead to use -- my result is here. TT v TT / ))

It was not often that Aries went ahead and traversed towns when the Zephyr was having to undergo cleanup and repair so that it could get back into the sky. However, it seemed that Aries at least had the Zephyr in shop at the right time this year -- again. Coming onto land when it was All Hallow's Eve had always been a treat, his last couple years participating in the events proved as such.

However, this year, Aries would actually do this who 'house to house' business. That was the one thing he heard about though never really seemed to get. Spending most of your life with your head in the clouds would probably be the root of that disconnected, admittedly.

Looking to the apparitions that floated about a particular household, Aries snapped a finger and pointed in that direction. Bingo, as it were. That house must have belonged to someone that celebrated All Hallow's Eve, and was expecting people to come in and be guests to the abode. So, with that in mind, the sky pirate made his way over before being presented with three doors.

Aries sized them up carefully, a finger to his chin as he observed them carefully.

The steel door reminded him too much of something that was better off a forgotten memory of an adventure that almost went wrong. As for the arcane door... well... Aries was never really one to meddle with magic; tech and sky ships, absolutely -- but leave him out of magic. Which... left the last door that did not look too appealing in the slightest, but it felt like the better one to go through over the other two.

Reaching out, Aries opened the hellish looking door and began his trek.

// Oooo~

First, inside the first door we shall see. As Aries entered the darkness the door would slam shut behind him, the darkness is banished as hellish red flames seem to roar around him suddenly. The area appears to be just outside a huge demonic castle. The design seeming to incorporate quite a lot of spikes and spires. Lava falls spouting from seemingly random spots in chaos into the moat below. The structure appears to be made of obsidian and brimstone. The gates are wide open leading to a courtyard ahead. Behind him the door is gone, leaving the swashbuckler with only one option left.
Maligno L Anima (played by TheSilentDoctor49) Topic Starter

Merthyr Gawain n knights wrote:
((OOC indeed there are 3 doors. Prince Merthyr chose the comfortable arcane looking door and left it to the 2 knights, Lancelot and Gawain to decide who of the two gets which of the 2 remaining doors, leaving 1 door each))

// Yes I realized my mistake and edited my post :D Refresh and you should see the edit. //
((OOC I make you work for your jack-o-lantern, good luck getting it though ))
Maligno L Anima (played by TheSilentDoctor49) Topic Starter

Merthyr Gawain n knights wrote:
((OOC I make you work for your jack-o-lantern, good luck getting it though ))

// I'll admit I didn't expect *ALL THREE DOORS IN ONE POST* but hey, it'll be fun.
Lancelot took his sword out, fearing foes might be lurking in the shadows and turning to see the door gone altogether which caused a strange baffled look to spring upon his face. This must definitely be sorcery, dark, forbidden sorcery.


Still he had no choice but to march forward and so he did rather fast paced though with some cautious weariness in his steps indeed. One false move and perhaps there was no leaving the creepy property after all.

Gawain frowned as the door closed by itself, darkness quickly taking over everything and leaving him effectively blind, so he sheathed the sword and spread his arms wide open to be able to feel for dangers and obstructions be it furniture or pillars. It was better to touch than to stumble into such hazards.


Were it not for his knightly training he might be scared and frightened but no. Despite he was rather startled at the overall darkenss and the unusually star-lit path, he continued forward with a cautious footing, advancing further despite being unable to see very well.

Prince Merthyr looked cautious around him, the rundown facility making him cautious and weary, though he continued on


The place looked rather derelict and clearly neglected, upon passing doors, he was consistently checking each of the doors he was passing in case it lead somewhere, curiosity having the better off him but they all appeared to be locked and he had no time to start lock picking at present, a sense of dread making him hurry along.


Maligno L Anima (played by TheSilentDoctor49) Topic Starter

// oh my god I love the pictures XD //

As Lancelot progressed forward, the flames around him roared, the heat on his armor should be searing hot, but he felt no pain. The courtyard before him looked like that of a normal castle, only more twisted and hellish. The central tree was large indeed, but it was shriveled and dead, blacked by the fires. The furniture around the area, the benches and tables, laid broken and scorched, as if the area was taken from the normal world, then dragged into the depths of this hell. Before him laid the central keep. A large iron barred door being the entrance, all one has to do is knock.

The way Gawain took was long, until it reached a fantastic manor, looking to be the most splendid around. Or atleast it once was. What was once purity white walls were now grayed, peeling paint. The pillars looked splintered, battered as if attacked. The shutters on the windows were hanging by a single hinge if not fallen to the ground or held up by the vines overtaking the manor. The door though. The door was different. It seemed to retain it's beauty, as if in denial to it's inevitable fall to the overgrowth and age overtaking the rest of the home.

The way the prince took was desolate. The place seemingly abandoned for years, through the windows of some of the doors it appeared to contain human forms shuffling around inside, the doors locked to prevent his entry. All but the last one at the end, the double doors stood waiting for the first visitor to come through.
(( hope to make your RP enjoyable with the odd touch of colour from the pictures... for inspiration ))
Maligno L Anima (played by TheSilentDoctor49) Topic Starter

Merthyr Gawain n knights wrote:
(( hope to make your RP enjoyable with the odd touch of colour from the pictures... for inspiration ))
//Indeed! I love them!//
Lancelot was not at all amused at the scenery surrounding him, everything that was made of wood appeared indeed scorched and blackened, making him frown all the more so uneasy.


The feeling of eeriness further exacerbated by the still ongoing flames, though such would never make a bold knight like him weaver in his quest. His eyes remained watchful and he indeed remained alert, noticing the impossible to miss large door at the very end.

With a steadiness he made his way to the door and indeed knocked it sharply and waited, sword unsheathed, ready at hand in case he needed to strike

Sir Gawain looked equally puzzled, nothing around this world seemed to make much sense and could only be assumed magic and sorcery was at work.


For more that he tried to make sense of the journey, it was all too confusing. The manor however looked lovely if a little abandoned and the door all the nicer for it, for it stood out prominently.

He approached said door and knocked it sharp and crips thrice.

"Open up in the name of the king!" barked Lancelot in a knightly voice

Prince Merthyr would have liked to rescue those wretched or at least talk to them but urgency was to head towards the door.

He looked back a couple of times to check for any dangers, foes or traps and gazed at the door, coming over and taking the unusual step of knocking the door


This was something almost unthinkable for he was well used to his manservant Taff opening all doors for him with an elegant bow wherever he went. Still the lack of servant and the time pressing on made the prince do the chore for himself.

He came close to the door and knocked it sharply holding his breath and awaiting a response.
Aries Marx (played by FreeJayFly)

Aries quickly turned to look behind him as he heard the door slam shut. His brow knit together in worry and determination. It was a first that he would have to actually deal with the 'scare' factor of this Hallow's Eve holiday, though he would have to persevere -- after all, it did not really look like he had much of an alternative choice right now.

As darkness surrounded him, soon did flame. Aries' path was illuminated by the dull orange ambience that the flames and lava were producing. However, it also seemed that the area was also doing a number on Aries' body already. The sight of fire, brimstone, and lava made Aries start to feel hot and stuffy as he loosened the collar of his shirt around his neck.

"Guess the only way is forward..." Aries murmured to himself as he started to walk to the gates and into the courtyard of the castle. His hand rose to the flintlock pistol at his holster -- with luck, there would actually be no need to use it in this place. For now, Aries was going to run off the assumption that this was put together by a strong magister, and maybe... just maybe, the things around him were an illusion.

After all, it seemed too good to be something made by the mundane.... Right?
The three knightly warriors waited patiently for the doors to open, holding their breath and wandering what mystery and surprise lay ahead of them next
Lancelot looked back surprised to find Aries right after him.

"Ahhh greetings good sir... waiting for the door to open too uh?" asked Lancelot remaining charming and friendly as Camelot knights were expected to be.

"Would you like to walk in first or shall I?" offered Lancelot looking at Aries curiously

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