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Forums » Introductions » It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance!

Hello everyone! I'm no stranger to roleplay as I've been doing it for years, but this is my first time on this site! It seems really awesome and I can't wait to get more into things once I have a better feel for it all.

I've been roleplaying in one way or another probably since I was about seven as my dad was a part of a D&D campaign. I took an interest to it and ended up helping out with playing minor characters here and there after they taught me how to play, which as you might imagine added a bit of childish randomness to it that everyone seemed to enjoy. The idea of becoming someone else in a different world was really interesting to my young self, and that seems to have carried with me all these years.

Nowadays I spend my time roleplaying in two major ways for the most part. I of course, as you might imagine based on the previous story, definitely still play D&D when I can get a group together to play. I've never really done an online campaign before, especially not on a text based form, but considering that I see you can do dice I imagine that's a thing that would be possible here? Either way though dice based roleplaying games are something that I absolutely adore every since I got into it from a young age.

The second thing i do which is more common is play-by-post roleplaying. That usually takes a lot less set-up and hassle as well as being more open ended to people who get confused by dice set ups so I find myself spending most of my roleplaying energy that way. I absolutely love writing as it's my greatest passion and that's a way to outlet that with the company of other people! Whether its in a well built world or a sudden spur of the moment thread I tend to enjoy it all.

Anyway, long story short, I love roleplaying and can't wait to get more into things on here! I'm pretty shy about going up to people and asking for help or speaking first, but feel free to message me if you're interested in being friends as I love talking to people! It's a weird duality I know, being shy and antisocial yet enjoying the company of others. Either way though I'm excited to meet everyone on here and in general familiarize myself with the site more!
Hey, welcome to RPR! :)
Welcome to RPR! :)
Hi! Welcome to RPR! My name is Travis, or Trinity, or even Bean if you’d like (some people even even call me Travis Bean. :3)! I hope you enjoy your stay here, shoot me a PM if you’re interested in doing a RP!
Hey, welcome to the RPR fam! :D

Hope you enjoy it here!
I found myself nodding along to most of your post, Daunte, that experience is parallel with a lot of mine! Not the D&D, unfortunately, but when I have kids I think we'll probably be getting them into nerdy writing business just like their parents.

Anyways, as for the shy thing, I get you. I'm a tremendously shy person in real life but once I learned to open up, it's been a game changer, lol.

I hope you enjoy getting settled in! If you do have questions, this is one of the best forums to ask... Folks are generally friendly and patient. Welcome!

Welcome to RPR! I'm super glad you've rejoined us here!

I really recommend checking out the Looking For RP boards, and I definitely recommend hitting up the OOC Chat as a place to get to know some of your fellow roleplayers!

Thank you SO MUCH for coming back here to us and helping us make our community great!
Welcome to one of the friendliest places of the internet!
Daunte Topic Starter

AHHH you all are so nice!! I appreciate the warm welcome! I'm so excited to get into everything here and experience this place!
welcome! im a new member as well

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