It's Halloween night, and things are getting started at the Silent Mansion. Christina, May, and a few maids had teamed up to plan a community Halloween party. They had posted fliers around town, so people were sure to come.
The large entry area is decorated with a nice Halloween theme, mostly Jack-O'-Lanterns, cartoon monsters, and the like. Nothing too scary. The room was dimmed perfectly, to allow you to see what you were doing but have a welcoming yet spooky atmosphere. There are two roped off, twisting staircases leading to a landing with some doors behind it, leading into a tearoom-like room. Christina stood inside, wearing a long, sparkly, red dress. She had a microphone in her hand, and was waiting for people to show up.
May stood near the large front door. She was slightly see-through to add a ghostly feel to her appearance, which normally seemed quite usual. She was ready to give Trick Or Treaters candy, or let them into the party.
Most, if not all the maids- ranging in age from 13ish to their 30s, are in costume. Some maids are wearing casual clothing, and a few are just wearing their usual uniform attire. Some were setting up a Halloween food/candy table under the landing, and some were setting up games and contests with candy and trinkets as prizes. Erica herself was setting up a suitable music playlist that would play for the duration of the event. She wore no costume, but some jeans, sneakers and a Tshirt with a cheesy Halloween pun on it.
A "Haunted House" tour would be held by one maid leading people through the mansion, with other maids doing scary things. Nothing too frightening, since it was likely that children would be here with their families, but it was scary in almost a comical way.
The only thing left to make the party perfect was people. Hopefully, guests would begin arriving soon.
(I don't know for sure if this is an okay Trick Or Treat RP, if it isn't I can change it)
The large entry area is decorated with a nice Halloween theme, mostly Jack-O'-Lanterns, cartoon monsters, and the like. Nothing too scary. The room was dimmed perfectly, to allow you to see what you were doing but have a welcoming yet spooky atmosphere. There are two roped off, twisting staircases leading to a landing with some doors behind it, leading into a tearoom-like room. Christina stood inside, wearing a long, sparkly, red dress. She had a microphone in her hand, and was waiting for people to show up.
May stood near the large front door. She was slightly see-through to add a ghostly feel to her appearance, which normally seemed quite usual. She was ready to give Trick Or Treaters candy, or let them into the party.
Most, if not all the maids- ranging in age from 13ish to their 30s, are in costume. Some maids are wearing casual clothing, and a few are just wearing their usual uniform attire. Some were setting up a Halloween food/candy table under the landing, and some were setting up games and contests with candy and trinkets as prizes. Erica herself was setting up a suitable music playlist that would play for the duration of the event. She wore no costume, but some jeans, sneakers and a Tshirt with a cheesy Halloween pun on it.
A "Haunted House" tour would be held by one maid leading people through the mansion, with other maids doing scary things. Nothing too frightening, since it was likely that children would be here with their families, but it was scary in almost a comical way.
The only thing left to make the party perfect was people. Hopefully, guests would begin arriving soon.
(I don't know for sure if this is an okay Trick Or Treat RP, if it isn't I can change it)
Dressed into his travel gear, this alchemist, Ferric, had been looking for a place where he could perhaps find refuge for the evening. Luckily, there had been flyers around town that he saw. Picking one up denoted that there was an event like a house tour that would have been underway not too far from where he was. deciding to go ahead and follow the directions that were printed upon the sheet of paper, Ferric made his way over.
The trek was not long, nor was it too particularly eventful. The only things out of the ordinary that Ferric seemed to take note of were the kind of festive lights and decorations that were here and there. It seemed odd to him, especially seeing as the Iliean people never really had a holiday that caused them to display such things. Skeletons, carved pumpkins, and what looked like stretched out, unrefined cotton to resemble spider webbing.
Spotting the mansion, Ferric sighed in relief as he made his way over. It did not look like there were other visitors yet. Perhaps he was early? Either way, he walked to the door and reached for the knocker, announcing his presence outside.
The trek was not long, nor was it too particularly eventful. The only things out of the ordinary that Ferric seemed to take note of were the kind of festive lights and decorations that were here and there. It seemed odd to him, especially seeing as the Iliean people never really had a holiday that caused them to display such things. Skeletons, carved pumpkins, and what looked like stretched out, unrefined cotton to resemble spider webbing.
Spotting the mansion, Ferric sighed in relief as he made his way over. It did not look like there were other visitors yet. Perhaps he was early? Either way, he walked to the door and reached for the knocker, announcing his presence outside.
May pushed the door open. "Ah, hello there!"
When the door opened, Ferric took a moment as he was a little confused. There was no one at eye level with him, and it was not till he looked down that he seemed a little surprised. However, he met the greeter with a smile all the same.
"Hello to you as well, young one," Ferric greeted. He took the flyer from his pack and unfolded it. Showing the flyer, he then went on to ask: "this is the right location, yes?"
"Hello to you as well, young one," Ferric greeted. He took the flyer from his pack and unfolded it. Showing the flyer, he then went on to ask: "this is the right location, yes?"
"Yes, though you're the first person to arrive here. We're still setting one or two things up."
"Oh... would you like some help with the set up? I'd be happy to get anything done to help speed up the process as long as it's within reason," Ferric asked. He folded the flyer and put it away with the rest of his belongings. "Actually... before I offer -- are... are you parents, or the man or lady of the household around? Wouldn't want to unnecessarily startle anyone, heh...."
Ferric rubbed at the back of his neck with a sheepish expression, feeling a little weird for asking a child about helping out.
Ferric rubbed at the back of his neck with a sheepish expression, feeling a little weird for asking a child about helping out.
At the mention of parents, May's expression droops slightly. "The lady of the household is here, yes. We've got it handled for set up, but I think it's fine for you to come in."
"Oh! Well alright then," Ferric replied, a little taken aback by the information now presented to him. "Well, if you're sure. I would love to come in and see this house tour that has been advertised, though."
There was a moment where Ferric took the time to look over the girl again. Part of him seemed a little confused to the crestfallen expression that befell her face -- especially on a night like tonight. It just seemed a little odd to him considering that there was supposed to be an event here. However, he decided not to press and waited till he was more formally invited into the mansion before he kept to himself and waited for the tour to start.
There was a moment where Ferric took the time to look over the girl again. Part of him seemed a little confused to the crestfallen expression that befell her face -- especially on a night like tonight. It just seemed a little odd to him considering that there was supposed to be an event here. However, he decided not to press and waited till he was more formally invited into the mansion before he kept to himself and waited for the tour to start.
May pushes the door open some more to show the entry room. "Food's over there, a few games are over there, and the haunted house is over there," she says, motioning to everything.
"Thank you for showing me where everything is, May! You have already been such a great help to me since my arrival," Ferric said, hoping to give the girl some positive words to brighten her expression. He then looked to where the games were, then to the haunted house entrance, and then to the food.
Pondering things for a moment, Ferric hesitated on his decision. Food would be last on the list, that was for sure. That left the haunted house attraction and the games. But which one to choose first?
Walking to where the games were laid out, Ferric took the time to see what was all there. Perhaps he could pass some time before more people arrived.
Pondering things for a moment, Ferric hesitated on his decision. Food would be last on the list, that was for sure. That left the haunted house attraction and the games. But which one to choose first?
Walking to where the games were laid out, Ferric took the time to see what was all there. Perhaps he could pass some time before more people arrived.
There's a maid in a witch costume running a ring toss game. She seems slightly bored.
Approaching the witch at the ring toss, Ferric greeted her with a smile and a wave before looking to the game at hand. It did not seem too different from some of the Evian festival games that he had seen when had been out with friends within Eve. That seemed reassuring at the least.
"Ah... so... does it cost anything to play?" Ferric asked, pointing to the rings.
"Ah... so... does it cost anything to play?" Ferric asked, pointing to the rings.
"No, it's free." The maid then points to a group of soda bottles behind a set up for the ring toss. "But if you get 3 rings on the ring toss poles, you get a free soda."
"Ah, very well then. Thank you for explaining for me," Ferric said, a smile growing upon his lips as he interacted with the maid. He looked over the set up bottles and brought a finger to his chin as he thought about the game at hand.
"I think I'll go ahead and take a free play, then," Ferric said, waiting for the three rings to be given to him.
((Do you have a way that the game will be determined? Dice rolls or anything that makes it luck-based?))
"I think I'll go ahead and take a free play, then," Ferric said, waiting for the three rings to be given to him.
((Do you have a way that the game will be determined? Dice rolls or anything that makes it luck-based?))
((Yeah, should've mentioned that.. The mechanic would be rolling 3 dice, each with 2 sides. Each 1 you get equals one ring landed, and each 2 indicates a miss.))
The maid grabs 3 rings from a box on the floor, then hands them to Ferric. "Here you go."
The maid grabs 3 rings from a box on the floor, then hands them to Ferric. "Here you go."
((Sorry for the late response. Been busy. Also, thanks for clarifying. TT v TT / ))
"Thank you, ma'am~" Ferric said with a small smile. He accepted the rings and then looked to the bottles that were lined up for the game. Taking careful aim, Ferric went ahead and tossed each of the rings.
"Thank you, ma'am~" Ferric said with a small smile. He accepted the rings and then looked to the bottles that were lined up for the game. Taking careful aim, Ferric went ahead and tossed each of the rings.
rolled 1d2 and got 1
rolled 1d2 and got 1
rolled 1d2 and got 2
((It's cool))
"Alright, looks like you landed two rings, meaning you won a plastic spider ring thing," the maid says, reaching for a box of the aforementioned item on the floor. She grabs a ring and hands it to Ferric. "Already, there you are."
"Alright, looks like you landed two rings, meaning you won a plastic spider ring thing," the maid says, reaching for a box of the aforementioned item on the floor. She grabs a ring and hands it to Ferric. "Already, there you are."
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