Hello, thank you for taking the time to read this and I do apologize for not having a decent introduction. I've been to this site several times to look at character pages, but tonight is the first time I've ever bothered to actually make an account! Hopefully it'll help me find a few rps, which I'm honestly desperate for but have been far too nervous to start in quite some time. As a result, my rping skills are rather rusty but I hope this site will help me get back into the swing of things. :')
Hey there and welcome!
No need to be so nervous, the community is incredibly easy going and gentle we're happy to have you on the site! If you ever need help navigating, or just looking for an RP, don't hesitate to ask. Enjoy!
No need to be so nervous, the community is incredibly easy going and gentle we're happy to have you on the site! If you ever need help navigating, or just looking for an RP, don't hesitate to ask. Enjoy!
I'm quite new to this site as well and have found it rather enjoyable. I hope you become fond of this place and the wonderful people that use it. If you're ever low on people to RP with you can PM me.
Hi there! I can definitely second that you're going to find plenty of laid back people around here. Most of us are more than willing to help out - just shout if you have any questions!
Welcome to RPR. I'm Asroc. I RP many and mostly Canons, but I am friendly to OC RPers and will RP with them. I do mainly AU RPs as them. Enjoy your time here.
Welcome to the site! As long as you have decent grammar, I don't think many people will mind too much.
It looks like most folks have already pointed out the temperature of the crowd around here, so I'm just popping in to say hello and welcome! With characters like yours I'm sure it will be easy to find some good threads.
Oh! If you don't mind low-stress one-off scenes, the trick-or-treat threads in the general RP area right now might help you break the ice! I'd give them a shot, as they'll be over by the 31st and then... I don't know what's next, I'm newish, too. We're all in this together, lol!
Oh! If you don't mind low-stress one-off scenes, the trick-or-treat threads in the general RP area right now might help you break the ice! I'd give them a shot, as they'll be over by the 31st and then... I don't know what's next, I'm newish, too. We're all in this together, lol!
welcome to RPR finally!
have fun making some sweet characters
have fun making some sweet characters
Hey, welcome to RPR!
And welcome to RPR!
And welcome to RPR!
I'm super excited you chose to join us here and I really hope that you find yourself lots of fun and friendships! If you haven't already, I recommend checking out the Just Talkin' chat!
Welcome to RPR!
Hi! Welcome To RPR!
Hello and Welcome!^^
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