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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Tomb of Aamon (Closed)

Shadya (played by Sir_Nerfsalot)

Shadya grabs Renagaa by the tail and flings her outside as the doors close.
Chelsy Ray (played by Lupus-Raziel-Shadows)

Chelsy gave a laugh, twirling her sword in the air beside her.
"Let's get this done."
Katjudomaru (played by JinxVoid)

Katjudomaru shuffled his feet with his hand on the hild of the weapon.''Okay"
Iquine Catta (played by dana3400)

Iquine followed the group.She stayed quiet not making a peak. For she needed to be on guard at all time and listened closely. Not wanting to get her self-killed.
Rennagaa (played by Jerryloves)

But Renagaa came back and landed on Shadya from the sky "oh so you thinks you are better than me!!!" Yelled Reanagaa very pissed as a snake. "Well guess what you can't if you do I will just keep coming back!!!"
Iquine Catta (played by dana3400)

Iquine eyes wined. "Oh, great...looks likes we suck down here. I would teleport us out or use a spell for the doors. But am very low on mana toady and those spells are hard to control in a closed area. Looks like we need to find another way out if things do go south."
Chelsy Ray (played by Lupus-Raziel-Shadows)

"I have friends, should things go bad. Yet you all may not approve of them."
Chelsy's grin would now almost seem evil. Despite the fact she wasn't evil.
"I suggest we press on."
Shadya (played by Sir_Nerfsalot)

((It occurs to me that the only one that can further the plot is the OP - what traps are ahead of us, what minions we have to face etc.))
Chelsy Ray (played by Lupus-Raziel-Shadows)

Rennagaa (played by Jerryloves)

"I agree I mean if we stay here we might all died or we might we eat each other who know? I mean it is a matter time" said Rennagaa smiling evilly as they walked thought the tomb
Katjudomaru (played by JinxVoid)

Thats not even funny. said katjudomaru frowning.
Iquine Catta (played by dana3400)

"Let's just try to stick together " Iquine said trying to keep calm.
Katjudomaru (played by JinxVoid)

Katjudomaru (played by JinxVoid)

Glares at everyone with a evil grin ''y'know we could all perish at anytime right....?" Katjudomaru said with a devillish smile
Katjudomaru (played by JinxVoid)

Gtg talk to ya all tomorrow!
Rennagaa (played by Jerryloves)

Rennagaa smile at Katjudomaru since she kind of like death she thinks that death is like a party
"Yeah, I know but that the fun part the boring part is staying alive" said Rennagaa smiling evilly
Rennagaa (played by Jerryloves)

(( see you later!))
Shadya (played by Sir_Nerfsalot)

"Don't you ******* test me..." She draws her Khopesh
Rennagaa (played by Jerryloves)

"Whoa came down! You're worsted than me at least I don't try to kill people!" Yelled Rennagaa very shocked at what just happen
Iquine Catta (played by dana3400)

Iquine dashed in between Rennagaa and Shadya. "Okay, everyone calm down. There no need for fighting, We need to get along if we're ever going to get out of here." Iquine picked up Rennagaa . " I'll take care of this small witch. While you continue to lead us"

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