Well, what is there to say? I haven't really done much in the way of real, story based RP in a few months, but I've been around the Rp community here and there for a few years now. Started on Chatango (lol), moved to Ani, then RPG, back to Ani, and now... here I am. Some of you may recognize my characters, you may not, but what you really need to know is quite simple: I'm the type of roleplayer who does his best to give to you what you give to me. That means you get me a good, detailed post, and I'll do my best to reply in kind. You give me a low effort, poorly written excuse of a post, and I'll ignore you.
overall I've mostly done romance RP but I'm more than open to any kind, as long as you're willing to put up with my learning curve. Umm... aside from that? Uh... I like tacos and most things fluffy. If you still want more info I guess just hit me up.
overall I've mostly done romance RP but I'm more than open to any kind, as long as you're willing to put up with my learning curve. Umm... aside from that? Uh... I like tacos and most things fluffy. If you still want more info I guess just hit me up.
I've gotta say, man. That's the most unique title I've ever seen. It blew me away. And as a professional writer, that's near impossible to do for me.
More seriously, my sympathies for your experiences on Chatango, hahaha. I got into that when going through something of a...transient period, because I just couldn't figure out anywhere to go. Bit glad I got there late, just a month or so before they killed free access. Those were the days I lacked any form of patience for forums, though.
Tacos with or without guacamole? And what shape of fluffy do you prefer best? I'm a cat-oriented fellow, myself.
Anyway, welcome to RPR!
Hazel's pretty interesting to me, and the others I'd be interested to know what you think of potentially getting into something with my schizophrenic (fresh from the oven!) Jolene.
More seriously, my sympathies for your experiences on Chatango, hahaha. I got into that when going through something of a...transient period, because I just couldn't figure out anywhere to go. Bit glad I got there late, just a month or so before they killed free access. Those were the days I lacked any form of patience for forums, though.
Tacos with or without guacamole? And what shape of fluffy do you prefer best? I'm a cat-oriented fellow, myself.
Anyway, welcome to RPR!
Hazel's pretty interesting to me, and the others I'd be interested to know what you think of potentially getting into something with my schizophrenic (fresh from the oven!) Jolene.
I gotta agree, it took me ages to come up with that title man. I'm proud of it. lol.
Yea, it was the same with me. I ended up on chatango through some odd means, basically leaving it open by accident after making an account to chat on an anime site (when I was like 13-14 no less) and thats where I first really learned of RP. When I found ani it was kind of like a godsend, and even more so when I found RPG. I still think that was one of, if not the best, rp site I will ever come across in my lifetime, but I don't have any spite in myself for it's closing. (Controversy aside.)
Anyway, I'd be glad to chat with you anytime about an RP, or even a few if you'd prefer. I'm open to most anything, so just hit me up. PMs are usually a good way to get ahold of me.
Oh, and for those curious... Asta's voice is extremely annoying. ^-^ ( On a serious note Rurouni Kenshin, Katekyo Hitman Reborn, and Food Wars are probably my favorite anime. Oh, and Clannad. )
Yea, it was the same with me. I ended up on chatango through some odd means, basically leaving it open by accident after making an account to chat on an anime site (when I was like 13-14 no less) and thats where I first really learned of RP. When I found ani it was kind of like a godsend, and even more so when I found RPG. I still think that was one of, if not the best, rp site I will ever come across in my lifetime, but I don't have any spite in myself for it's closing. (Controversy aside.)
Anyway, I'd be glad to chat with you anytime about an RP, or even a few if you'd prefer. I'm open to most anything, so just hit me up. PMs are usually a good way to get ahold of me.
Oh, and for those curious... Asta's voice is extremely annoying. ^-^ ( On a serious note Rurouni Kenshin, Katekyo Hitman Reborn, and Food Wars are probably my favorite anime. Oh, and Clannad. )
Hey, welcome to RPR!

Hey there and welcome 
XQK beat me to it, nice intro title
I totally agree on your effort input mention in there. It can definitely get difficult dealing with people who don't quite try. But RPR is pretty good on that, considering you can lay down rules for what you're looking for and browse their characters and profile beforehand. So hopefully you'll have some good luck on this site.
Otherwise, enjoy!

XQK beat me to it, nice intro title

I totally agree on your effort input mention in there. It can definitely get difficult dealing with people who don't quite try. But RPR is pretty good on that, considering you can lay down rules for what you're looking for and browse their characters and profile beforehand. So hopefully you'll have some good luck on this site.
Otherwise, enjoy!
First off, I adore your title, It honestly amazing. Secondly, I totally understand the annoyance with RPers who basically give you a one liner you cant really do anything with in response to it. It sucks. It really does. I hope you find a whole bunch of amazing RPs on this site. 
Could we RP maybe?...I like Mitrik Pritchard a lot. He seems like a very cool character. PM me if you so choose?

Could we RP maybe?...I like Mitrik Pritchard a lot. He seems like a very cool character. PM me if you so choose?
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