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Forums » General Roleplay » Superheroes!

Beringianus Urso (played by Sir_Grey)

The streets of New, Er, City are filled with crime and corruption. Masked, superpowered criminals roam the streets, looting and robbing as they see fit. However, not all is grim and dark. The League of Incredible People, or LIP, (which was named because the Avengers, Punishers, and Justice League were copywritten terms) fight this variety of goons with their own super powers.

Will you step up to the challenge and save the city, maybe even the world? Or will you become corrupted and turn to the very force you swore to destroy?

This RP has mechanics, which I will explain now:

Things are determined by d10 rolls, and something called Skill Points, or SP. Each character starts with 5 SP to spend on any skill, say, controlling fire, or surviving injury. Each SP invested in a skill adds another d10 to your roll. Numbers to roll over are decided by me, the guy in charge, on a case-by-case basis, except when two superpowered individuals are fighting. Psionic or Mental attacks have a seperate stat.

Then, it's defense or Agility skill versus the attack. If the defense rolls higher, the superpowered person takes no damage. If the Attack wins, for every 2 points they exceed the defense roll , one point of damage is given (for a minimum of one). Attacks can be anything, but if a skill is attack, specify like so (Attack: Defense), (Attack: Psionic) or (Attack: Agility). Characters start with 5 hit points. You can sacrifice a Skill Point to increase your HP by two points. Who moves first is decided by Agility score. It's a roll off similar to attack, with opposing agility scores. Attacks can only target one attribute.

All skills start as 1d10.
Beringianus Urso (played by Sir_Grey) Topic Starter

Beringianus Urso (played by Sir_Grey) Topic Starter


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