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Forums » Looking for RP » Back to Barbados (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

shadow flame (played anonymously)

join me as I attempt to reclaim what was taken from me i ask you now who will stand up for the truth and what is right "A day may come when the courage of man fails, But it is not this day." (Aragon, the Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King) Ride with me and together we shall free the souls that were lost.
Hello :) is this gonna be like a Middle Earth-y role play? Cause if so, count me in :D
shadow flame (played anonymously) Topic Starter

I am from the realm of Barbados in Anor (the wold that middle earth is on), I was the king, a long time ago the lord of souls, cursed me into the human realm but I was also Cursed to be a immortal I've seen many of my loved ones die and now I'm going to reclaim my land but i can not do this alone, will you help
I'm such a middle earth nerd XD
But this sounds awesome! I have two Middle Earth characters!
Ruslan Ernst Schafer, who's like a mortal with magic
And the cannon Celebrimbor
shadow flame (played anonymously) Topic Starter

So your character is kind of like a wraith? :o
shadow flame (played anonymously) Topic Starter

yea i geuss but not like celebrimbor he has a human form of his own he just cant die and pretty much has speacil power unlike a wrath he can teleport go into minds and destroy them and his sword in made of the souls of his past
Sounds interesting :3
So I take it that you've played Shadow Of Mordor? Or War? :o
shadow flame (played anonymously) Topic Starter

well no but ive seen it
Is that what your character is based on? :o
shadow flame (played anonymously) Topic Starter

nott rlly
Okay okay just making sure :)
Why don't you PM me? :3
shadow flame (played anonymously) Topic Starter

how do i do tht
Oh ah ^^;
You must be new to the site :o

Alright, click on my name and it will bring you to my profile alright? Then you'll see a little letter icon thingy that says something like message :)
It's with the heart for friend and the other icons :o

Once you click on that, you'll be brought to a clear PM and you can add a title and write me your message and hit that send button :)
Make sense?
Why don't I send you a PM?
shadow flame (played anonymously) Topic Starter

ok then
Alright! Message sent! On the upper right of your screen you'll see that letter icon with a little 1 :)
Click that and you'll be Brought to your PMs. Click on the one that says Hey! it's me TheUkrainianBean!
If you don't understand, please tell me :o

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Back to Barbados (closed)

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