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Forums » General Roleplay » Trick or Treat: Meet Aekra

Aekra (played anonymously)

Aekra finished decorating the small church she lived in. It wasn't much, just a few pumpkins strewn around, and some yellow lights to keep the area well-lit, but she had a bowl of candy large enough for her to swim in.
Kazu Shimizu (played by FreeJayFly)

It was Halloween, and on this night, Kazu had found himself a victim of magic that he usually wanted no place in messing with.... After all, he wanted no part in messing with any form of magic after he had started living on his own. Too much trouble and hassle, really.

Cursing to himself, Kazu walked along the pathways till he eventually ended up at what looked to be a church of one kind or another. Quirking a brow to it, he was not going to object to the structure, especially if there had been someone within that could have guided him in the right direction with the right phrasing.

Straightening out his shirt, Kazu went up to the church and knocked on the doors. He was not sure if this was one of the things to do in this location, but it was a safer bet than just barging right on in. As he waited, Kazu took the time to glance about, noting the pumpkins that seemed to be set out for decoration.

... Did the people here celebrate Halloween, too? That thought brought him some level of comfort.
Aekra (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Aekra sat down, almost asleep, when she heard a knock on her door, she opened it and a rather short man appeared.

"Er, hello," she muttered awkwardly, "I'm Aekra, and you are?"
Kazu Shimizu (played by FreeJayFly)

When the door was answered, Kazu was taken aback for a moment as he had to look up to the woman that had answered. For a moment, he wondered if he had actually been taken to a different plane of existence. Meido? Jigoku? It was certainly possible that this could be a plane of Tengoku even....

"I, uh..." Kazu started, realising that he might have been a bit too distracted and lost in thought. "Sorry... I'm Kazu. I appear to be a little lost is all. I was hoping for some kind of direction."
Aekra (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Aekra shrugged.

"Sure, where are you trying to go?" she asked politely.

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