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Forums » Looking for RP » The Cardinal War (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Ren Okami (played anonymously)

Dated back during the times of kingdoms, there was a war. This war was brought between four factions, each settled on their side of the land. The Easternmost side of the land was known as Lupyne. Their sigil was the Wolf. The North, Uraza, was a Lion. South, Zhou-Chi, was a Panda. Down in the West, Wyver, was the Dragons. This war wasn't as far broken out..yet. Magic had just awakened. Not known by many, magic had been seen throughout all the kingdoms. For now, nobody had much to worry about, for the most part, the kingdoms had been making slow progress in aggressive behavior, but who knew..just like a volcano, there was no telling when the land would erupt. Could there only be war as a solution? Was there nothing more sinister below..or above them? Would the war turn out to be a cooperation?
Magic 30%
Some magic. Few can use it, but most of the players probably won't have it. Magical characters will likely believe that they are all alone.
Technology 20%
Iron age
Combat 30%
Distant war may be part of the setting, but any scenes that happen to involve combat will likely be summarized, not played out in detail.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

I really, really like this idea. I'm not sure if any characters I currently have uploaded would work. But, if you wanted you could check. I'm happy to upload another if need be :).

I THINK, I believe, I have the smallest idea of my character Jocelyn. She’s a sort of Grim Reaper which would fit into the sort of magic aspect, and since she basically travels through time, her clothes and mindset would change too, having her as a sort of character who’s neutral throughout the whole thing. I know it’s farfetched but I could make it work. I’m currently writing her backstory!
Ren Okami (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Heh, thanks for pitching in. I'm sure that any character could fit in this story as long as they're not modern. I'm looking for medieval time characters, which I will agree that a Grim Reaper could fit. I'll message you about your characters ShatteredSplat. I'll go ahead and okay you for the role.
If you're still looking for players, would Mud or Raed work?
Ren Okami (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Forta-ver wrote:
If you're still looking for players, would Mud or Raed work?

I may sound like a child by asking this, but could I have a more clear definition?
I'd be interested in joining, but I'd have to make a character for it (also don't be scared by my only character-- I'm going to make some humans soon). And.. I do have school so.. ew that.
Ren Okami (played anonymously) Topic Starter

That's alright, heh
Okay, assuming that's a yes I'm going to make a character that can fit with this rp tomorrow lol.
(as I said, ew school because I have to sleep soon.)
Ren Okami (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Very well, dear. Have a good night, and don't worry too much about a character. As long as it isn't too modern then you're in.
Alright, I made her! Do you think she'll fit?
Tavie Raevin
Ren Okami (played anonymously) Topic Starter

It works ;D
Ren Okami wrote:
It works ;D
Good to know! :P
I’m in then? (Sorry just making sure, didn’t want to drag out the conversation if that’s what you think is happening)
Ren Okami (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Yep, you're in
Hello! If there are still places open for other players, may I join? (If so, would Alexandra work? If not, I could always make a new character.) Hope I wasn't a bother. ^-^
Ren Okami (played anonymously) Topic Starter

More the merrier, dear. Anyone is welcome..I'll start a group soon, please, everyone add me, I'd appreciate it
I would love to join this! It seems extremely interesting and I could definitely see a long term RP group working here :)

Now my only trouble is who I should use ^^;
Ruslan is a magic user who was a body guard most of his life while Paul is a vigilant warrior :o
I'm pretty interested.
I don't yet have a character made that could fit this, but I can make one. Also, is multiple characters allowed? I'm pretty use to juggling a lot of characters at once.
Ren Okami (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Alright, that'll work, just don't make a habit of switching often..give others a chance to rp
May I use ruslan even though he uses small amounts of Magic?

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