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Forums » Looking for RP » Medieval RP Ideas (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

As the title suggests, I'm simply looking for some medieval fantasy RPs.
  • Obviously, this'll take place in a medieval setting.
  • Please post at least one paragraph, I don't need novels, I just request something to work with.
  • With each plot, romance (MxF) is possible, though it may not necessarily be the main purpose of each plot.
  • Combat is a possibility in each plot, though it'll generally just be summarized and not played out for long periods of time.
  • Since it's a fantasy tale, I really don't care if my partner's character is furry, anthro, human, fae, whatever, I'd just ask that they are humanoid in appearance.
  • PM me with whatever plots would be most interesting for you.

A Prince's Burning Desire

It's been five long, grueling years on the search for his beloved younger sister. Samuel has traveled all over the kingdom of Betelgeuse to search for the sister whom he loves with all of his being. The search has led him up north to the chilly Evrath, all the way down the scorching Dragon's Desert. Not a single trace of his sister has been found and the prince is slowly losing every ounce of hope of seeing the princess again. She's been sent from master to master, not a single one has realized who she is.

The now eleven year old princess has received abuses so traumatic that her sight has been rendered useless. Her spirit broken, her mind torn to shreds, the young princess had lost all hope of ever seeing her brother again or ever being able to live a normal life. That is until she meets you.

You had just been sold to the same place that the young princess had been living in. Recognizing the princess and pity burning as you see the broken, glazed eyes in the girl's face, you begin to develop a plan that would help not just get you out of there, but the princess as well. Amazingly, you manage to write a letter and manged to send it out to the Prince and the head of the guard, Samuel.

Within days, the prince has arrived at the mansion in the Shadow Vale where you had requested him.

What will you do now? Will you go with the royals or will you just run off on your own?

A Prisoner's Desperate Plea

It's been three years since Marth had left on his journey to search for the sister he'd practically raised as a daughter. During these three years, the blue-haired man took up the life as a bloodthirsty mercenary, killing people for little to no reason. While at first, he generally just went after those whom he was hired to take out like any normal mercenary for hire, but as the years went by, the man slowly turned into a more bloodthirsty killer, seeking only to satisfy his immense anger. This unending rage could only be quelled by watching blood trickle down his sleek blade. This kind of work excited him more than he'd care to admit.

Despite his cautious approach to his job, Marth would eventually be caught and put on trial under suspicion for being at least thirty murders, and potentially countless more. With the evidence stacked against him, the blue-haired mercenary was sentenced to death. Fortunately for him, death row was full, which meant he had some time to plan a potential escape or to give his final goodbyes and apologies towards his mother. He was thrown into solitary confinement in the National Majoris Prison.

You, a relatively new, but talented warrior was appointed as the prison guard, tasked with making sure he's never to see the light of the day again. However, you listen to his story regarding the kidnapping of his sister and the motives behind his murders, you pity the man and look into ways to potentially save the poor mercenary. Successful, you manage to help Marth escape. However, you are now considered to be a fugitive yourself, as you aided Marth in an escape from a prison. With all this in mind, what will you do now? Will you aid Marth in his hunt for the bastard that holds his sister hostage or will you just go on the run? The choice is yours.

A Change of Heart

A distant, hateful demon has been exploring the world in hopes of finding his place in the world. As a demon, he's never had much of a place with humans thanks to the nasty rumors. He's always been considered an outcast due to his unfortunate heritage. Since his childhood, he's developed a seething hatred for humans, unsure if he'll ever be able to trust any member of the species. While he generally refuses to attack those who weren't on his list, he has begun murdering people right on sight, killing anyone that crosses his path. But, for some reason. He was unable to kill your character, but rather he spared you and carried on his way, however he remains near the town, highly interested in your character.

Your goal is to try to help him open his heart up towards the human race or towards a full blooded demon. As you interact with him, the demon slowly but surely warms to you, he slowly learns to trust you, and perhaps as time goes on between you two, the eventual friendship turns to something a bit more significant.

The Forest of Deceit

Legends have sprung around various parts of the country describing a lake that can give one immortality from a single drink, however the path to the lake is dangerous. It's supposedly protected by a terrifying demon. No one has entered the forest and lived to tell the tale about it, at least not in one piece. Though, these people had selfish desires with the immortality. Some simply wanted to extend their lives for fame and fortune, others did it for power, others did it for crime, among other reasons. One day, you take the trial to head out to the lake, your reasons for doing so are purely for the love of adventure. The shadowy beast that lives there decides to toy with you, eventually helping you arrive at the legendary lake. But, it seems he's taken an interest in you.

You and the Prince

Today marked the day the Prince of Betelgeuse had made his return from his search for the Princess, which luckily was a success. In honor of their return, the King decided to throw a party in which nearly every single person throughout the kingdom could attend. As the party goes on, you end up meeting the Prince and become quick friends, upon finding out that you live in Mistow, you both begin hanging out frequently, taking trips towards the many cafes and diners around the city with one another, visiting the nearby forests and lakes, doing just about everything together. Eventually, as the two of you begin to fall for one another, becoming as close to one another as most married couples are. What will become of you two after this?

An Incurable Love

You meet two incredibly close siblings walking along an unmarked path to the capital of Canis Majoris. At first glance, they seem pretty ordinary, however underneath, the girl is hiding a devastating secret; unless they find the Stone of Serentia, she will soon die of a deadly, incurable disease. They will not be able to reach their destination on their own, they are likely going to require some help. However, due to the abuses his sister has received from various people in various parts of the country have left the two closed off making it difficult to get close to either of them. Rose is a bit more likely to trust you compared to the overprotective James. They've spent the past six years in search of this legendary stone, but have yielded nothing and are slowly losing hope as Rose's final day swiftly approaches. Rose is now looking for someone that'll help stop James from following her after she has passed. Will you help these siblings during their time of need or will you abandon them a well?

The storyline splits from here. Perhaps you and the siblings will be successful in finding this mythical stone and aiding in their goal of saving Rose's, and indirectly, James's life. After doing so, you aid him in confronting his parents and perhaps even confronting the nation on this matter, trying to give all those inflicted with the disease a fair chance at life.

However, if the group is unsuccessful in their hunt for the legendary stone and Rose unfortunately succumbs to her illness, James will likely follow behind his sister. However, Rose wishes to see her brother live on and that's where you'll come from. Someone will need to help James from hurting himself and perhaps you could provide him the comfort he so dearly requires.
Magic 50%
Magic is rare, but not unheard of. Mundane characters may or may not believe in it. Magical characters may form small and exclusive pockets for study, protection, etc.
Technology 30%
Combat 20%
A peaceful setting, but with a chance for small fights and struggles to break out on a very small scale.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

wow your great with plot. would you mind rping with me?
Pizza0412 wrote:
wow your great with plot. would you mind rping with me?
A Prince's Burning Desire or A Change of Heart sound fun
KansasVenomoth Topic Starter

Pizza0412 wrote:
Pizza0412 wrote:
wow your great with plot. would you mind rping with me?
A Prince's Burning Desire or A Change of Heart sound fun

Go ahead and shoot me a PM :)
must be mcdonalds, cause i'm lovin' the forest of deceit
KansasVenomoth Topic Starter

koobler wrote:
must be mcdonalds, cause i'm lovin' the forest of deceit

I'm dead XD
Shoot me a PM :3
is this for a group RP or a 1x1? Loving the plots and ideas by the way, kansas
KansasVenomoth Topic Starter

Tusitala2017 wrote:
is this for a group RP or a 1x1? Loving the plots and ideas by the way, kansas

Just a 1x1 for now. Thanks, though.
If you're still looking, then I'm interested in "A Prince's Burning Desire."
KansasVenomoth Topic Starter

InsaneShadow wrote:
If you're still looking, then I'm interested in "A Prince's Burning Desire."

Awesome! Shoot me a PM!

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Medieval RP Ideas (closed)

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