This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
I started a roleplay with a friend about a year and a half ago through skype messages. It was awesome, and we ended up asking this amazing world that basically allowed for anything, even things that would seem absurd to normally put in a roleplay, if tweaked slightly they could exist. Over time we added friends, and now we have five people including myself in a roleplay chatroom that has now swapped over onto discord. Three of the five people including myself actively roleplay, one is working on a character, and the other comes in every once in awhile to do some environmental things such as weather changes just to make other people's roleplay more interesting, but normally stays out of it. I and the original friend this started with host the roleplay. Now just for your information me and Ethan (the original friend) roleplay every day together roughly around 5:00 am through 6:00 pm Pacific Daylight Time on weekdays (we both get up later and go to bed later on weekends) Then the other comes to roleplay off and on 5:00 am through 8:00 pm Pacific Daylight Time on weekdays, and I finally am on roughly 5:00 am through 9:30 pm Pacific Daylight Time. Yes, we roleplay for very long hours, and we don't expect you to if you decide to join us, but we would like you to be able to roleplay two to four hours a day, or at least be available for two to four hours every day somewhere between the times listed above. Note that roleplaying in a chatroom doesn't take your full attention as it is just sending messages back and forth, so it is easy to do it while at school (assuming they will let you), while hanging out with friends (as long as they don't think it's rude that you will be on your phone typing a message every so often), etc.
So we are recruiting people to join our chatroom, who can as said previously be available two to four hours nearly every day between 5:00 am through 8:00 pm Pacific Daylight Time. Now if it's your first time roleplaying in a chatroom make sure to tell me that way I can roleplay with you one on one for awhile, just to see until you get the hang of it.
Now first off how we tend to type in our chatroom is the following two formats.
Format 1: Name: He’d take the book from his hand smiling, tucking the book under his right arm. “Thank you, I will make sure to make good use of this,” He thinks to himself, this old bastard has no clue what's coming, as I'm distracting him with business my colleagues are raiding his shop.
This is the more book-like format and is typically more enjoyable, but more of a pain to use. Feel free to use that format, but as of now, nobody else is, although I may consider swapping to it. All you really do is just write how it would be said in a book with (your character's name) followed by a colon in front of it. The second format is the lazier one but can be also combined with the first format to make it sound better. In this format, you do (your character's name) followed by a colon and then you put what they say surrounded by quotations “” what they do surrounded by dashes -- and what they think surrounded by nothing.
Format 2: Name: -He’d take the book from his hand smiling, tucking the book under his right arm- “Thank you, I will make good use of this” Ha, this old bastard has no clue what’s coming, as I'm distracting him with business my colleagues are raiding his shop.
This is the format that most of us use, we do it because it makes it easier to separate actions, thoughts, and speech. No one is better than the other exactly, and you may use whatever one you want.
Now for our standards, our standards are fairly low, and we will go with almost anything if it makes enough sense, or is interesting enough. Basically s far as characters go we don't care too much if you just take a character from your favorite book, movie, comic, or tv show as long as it is the following. The character is either obscure or is unique and strange enough of a character to not feel like you just stole it from a tv show, book, comic, or movie. A good example of a character for the obscure, well this is more of a weapon than a character but it serves the point would be the Shard Blade from The Stormlight Archive books. That's also a good example of something that is unique, and strange enough to feel like it wasn't stolen from something else. Of course we always will encourage you not to take steal someone else's ideas and use it in our roleplay, and instead, take an aspect that you like about it, keep those and make some alterations, and add other interesting things to make something almost completely separate and new. However, we will not judge you on what you decide.
1: So here's a list of basic rules, that isn't really listed because we feel they are obvious. Don't randomly kill characters (This means unless your character is a psychopath or something of that nature you aren't allowed to go around attacking people without some other motive like anger.)
2: Don't break the fourth wall for a joke unless your character actually has the ability, or reason to (Breaking the fourth wall can break immersion a bit, and it isn't preferred but if you do have a Deadpool like character and it makes sense feel free)
3: Do not blatantly god mod. We allow for extremely strong characters, ones that can even be considered gods, but there are many things criteria that must be met to allow that to happen. No matter what, a character must be killable one way or another. They could negate all physical damage, but then a spell might be able to erase their being or something, and that spell could be super complicated and take the strongest wizard in existence, but it has to be possible.
Let's talk about gods, we allow your characters to essentially be gods. Yes, I hear red flags going off, god modding is a huge no-no in roleplay because it makes a character too strong to the point of making it no longer entertaining. We have three characters that actually count as complete gods in the roleplay. The weakest of them, Nanimo can basically do anything he wants without limitation, but he is so unmotivated and believes so little in absolutely anything that to make him take even the smallest action, it requires an argument with him which is not likely to ever birth a response. (also there are multiple versions of Nanimo in this roleplay, the current one that is a god, however, basically only cares about one thing, and it's unlikely for that thing to ever happen, and he will only try to convince people to let him fix it instead of just fixing it right away making him actually an interesting character that adds plot rather than takes it away) You can see his bio here:
The second strongest god is just as powerful as Nanimo but believes her power isn't right and is abusive to do anything more than materializing small objects. She actively denies it, and let's say she was convinced to use them for something huge, the strongest god could say no you're not allowed to do that. This makes the character interesting, you can see her full bio here:
The strongest god is the All-Father, and he is the true god of the world. He created everything and spectates it rarely doing anything. He will rarely decide to add a major threat to the world, or some form of challenge, event, etc out of boredom, and each time he has done this it has only added to the plot. Then there are coins called a God's Treasure, which allow you to make one wish from the All-Father, and needless to say with them having that kind of power, they are nearly impossible to get, and there are only ten of them, and they can be literally anywhere in the universe. He doesn’t have a bio.
Now speaking of bio’s here's a link to my character list click the [!] next to their name to check out their bio’s Feel free to make some bio’s for your characters, although I am currently the only person who makes bio’s for their characters, but if you ever have questions about anyone's character you can just ask them, and they should be able to tell you everything. Why should you join us instead of some other RP chatroom? Because we have well thought out world lore where we explain many aspects of the world! We also have a world map, but it’s not quite finished, and that actually might be a good thing, because that means you can help put stuff on it! Check out the globe here: . You should join because despite the time set in a fantasy medieval period, with more modern morals and language, we still have technology, it's not common, and is usually very expensive and rare but magi-teck is a thing, using magic as technology to create guns, robots, etc. We also allow for basically any character, so you can go wild with ideas. Finally, we have a power chart, I mean it’s not entirely accurate, it's about as useless as power levels in Dragon Ball, but we have it so you have some form of reference to how strong someone is. See a copy of the power chart here: <a href=""></a> that's not the real power chart, it's just a copy of it because the actual power chart link is an edit link, and only people who are part of the roleplay should have access to it to prevent someone messing with it.
So you want to join, awesome! All you have to do is make a character, either send me a bio of them on the forum or tell me about the character, whether or not if you have any experience roleplaying (if you don't I'll just do a private one on one roleplay with you for awhile until I think you're experienced enough for the chat room) and then I’ll reply back. I don't want any more than ten people added to this roleplay chat because it could get chaotic then, so I won't be adding many people. Good luck!
So we are recruiting people to join our chatroom, who can as said previously be available two to four hours nearly every day between 5:00 am through 8:00 pm Pacific Daylight Time. Now if it's your first time roleplaying in a chatroom make sure to tell me that way I can roleplay with you one on one for awhile, just to see until you get the hang of it.
Now first off how we tend to type in our chatroom is the following two formats.
Format 1: Name: He’d take the book from his hand smiling, tucking the book under his right arm. “Thank you, I will make sure to make good use of this,” He thinks to himself, this old bastard has no clue what's coming, as I'm distracting him with business my colleagues are raiding his shop.
This is the more book-like format and is typically more enjoyable, but more of a pain to use. Feel free to use that format, but as of now, nobody else is, although I may consider swapping to it. All you really do is just write how it would be said in a book with (your character's name) followed by a colon in front of it. The second format is the lazier one but can be also combined with the first format to make it sound better. In this format, you do (your character's name) followed by a colon and then you put what they say surrounded by quotations “” what they do surrounded by dashes -- and what they think surrounded by nothing.
Format 2: Name: -He’d take the book from his hand smiling, tucking the book under his right arm- “Thank you, I will make good use of this” Ha, this old bastard has no clue what’s coming, as I'm distracting him with business my colleagues are raiding his shop.
This is the format that most of us use, we do it because it makes it easier to separate actions, thoughts, and speech. No one is better than the other exactly, and you may use whatever one you want.
Now for our standards, our standards are fairly low, and we will go with almost anything if it makes enough sense, or is interesting enough. Basically s far as characters go we don't care too much if you just take a character from your favorite book, movie, comic, or tv show as long as it is the following. The character is either obscure or is unique and strange enough of a character to not feel like you just stole it from a tv show, book, comic, or movie. A good example of a character for the obscure, well this is more of a weapon than a character but it serves the point would be the Shard Blade from The Stormlight Archive books. That's also a good example of something that is unique, and strange enough to feel like it wasn't stolen from something else. Of course we always will encourage you not to take steal someone else's ideas and use it in our roleplay, and instead, take an aspect that you like about it, keep those and make some alterations, and add other interesting things to make something almost completely separate and new. However, we will not judge you on what you decide.
1: So here's a list of basic rules, that isn't really listed because we feel they are obvious. Don't randomly kill characters (This means unless your character is a psychopath or something of that nature you aren't allowed to go around attacking people without some other motive like anger.)
2: Don't break the fourth wall for a joke unless your character actually has the ability, or reason to (Breaking the fourth wall can break immersion a bit, and it isn't preferred but if you do have a Deadpool like character and it makes sense feel free)
3: Do not blatantly god mod. We allow for extremely strong characters, ones that can even be considered gods, but there are many things criteria that must be met to allow that to happen. No matter what, a character must be killable one way or another. They could negate all physical damage, but then a spell might be able to erase their being or something, and that spell could be super complicated and take the strongest wizard in existence, but it has to be possible.
Let's talk about gods, we allow your characters to essentially be gods. Yes, I hear red flags going off, god modding is a huge no-no in roleplay because it makes a character too strong to the point of making it no longer entertaining. We have three characters that actually count as complete gods in the roleplay. The weakest of them, Nanimo can basically do anything he wants without limitation, but he is so unmotivated and believes so little in absolutely anything that to make him take even the smallest action, it requires an argument with him which is not likely to ever birth a response. (also there are multiple versions of Nanimo in this roleplay, the current one that is a god, however, basically only cares about one thing, and it's unlikely for that thing to ever happen, and he will only try to convince people to let him fix it instead of just fixing it right away making him actually an interesting character that adds plot rather than takes it away) You can see his bio here:
The second strongest god is just as powerful as Nanimo but believes her power isn't right and is abusive to do anything more than materializing small objects. She actively denies it, and let's say she was convinced to use them for something huge, the strongest god could say no you're not allowed to do that. This makes the character interesting, you can see her full bio here:
The strongest god is the All-Father, and he is the true god of the world. He created everything and spectates it rarely doing anything. He will rarely decide to add a major threat to the world, or some form of challenge, event, etc out of boredom, and each time he has done this it has only added to the plot. Then there are coins called a God's Treasure, which allow you to make one wish from the All-Father, and needless to say with them having that kind of power, they are nearly impossible to get, and there are only ten of them, and they can be literally anywhere in the universe. He doesn’t have a bio.
Now speaking of bio’s here's a link to my character list click the [!] next to their name to check out their bio’s Feel free to make some bio’s for your characters, although I am currently the only person who makes bio’s for their characters, but if you ever have questions about anyone's character you can just ask them, and they should be able to tell you everything. Why should you join us instead of some other RP chatroom? Because we have well thought out world lore where we explain many aspects of the world! We also have a world map, but it’s not quite finished, and that actually might be a good thing, because that means you can help put stuff on it! Check out the globe here: . You should join because despite the time set in a fantasy medieval period, with more modern morals and language, we still have technology, it's not common, and is usually very expensive and rare but magi-teck is a thing, using magic as technology to create guns, robots, etc. We also allow for basically any character, so you can go wild with ideas. Finally, we have a power chart, I mean it’s not entirely accurate, it's about as useless as power levels in Dragon Ball, but we have it so you have some form of reference to how strong someone is. See a copy of the power chart here: <a href=""></a> that's not the real power chart, it's just a copy of it because the actual power chart link is an edit link, and only people who are part of the roleplay should have access to it to prevent someone messing with it.
So you want to join, awesome! All you have to do is make a character, either send me a bio of them on the forum or tell me about the character, whether or not if you have any experience roleplaying (if you don't I'll just do a private one on one roleplay with you for awhile until I think you're experienced enough for the chat room) and then I’ll reply back. I don't want any more than ten people added to this roleplay chat because it could get chaotic then, so I won't be adding many people. Good luck!
Magic is very common. Magic-tech, grand floating islands, forests that sing, magical creatures may be an every-day occurrence.
Combat is woven into the storyline and could come to the forefront if the characters seek it out.
Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.
I apologize for the strange introduction considering this forum site, I'm posting this on multiple fantasy and roleplay forums trying to find my best options, just read through and it will explain everything you could ever want to know.
This seems pretty interesting. Do you think I can join? You can skim through some of my characters if you want. I'd be excited to roleplay with you if I could join.
Hey I like the idea behind your rp and would be interested in joining, if you wanna skim the character I have I'd love to join in.
This sounds absolutely amazing! You and your friends sound like such creative individuals. ^-^
A more fleshed out world, a map being made, very few limitations, and Fantasty~
I'd absolutely love to join this, but I'm very rusty when it comes to RPing. Would I be able to RP with you, @SantaCthulhu, for a little so you can see if I'm able to join?
I only have Alexandra as a character currently, but I can always create a new one if need be.
If not, I completely understand. Thank you for considering, though; I hope I wasn't a bother! ^-^
A more fleshed out world, a map being made, very few limitations, and Fantasty~
I'd absolutely love to join this, but I'm very rusty when it comes to RPing. Would I be able to RP with you, @SantaCthulhu, for a little so you can see if I'm able to join?
I only have Alexandra as a character currently, but I can always create a new one if need be.
If not, I completely understand. Thank you for considering, though; I hope I wasn't a bother! ^-^
-TheGryphon- wrote:
This sounds absolutely amazing! You and your friends sound like such creative individuals. ^-^
A more fleshed out world, a map being made, very few limitations, and Fantasty~
I'd absolutely love to join this, but I'm very rusty when it comes to RPing. Would I be able to RP with you, @SantaCthulhu, for a little so you can see if I'm able to join?
I only have Alexandra as a character currently, but I can always create a new one if need be.
If not, I completely understand. Thank you for considering, though; I hope I wasn't a bother! ^-^
A more fleshed out world, a map being made, very few limitations, and Fantasty~
I'd absolutely love to join this, but I'm very rusty when it comes to RPing. Would I be able to RP with you, @SantaCthulhu, for a little so you can see if I'm able to join?
I only have Alexandra as a character currently, but I can always create a new one if need be.
If not, I completely understand. Thank you for considering, though; I hope I wasn't a bother! ^-^
Could you please reply to your private messages from my Gryphon.
@santacthulu hi i am crimson or wha eer you would like to call me i would like to join if thats possible please

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