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Forums » General Roleplay » Finding the cure rp

Agnostic (played by zombiekillr007) Topic Starter

"Stay here while i will get some wood"
Jack (played by SkyeAnnMarie)

"ok" jack said as he took Mark off of the horse "see if you find something to lay on that is comfortable and be careful"
Agnostic (played by zombiekillr007) Topic Starter

"I will"
Jack (played by SkyeAnnMarie)

"we cant afford to lose our best warrior"
Agnostic (played by zombiekillr007) Topic Starter

He chuckles " Thank you"
Agnostic (played by zombiekillr007) Topic Starter

He walks out of the cave.
Jack (played by SkyeAnnMarie)

"Now to make my pup comfortable and safe"
Agnostic (played by zombiekillr007) Topic Starter

"Im back"
Lupus 'Raziel' Shado (played by Lupus-Raziel-Shadows)

Alanthia, the skeletal winged unicorn, gave a loud snort while staring at the others. Her red eyes glowed intently in the darkness. It was almost as if she was saying, 'staying in one place to long is unsafe.'
Agnostic (played by zombiekillr007) Topic Starter

"Lupus you can talk to it?"
Jack (played by SkyeAnnMarie)

"so we need someone to volunteer for a night watch"
Jack (played by SkyeAnnMarie)

"And we need a fire Agnostic are you taking care of that?"
Agnostic (played by zombiekillr007) Topic Starter

"Sure thing"
Agnostic (played by zombiekillr007) Topic Starter

He holds his hands out and fire spits out of his hands and the fire lights up the cave.
Jack (played by SkyeAnnMarie)

"Thanks" Jack looks over at Mark then puts his hands over his face. "I feel like its all my fault"
Agnostic (played by zombiekillr007) Topic Starter

Agnostic sits next to you. " Now why do you say that?"
Jack (played by SkyeAnnMarie)

"I brought him here in the first place we would have been safe in Atheia if it weren't for me"
Agnostic (played by zombiekillr007) Topic Starter

"Well can you not send him back?"
Jack (played by SkyeAnnMarie)

"I dont want to he might get infected and if we wouldnt be able to find a cure he would be like that for forever and i dont want it to be that way"
Agnostic (played by zombiekillr007) Topic Starter

"What do you mean he might get infected its more safe there, than here right?"

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