Call me Dovah, Shini, or Brooklyn. I hail from the Elder Scrolls role playing community on Tumblr, which is still my primary rp platform, but I'm always willing to join other friendly, active role playing communities. I was somewhat convinced to join RPR by a dear friend and long-term rp partner. Below, you shall find a bit of a synopsis about yours truly.
I’m a socially awkward nerd with a case of chronic boredom. I love outer space, video games, zombies, seafood, deli food, Cajun food, and food in general. My primary gaming platform is PlayStation, though between my girlfriend and I, we own just about every gaming console ever. I'm recently 23 years young, and I'm from a boring isolated patch of dirt in the southern United States.
I live and breathe all things Elder Scrolls related {though my favorite video game franchise of all time is actually Star Fox}. I can speak fluent Dovahzul, and I even have a YouTube channel that I’m working on in which I write or translate songs in the Dovah tongue. I’m currently taking a break from college, but once I return, I plan to finish my major in Physics. I hope to be an astrophysicist in the future, for the stars and the void of the unknown beyond our world are my passion. My ultimate goal in life is to change the lives of others for the better, and I plan to do so by uncovering the mysteries of the cosmos in order to promote the survival and safety of humanity.
Though awkward, I’m generally easy to get along with. I don’t know how to “people” very well, but once I get comfortable around you, you’ll find me relatively easy to talk with. Feel free to send me a message if you’re interested in role playing with me. I'm a chronic insomniac who works from home, so I'm pretty much online and available to converse/rp with on a regular day-to-day basis. I have 10+ years of role playing experience under my belt, and by now, I'd like to think that I'm somewhat good at it, lol. I mostly like to plot within the fantasy and sci-fi genres, but my experience is not limited to only those two, and I will rp just about anything under the sun. I consider myself to be anywhere from semi-literate to advanced on the spectrum of literacy, and my post length fluctuates depending on the personal style of my partner. I have no preference on the maturity level of our thread; I'm a fairly open-minded individual, so if you have something you desire, let me know, and I'll most likely roll with it. The only thing I ask that you don't do is god-mod, which is a given, I'm sure.
Please, considering that I am incredibly socially inept, I probably won't go actively looking for people to talk to -- so I'll leave it up to you guys to come to me instead.
It's been a pleasure.
Call me Dovah, Shini, or Brooklyn. I hail from the Elder Scrolls role playing community on Tumblr, which is still my primary rp platform, but I'm always willing to join other friendly, active role playing communities. I was somewhat convinced to join RPR by a dear friend and long-term rp partner. Below, you shall find a bit of a synopsis about yours truly.
I’m a socially awkward nerd with a case of chronic boredom. I love outer space, video games, zombies, seafood, deli food, Cajun food, and food in general. My primary gaming platform is PlayStation, though between my girlfriend and I, we own just about every gaming console ever. I'm recently 23 years young, and I'm from a boring isolated patch of dirt in the southern United States.
I live and breathe all things Elder Scrolls related {though my favorite video game franchise of all time is actually Star Fox}. I can speak fluent Dovahzul, and I even have a YouTube channel that I’m working on in which I write or translate songs in the Dovah tongue. I’m currently taking a break from college, but once I return, I plan to finish my major in Physics. I hope to be an astrophysicist in the future, for the stars and the void of the unknown beyond our world are my passion. My ultimate goal in life is to change the lives of others for the better, and I plan to do so by uncovering the mysteries of the cosmos in order to promote the survival and safety of humanity.
Though awkward, I’m generally easy to get along with. I don’t know how to “people” very well, but once I get comfortable around you, you’ll find me relatively easy to talk with. Feel free to send me a message if you’re interested in role playing with me. I'm a chronic insomniac who works from home, so I'm pretty much online and available to converse/rp with on a regular day-to-day basis. I have 10+ years of role playing experience under my belt, and by now, I'd like to think that I'm somewhat good at it, lol. I mostly like to plot within the fantasy and sci-fi genres, but my experience is not limited to only those two, and I will rp just about anything under the sun. I consider myself to be anywhere from semi-literate to advanced on the spectrum of literacy, and my post length fluctuates depending on the personal style of my partner. I have no preference on the maturity level of our thread; I'm a fairly open-minded individual, so if you have something you desire, let me know, and I'll most likely roll with it. The only thing I ask that you don't do is god-mod, which is a given, I'm sure.
Please, considering that I am incredibly socially inept, I probably won't go actively looking for people to talk to -- so I'll leave it up to you guys to come to me instead.
It's been a pleasure.
Wow, that took a while to read
. Welcome to RPR!

Girl you didn't have to write an essay~
I'm just kidding. Glad to see that you joined and I hope you enjoy it! If you have any questions feel free to shoot them my way (of course).
Now, move Symone over here asap so I can make Grim pester her lol!

Now, move Symone over here asap so I can make Grim pester her lol!
Welcome to the site! Don't worry, we're pretty much all nerds here.
Cordyceps wrote:
Girl you didn't have to write an essay~
I'm just kidding. Glad to see that you joined and I hope you enjoy it! If you have any questions feel free to shoot them my way (of course).
Now, move Symone over here asap so I can make Grim pester her lol!

Now, move Symone over here asap so I can make Grim pester her lol!
Well, you know, first impressions are everything, lol.
And done. I also added the new links to Grim.

Thanks for the warm welcome guys!
Holy cow, someone else who has a passionate love for all things Elder Scrolls. Admittedly, I only got into the series and became aware of it all thanks to Skyrim, and it's unfortunately the only one of the series I've been able to play so far. I recently came into possession of a copy of Oblivion, but my drive to continue Skyrim is too strong to let me put in the older game. I haven't stopped playing Skyrim since it was released and have somewhere around 2000 hours soaked into the original PS3 version. I even created a group here on RPR to have people roleplay in the Elder Scrolls series, but it's not entirely completed yet.
Welcome to RPR! I should say so firstly, but I'm so distracted by your passion for Dovahzul and Elder Scrolls that I find myself blabbering on. I'd be happy to talk more over the series in PM if you're up for the chatter! I've found it hard to find anyone interested in the series so much to write it. At least, hard to find anyone that's half as eloquent as you are, that is.
Anyway, I'm happy to see you joining and I hope to get the chance to roleplay, or at the very least, chit chat with you some time.
Welcome to RPR! I should say so firstly, but I'm so distracted by your passion for Dovahzul and Elder Scrolls that I find myself blabbering on. I'd be happy to talk more over the series in PM if you're up for the chatter! I've found it hard to find anyone interested in the series so much to write it. At least, hard to find anyone that's half as eloquent as you are, that is.
Anyway, I'm happy to see you joining and I hope to get the chance to roleplay, or at the very least, chit chat with you some time.

PrettySir wrote:
Holy cow, someone else who has a passionate love for all things Elder Scrolls. Admittedly, I only got into the series and became aware of it all thanks to Skyrim, and it's unfortunately the only one of the series I've been able to play so far. I recently came into possession of a copy of Oblivion, but my drive to continue Skyrim is too strong to let me put in the older game. I haven't stopped playing Skyrim since it was released and have somewhere around 2000 hours soaked into the original PS3 version. I even created a group here on RPR to have people roleplay in the Elder Scrolls series, but it's not entirely completed yet.
Welcome to RPR! I should say so firstly, but I'm so distracted by your passion for Dovahzul and Elder Scrolls that I find myself blabbering on. I'd be happy to talk more over the series in PM if you're up for the chatter! I've found it hard to find anyone interested in the series so much to write it. At least, hard to find anyone that's half as eloquent as you are, that is.
Anyway, I'm happy to see you joining and I hope to get the chance to roleplay, or at the very least, chit chat with you some time.
Welcome to RPR! I should say so firstly, but I'm so distracted by your passion for Dovahzul and Elder Scrolls that I find myself blabbering on. I'd be happy to talk more over the series in PM if you're up for the chatter! I've found it hard to find anyone interested in the series so much to write it. At least, hard to find anyone that's half as eloquent as you are, that is.
Anyway, I'm happy to see you joining and I hope to get the chance to roleplay, or at the very least, chit chat with you some time.

It's funny, because I actually have an Elder Scrolls verse for my character Symone that I plan on bringing over here! I already have her original verse down, lol. I am also thrilled to meet another avid Elder Scrolls fan! Tbh, Oblivion was my first game, and let me tell you, it is my favorite of the series due to its darker plot. Please, don't let the lower quality of its graphics prevent you from playing it -- it's so good!
I would love to talk with you more! Feel free to PM me whenever! As stated before, I'm pretty much available at all times. c:
I would love to talk with you more! Feel free to PM me whenever! As stated before, I'm pretty much available at all times. c:
Hi! Welcome to the sight, glad you wrote a essay none of my rp partners are online right now. If you want to rp just pm me and we can either make one together or do one for just both of us. Hope you enjoy the sight 👍🏼
You like the Elder Scrolls? Then I say to you... WELCOME, friend from Tamriel! It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Hit me up if you want to do an Elder Scrolls roleplay, or if you have questions.
PrettySir wrote:
Holy cow, someone else who has a passionate love for all things Elder Scrolls. Admittedly, I only got into the series and became aware of it all thanks to Skyrim, and it's unfortunately the only one of the series I've been able to play so far. I recently came into possession of a copy of Oblivion, but my drive to continue Skyrim is too strong to let me put in the older game. I haven't stopped playing Skyrim since it was released and have somewhere around 2000 hours soaked into the original PS3 version. I even created a group here on RPR to have people roleplay in the Elder Scrolls series, but it's not entirely completed yet.
Welcome to RPR! I should say so firstly, but I'm so distracted by your passion for Dovahzul and Elder Scrolls that I find myself blabbering on. I'd be happy to talk more over the series in PM if you're up for the chatter! I've found it hard to find anyone interested in the series so much to write it. At least, hard to find anyone that's half as eloquent as you are, that is.
Anyway, I'm happy to see you joining and I hope to get the chance to roleplay, or at the very least, chit chat with you some time.
Welcome to RPR! I should say so firstly, but I'm so distracted by your passion for Dovahzul and Elder Scrolls that I find myself blabbering on. I'd be happy to talk more over the series in PM if you're up for the chatter! I've found it hard to find anyone interested in the series so much to write it. At least, hard to find anyone that's half as eloquent as you are, that is.
Anyway, I'm happy to see you joining and I hope to get the chance to roleplay, or at the very least, chit chat with you some time.

((When you finish the group, I'd like to join.))

Welcome to RPR. I'm Asroc. I RP many and mostly Canons, but I am friendly to OC RPers and will RP with them. I do mainly AU RPs as them. Enjoy your time here.
Heeeey, another Shipyard veteran! 

IlexysCrowe wrote:
Heeeey, another Shipyard veteran! 

Holy cow, you're from the shipyard, too?

Thanks for the warm welcomes guys. ^^
Elder scrolls fan~ oh so much approval
It's good to meet you
and I enjoyed the introduction, it's always nice to read something that time was put into.
You seem fairly well versed in RPing, so I doubt you'll have much trouble. But if you're ever looking for a partner let me know! Enjoy!
It's good to meet you

You seem fairly well versed in RPing, so I doubt you'll have much trouble. But if you're ever looking for a partner let me know! Enjoy!
Well hello, Dovah! I'm sure you'll have a good time here on RPR. If you ever get bored and want to find a specific kind of group or RP to try, RPR's "Find RP" system is pretty good. It lets you pick the parameters and narrow down potential RPs to look at.
I might actually come pester you in a few days for an Elder Scrolls RP, so long as you don't mind someone less familiar with the extended lore. I've played the games for years, but haven't delved as deeply into in-game lore. Save the stuff important to major plot-lines.
I might actually come pester you in a few days for an Elder Scrolls RP, so long as you don't mind someone less familiar with the extended lore. I've played the games for years, but haven't delved as deeply into in-game lore. Save the stuff important to major plot-lines.

Salutation from Hali the Thief of the rift and killer of the grate white elk!
Cool dark elf! Here's one of mine, Aydr.. Welcome to RPR...

And here's Pluvio and another RPer's character in a scene I animated... Fun!

And here's Pluvio and another RPer's character in a scene I animated... Fun!
Heck yeah more elder scrolls fans!! I'm so bad at that game ( ;◇; ) and sadly i have to start over soon because I'm almost done with all of the quest lines in the game. (I cri liek evry tiem)
Anywhoosies, welcome to rpr!!
Anywhoosies, welcome to rpr!!
Hello, welcome to RPR!

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