Lexi walked into the arts building at uni. She could be seen visibly shaking. She dropped her painting textbook and bent down to pick it up. As she looked up she saw kid opposite of her. He was being cornered and beat. She went to her seat in the front left and didn't say anything.
Ima just join//
Kylie followed her best friend, Ryu, to her first class. He always seems to be super close to her and she doesnt know why, "Thanks Ryu." She smiled to him and walked in her classroom
Kylie followed her best friend, Ryu, to her first class. He always seems to be super close to her and she doesnt know why, "Thanks Ryu." She smiled to him and walked in her classroom
Mark walked to his first class from his messy dorm, He saw Kylie and waved.
Mark walked to his first class from his messy dorm, He saw Kylie and waved.
Ryu looked at her and blushed a bit turning and walking away to his class. He walked in and sat down. A kid was getting beat up but he didnt care
Mark took out his sketch book and carefully looked around the room he didnt like people looking at his AMAZING drawings
Ryu yawned and rested his head on the table he wasnt sure what to do as he waited for the class to start
"One thing, I can tell its a sketchbook and two, I can show you my drawings." She grabbed her sketchbook and flipped it to a random page
She smiled to him and handed him her sketchbook, "You can look through it if you want to."
"No thank you" He shrank in his seat and pulled his notebook back out and started drawing Jack (His bestfriend)
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