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Forums » Looking for RP » Realms: Shattered Void (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Zachranis F Xalic (played by Wishmaster-Yohko)

Watching the daunting dialog between the two enemies Zach let his book flip to a page. Inhaling a deep breath and exhaling hit slowly he glanced down the the runic text, skimming passages with scribbles and markings he had made. Coming across one he paused. 'I do not know this creatures weakness but it seems I have to gamble with this!' His thoughts raced before inhaling once more.

"Jiena hort klisna!" Zach nearly roared as the magic flamed it his throat steaming through his teeth. The words manifests into swirling dark blue flames that whipped out towards Kraxces.
Ethas_Reaper Topic Starter

Kraxces simply swiped his sword through the air, and the flames dissipated. "Pff, that was pitiful," he mocked. "Would you like to try again?"
Zachranis F Xalic (played by Wishmaster-Yohko)

A bit of his lip drew blood as his gamble failed, the flames he called forth swiped away without effort. Shifting his backpack he let it slide and fall to the ground as he glared at the creature. "I was only a distraction." He called out as his voice began to become hoarse.
Ethas_Reaper Topic Starter

"For what?"
"Me, asshat." Ethas had teleported behind Kraxces and he stabbed him in the face with his scythe.
Zachranis F Xalic (played by Wishmaster-Yohko)

Zach watched as his newly found ally appeared behind Kraxces and laid a strike to the Monsters face. Clenching his fist he silently cheered as the blade sunk into the flesh, not keeping his hopes up completely he prepared for another move. 'Fire failed.. Maybe Zimeo will have an idea?' His thoughts raced as Ethas began his assault.
Ethas_Reaper Topic Starter

Ethas placed his feet on the demon's chest and pushed away, ripping the scythe head out. Then he landed gracefully.
Zachranis F Xalic (played by Wishmaster-Yohko)

Bringing his free hand up to his mouth he whispered faintly, a lime green light shined through his fingers as the book in his left flipped pages on its own accord. Putting his ear to the glow he quickly nodded before extigusing the green light in a closed fist. 'This forest was dark, Kraxces was dark,' Taking a deep inhale as grin spreads his lips. "Gamble #2, Cionra Nefti Zeroi!" The familiar heat rose out of his throat again, scorching his windpipe as steam rolled out of his mouth. A light flickered in the air, bobbing against the darkness before gaining power. The darkness of the forest only made the light shine brighter as a wave of heat followed suit.
Ethas_Reaper Topic Starter

He hissed. "Heat? That's the best you have?"
Ethas sighed. "You don;t have to be so rude, Kraxces/"
Zachranis F Xalic (played by Wishmaster-Yohko)

The ball of energy dimmed from a white light to a pale orange, it started to flicker before the heat outwards started to pull back into itself. "Heat isn't the only thing! Ethas grab something rooted down!" Zach voice started to distort as the energy kept drawing into itself pulling leaves and small rocks at first.
Ethas_Reaper Topic Starter

The boy slammed his scythe into the ground as Kraxces was slowly drawn in. "You must be joking," the demon sighed.
Zachranis F Xalic (played by Wishmaster-Yohko)

"Not in the least! Zimeo!!" Zach roared out as he threw his clenched fist out above him. The lime green light about the size of a softball shot out and started to barrel out towards Kraxces, the orange light began gaining power as it pull even bigger rocks and objects towards it. Zimeo, the green light started to slam into Kraxces with a high pitch whistle.
Ethas_Reaper Topic Starter

He growled and teleported away.
Zachranis F Xalic (played by Wishmaster-Yohko)

Zimeo flew around towards the orange light and whistled again, the light immediately vanished and all the objects being drawn towards it fell to the ground. Zach closed the book as he put his right hand to his throat, it hurt to swallow. Zimeo fluttered by Ethas before zipping back to Zachs shoulder to hover there. "I-I dont think Kra-Kraxces is gone..." his voice barely a whisper as he looked at Ethas.
Ethas_Reaper Topic Starter

"No. He has a tendency to chicken out like a bitch."
Zachranis F Xalic (played by Wishmaster-Yohko)

Relief washed over his already fatigued boddy but in the back of Zachs mind he knew it was far from over, they had just won a battle but not the war. A cough rose in his chest, the magical heat from his throat had started to cool down. "Did Kraxces bring us here?" Walking over to Ethas he held out a bundle of food.
Ethas_Reaper Topic Starter

He waved the food away. "He didn't bring me here. I got here on my own, looking for the demonic bastard."
Zachranis F Xalic (played by Wishmaster-Yohko)

"How did you do that? All I know is that I was travelling in a forest like this when suddenly it got darker and the wildlife quieted down.." Zach asked bewildered as he bang opening the food pack he brought out a peice of bread and a canteen made of some sort of leather. Zimeo stayed hovering over his shoulder lightly whistling in his ear. "Hmm?"
Ethas_Reaper Topic Starter

"I'm a Realmwalker. I can travel through dimensions, summon alternate versions of me, and turn into those 'alts' as I call them."
Zachranis F Xalic (played by Wishmaster-Yohko)

The word Realmwalker made Zimeo quit her whistling as she zoomed near Ethas hoovering a few feet away. It seemed as if she was studying the man that was the Realmwalker.
Ethas Reaper (played by Ethas_Reaper) Topic Starter

"I think your friend knows what a Realmwalker."

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Realms: Shattered Void (closed)

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