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Forums » General Roleplay » Finding the cure rp

Agnostic (played by zombiekillr007)

Agnostic ran and ran through the forest, while the infected ran after him. Agnostic fell to the ground gasping for breath. He looked behind and with a sigh of relief he said "Thank god"
Moon Light (played by Gothic_Girl)

moonlight in her wolf form was running away from a group of infested that was in the town she was exploring she ran into the forest and sighed. She looked behind noticing they were gone and sat down. Moonlight caught her breathe before howling out to the woods letting all the none infected know about her.
Lupus 'Raziel' Shado (played by Lupus-Raziel-Shadows)

A tall man walked through the dark trees of a thick forest. His long white hair stood stark against the dark green and brown of the lands around him. The sun was dipping low on the horizon, night was falling. In the dim light, the glow of his red eyes was early visible. He could hear the screams, groans, and growls of the infected in the distance, yet he wasn't worried. His golden tail twitched as he walked on, for now.

Georgina had just come from town with a bolt of fabric, she headed into the woods taking this way home. She heard the howl of a wolf and quickly changed shape into a ferret hiding inside a tree stump.

She heard a sigh and a 'thank god.' and after a moment she stuck her head out and asked "Are you ok?"
It happened all too quickly. First, people began coughing and sneezing, a common cold, 'just a small bug', people said. Then it began to worsen steadily. Fevers broke out, people began coughing up blood, strange boils erupted from their skin, the whole works. The sickness spread throughout neighboring towns and cities.

After a little while, the people who fell ill began to act violently. Lashing out against anyone who was closest. It was like they weren't even human anymore.

Callahan was determined to fix this himself. By the grace of The Glorious One, and the strength of justice he will find a cure. He marched over towards the first town that was infected.

But then he realized just how many there were.... And now he was running for his life through the forest from the large group of people turned monsters.

"HELP ME! BY THE GLORIOUS ONE, HELP! ME!" He yelled at the top of his lungs, hoping someone would hear.
Moon Light (played by Gothic_Girl)

Moonlight hoped someone heard her howl and laid down on the floor of the woods. She sighed softly as she started to feel tired she stared at the roots of tree trying not to fall asleep but failed and fell asleep in her wolf form tired from all of her running and not wanting to become human until she found a human.
Agnostic (played by zombiekillr007) Topic Starter

Georgina Myers wrote:
Georgina had just come from town with a bolt of fabric, she headed into the woods taking this way home. She heard the howl of a wolf and quickly changed shape into a ferret hiding inside a tree stump.

She heard a sigh and a 'thank god.' and after a moment she stuck her head out and asked "Are you ok?"

He jumped back "WHO ARE YOU!"
She came out of the tree stump, a brown and tan ferret "My name is Georgina." she said looking to the scared human.
Agnostic (played by zombiekillr007) Topic Starter

Agnostic kept his distance "Are you okay? Your not infected are you?"
"Infected? Are you?" she asked not sure what he was talking about. She had been in her home for months working on her creations.
Agnostic (played by zombiekillr007) Topic Starter

"Y...You don't know, do you? " He sighed " All I can say is stay out of town"
She looked back towards the small mountain town she had came from then back at him. She took a step closer and changed back into a red humanoid rabbit.

"What's going on?" she asks.
Agnostic (played by zombiekillr007) Topic Starter

"There infected with the plague"
Agnostic (played by zombiekillr007) Topic Starter

Agnostic was about to say something else when they heard in the forest '"HELP ME! BY THE GLORIOUS ONE, HELP! ME!'
Moon Light (played by Gothic_Girl)

Moonlight continued to Sleep, Her wolf forum vanishing as she slept so she was now just a human asleep on the ground. Her black looked like a flowing puddle of ink and her clothes consisted of a kinda huge black Tee-shirt and jeans with Tennis shoes the clothes she was in when the infected started chasing her.
Agnostic (played by zombiekillr007) Topic Starter

"Quick this way" They ran towards the scream when they stop instantly. "It's a girl," Agnostic said.
Callahan kept running, not turning back at all. His armor began weighing him down, and he struggled to maintain his speed. Soon, he went running towards Agnostic, the infected hoard only just a few feet behind him.

"HEEEEEEEELP MEEEEEE!" He cried, flailing his arms to him.
She carefully touched the girl with her furry foot. "Hello?! Hello?" she asked hoping the girl was just asleep.
Lupus 'Raziel' Shado (played by Lupus-Raziel-Shadows)

Not long after, A tall man would emerge from between the trees. He stopped upon seeing the other people, not instantly recognizing them to be healthy. He place a hand over the hilt of his sword as his eyes narrowed at them.
Moon Light (played by Gothic_Girl)

Moonlight soon woke up with a small groaned and looked around before realizing the she fell and bolted up.

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