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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trick or Treat: Jalsinter's

Jalsinter Forheri (played anonymously)

That morning, as well as the previous two days, were especially busy for Jalsinter; dedicated as they were to preparations for the holiday. The majority of the first two were spent finishing up what work he could, sending each piece of silver, cut gem or gold brooch to their new owners in the city through trusted couriers. The night before he began decorating his shop but fell asleep after carving the third pumpkin on his desk. Despite the awkward angle the goldsmith did get good rest, so the rest of his work in that morn was done smoothly and without incident (unless one considers his habit of procrastination until the day of import one.)

Noon was passing swiftly; already the occasional costumed family wandered the streets, dressed in costumes and searching for those that would indulge the festivities. Jalsinter placed his jack-o-lanterns strategically around the front of his shop, each containing a stout candle to light later in the day. The man gathered a simple wooden bowl filled with hand-made goodies under his arm, donned his mask and stepped out front.

A chair built for his height sat behind a stall usually meant for business transactions in front of his home. The man rested the bowl on its right side and sat down, leaning forward for the purpose of seeing any visiting child too small to be viewed otherwise. His mask was his costume, as Jal didn't have the time or creative energy after work to think of anything more complex. It was bronze, shaped to the stylized visage of a bear roaring; each tooth highlighted by a thin layer of silver.

As he waited for trick-or-treaters the man wondered if he shouldn't have simply used an old sheet to make himself a ghost instead of spending his resources on a mask that didn't go with anything.
"Sure is great to get out and around, isn't it, Sister?" a black-haired young woman spoke, stretching her arms above her head. Her bangs were sideswept, and her hair was long, reaching the small of her back. She was dressed up in light looking armour that was black in colour. There was a bandolier that was slung across from her left shoulder to her right hip -- kunai were visible as were a couple pouches. Another belt hung from her hips lined with a couple more pouches surely filled with other tools of the ninja... or, most likely, filled with candies and treats.

"I could have stood to stay at the stall a while longer..." the other young woman spoke, her expression and her voice a little more flat. Her hair was white and was straight cut, falling just above her neck. She donned bloodied scrubs and a nurse's cap that was nestled between her black fox ears. With the faux blood and her attire, she seemed as if she had come out of a hospital that seemed better off forgotten in whatever ruins it was surely in.

"Mana, look!" the black-haired woman said, grabbing at her sister's sleeve and pointing in the direction of the man that wore the bronze and silver mask. It was clear that she had not been listening to whatever her sister had been saying prior.

"What is it, Roin..?" Mana asked, looking where her sister had been pointing.

"He's got a bowl of candy for that Evian holiday! Hollywing? And look at his mask! It looks like some of the ceremonial wear of some of our warriors back home!" Roin said, almost excited as she ran over to the stall where the man sat. She was smiling rather widely beneath the face mask that covered her nose and mouth.

"I think it's actually Hallo--..." Mana started, seeing her sister being too eager for her own good... as always. "... ween."

A giggle escaped Roin's lips as Mana soon stood beside her. After the two of them stood together, Roin said: "Trick or treat! Happy Hollywing!"
Jalsinter Forheri (played anonymously) Topic Starter

The artisan's head rose to the sound of the approaching strangers and he rested his chin on his hand. These two were not what he had expected but there wasn't anything wrong with that, now was there? He blinked slowly behind his mask and inquired, "Hollywing? Halloween...?"

"--Uh, here." Jal picked up the bowl from the counter to extend in their direction. Its contents, handmade as they were, tended to vary in size. The big oaf had instructions for them regarding that; "You can take three of the smaller ones--" he pointed at those he denoted, his following words accompanied by similar gestures, "--two of these, or one of this." The largest goodie wasn't quite candy at all; from the smell of it, these wrapped objects seemed to be some sort of pastry.

"Whatever you pick, I assure you it will be good. It was a challenge not to eat all of them yesterday." The man almost seemed to glower at the treats as he explained. After speaking he glanced at their respective costumes. Seeing the stains on Mana's garb seemed to distract him for a second, the sight of red widening his eyes slightly. Then he squinted and realized his concerns were unfounded, relaxing once again.

"I see you two are ready for anything," Jal quipped, trying to be clever about acknowledging their costumes. He wasn't sure it was working very well; he never was good at quips.
"Have to be! Expect the unexpected, as they say!" Roin happily chirped as she looked over the goodies that were offered to both her and her sister. Her ears perked as the smell of the sweets finally greeted her nose, and she observed the candies a little more closely before reaching out and poking through the choices that were available. It took her a couple moments as she sifted through the small candies, then the medium ones, and then went ahead with taking one of the wrapped pastries.

"Whatever you pick, I assure you it will be good. It was a challenge not to eat all of them yesterday."

"Hee... they certainly smell good from what I can pick up!" Roin replied with a hidden grin.

Mana, on the other hand, took only a quick glance before picking out three of the smaller candies and getting them placed within her own nurse's bag that accompanied her costume. Once she had gotten them secured away, she turned her attention back to Jalsinter, looking at the mask that Roin pointed out prior and simply noting its craftsmanship before she glanced to Roin, expecting them to take their leave soon now that they had been presented with the sweets.

Once it looked like Roin was not going to make any further comment, Mana turned back to Jal and gave a small bow. Rising back up, she said to him, "we thank you for the sweets this evening, sir. May the rest of your evening go smoothly.

"So soon?" Roin questioned, looking to her sister.

"It is a night of festivity. I'm sure this good sir's night will be busy soon enough, sister..." Mana replied, making it sound like a rather obvious statement.

"Oh..." Roin's response was flat. Turning to look back to the man, she supposed her sister had a point. "Well, I guess we really shouldn't linger around too long! Though yeah! Thanks for the goodies! Have a Happy Hollywin--Halloween!"

Mana had already turned to leave without further comment, and Roin turned to follow. The black-haired sister waved to Jalsinter, keeping to her peppy kind of disposition as she skipped along after Mana to the next distributor of candies or goods.
Jalsinter Forheri (played anonymously) Topic Starter

The masked man smirked as Roin replied to his quip. As she carefully looked over each option he held the bowl steady, glancing between her hand and her eyes before the choice was made. When it was he seemed to perk up, muttering, "Good choice." He peered at Mana briefly as she absently plucked the candies, setting the bowl back down on the stall.

When Mana bowed to him the artisan hesitated, unsure in the first instant what to do. He did bow in the second however, being as quick on the uptake as he could be and impulsively nodded again when thanks were given. "And your's as well, friends." And to the black haired sister's addendum he nearly bowed again, finding her enthusiasm to be contagious. "Godspeed. Feel free to pester the merchants down the road; they always have the biggest selection of candies in the city."

He watched them go and then turned toward the candy bowl. Then he leaned forward and stared down the street both ways.
Jalsinter Forheri (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Several hours passed; the early evening of late autumn painted the sky a vibrant orange as the festivities kicked up. The artisan couldn't tell just by looking that way but he was almost certain there was a party of some kind down the road. Given his relatively meager quantity of trick-or-treaters, the man wondered if he shouldn't just leave the bowl behind and investigate the party.

A family passed, their three children picking out several candies and leaving his supply of pastries all but depleted. He sat back and fished a monocle from his coat pocket. Jal shut one eye and placed the monocle over the other to peer up at the sky and daydream.
Morgana had fallen to the ground with Taff, a few feet away from the store. She was most displeased that the epic spell fight against Taff could go so horribly wrong as to land them in this strange world, she had never seen before or known it existed.

Still, being a high born lady she stood up and dusted herself raising a quizzical eye brow at Taff who remained sprawled across the floor.

"You will continue to serve even in this strange wretched world you made us fall into" scoffed Morgana raising the chin and straightening the back, walking around and examining the building and people

Luckily it was Halloween, everyone dressed as so many different things that her princess clothing fit in perfectly for the occasion, to the exception that this was no ordinary costume, this was a real outfit with real gold and jewelry to match.

Taff on the other hand was wearing a warlock's outfit, having donned the sorcerer's robes just to spite Morgana all the more so, given his greater powers and magic. Still upon her reminder of his servitude, Taff surrendered well used to it.

He came over to the shop and opened the door, bowing briefly and letting Morgana walk in first.

"Greetings shop keeper... what fine occasion are you celebrating?" quizzed Morgana curiously

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