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Forums » Smalltalk » Is rock good?

When i mean by rock music, i mean every kind. From Elvis to Smashing Pumpkins. Every genre of rock there is. Whats your favourite song or band?
Until it Sleeps by Metallica.
Cassandra 'Cass' Dre (played anonymously)

Good is mighty subjective. There's Rock music I love and Rock music I don't and other people will have different opinions.

Of late, I've been a big fan of In This Moment. Female fronted Hard Rock makes me happy.
Korn, Mudvayne, Slipknot, some names I can't write here... but they're considered black metal and grind core.

Avenged Sevenfold, AFI, Twisted Sister, Depesche Mode, the Misfits, etc.
Tragically Hip. Good stuff, alt rock from the 90's, probably one of Canada's best kept secrets for a band we consider very mainstream.
Ilmarinen Moderator

I am not a huge rock fan but I love metal, so if you want any suggestions there I'm happy to lay em on ya. :) I proposed to my husband in a mosh pit!
Der_Anna wrote:
Korn, Mudvayne, Slipknot, some names I can't write here... but they're considered black metal and grind core.

I gotta be That Salty Hipster and tell you these aren't black metal :P Black metal includes bands like Bathory (early stuff, not Nordland), Emperor, and Darkthrone. It's usually characterized by shrieks instead of growls, usually fastpaced frantic rhythm heavy on the treble, scratchiness, and occult themes. And some would say poor recording quality is part of the sound!
click for examples

(Get through or skip past the intro on this Bathory song ^)

Cassandra wrote:
Female fronted Hard Rock makes me happy.

Oh man! Do you listen to Sanhedrin and Satan's Hallow? Solid female fronted NWOTHM. Battle Beast is fun too.
If you want Symphonic, Progressive or Power Metal band I can recommend like 400

My all time faves are Avantasia, Ayreon, Kamelot, Helloween, Anthriel, Toehider, Edguy, and Blind Guardian, Allen Lande,just to name a few
I absolutely love rock and heavy metal. Southern rock, hard rock, classic rock, rock n' roll, country rock, alternative rock, blues rock, progressive rock, you name it.

The vast majority of my favorite artists and bands are rock; Kansas, Aerosmith, AC/DC, Europe, Bon Jovi, U2, Journey, Boston, Guns N' Roses, among a few others.

Thrash metal and heavy metal are fun, too. Though, my tastes are pretty limited; Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth, Motorhead, Disturbed, Five Finger Death Punch, Exodus, Testament, and the occasional Anthrax and Black Sabbath.
Each of my characters(that I made up) like a different type of rock music
decard (played by matthew100)

matthew100 wrote:
Each of my characters(that I made up) like a different type of rock music

I like stuff like Metallica.
Depth-charge (played by matthew100)

matthew100 wrote:
Each of my characters(that I made up) like a different type of rock music

I like the really heavy stuff like type o negative
Pyroa (played by matthew100)

matthew100 wrote:
Each of my characters(that I made up) like a different type of rock music

I like alt rock like the strokes
Zhi wrote:
If you want Symphonic, Progressive or Power Metal band I can recommend like 400

My all time faves are Avantasia, Ayreon, Kamelot, Helloween, Anthriel, Toehider, Edguy, and Blind Guardian, Allen Lande,just to name a few

*high fives*

In addition to the above, I'm a big fan of mashup. Take just about any genre, rock-ify it, you got me jammin'.

But seriously, Ayreon is one of the few things in my life in general that I never get sick or bored of (the sheer variety helps a lot). I've thought a lot about trying to set up an RP heavily referencing Into the Electric Castle, and The Human Equation is one of the only things that can activate the more visual part of my imagination.
Pyroa (played by matthew100)

" I'm a big fan of mashup. Take just about any genre, rock-ify it, you got me jammin'."

I also like this as well
Dragonfire Moderator

dray wrote:
Tragically Hip. Good stuff, alt rock from the 90's, probably one of Canada's best kept secrets for a band we consider very mainstream.

The Hip have been a favourite of mine for a very long time - great music, great shows, great lads. Good hearts. Flippin' poets. Some of the best writing I've ever done has been inspired by them and their music.

I'm still in mourning for Gord Downie, to be honest. The fact that we knew he was sick didn't really help much, in the end of it.

Those guys, cripes, to even begin to explain it to people not familiar with them - man, the frontman for the band announced last year that he'd been diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. Rather than withdraw from the public life, they all announced they were immediately going on tour for one last hurrah. They spent a month playing 15 shows all across the country - and I was at the last show they did in my city, fantastic concert, gosh. The very final concert was broadcast on the CBC end to end - pre-empting their coverage of the Olympics - and about a third of Canada's population tuned in to it.

And then rather than stay home and while away what time he had left, Gord put out one project - and spent a good bit of effort raising awareness about indigenous issues in the country in the process - and had another album set to go; the release date was ten days after the day he died. He just didn't stop.

Hng. I have already waxed eloquent enough, and I could continue to do so, but instead I will just leave behind one of my favourite songs of theirs. Not my absolute favourite, mind - since that particular one is on the quieter end of the rock spectrum, and I feel like this should be a bit more raucous. But this is a good 'un.

Dragonfire wrote:
The Hip have been a favourite of mine for a very long time - great music, great shows, great lads. Good hearts. Flippin' poets. Some of the best writing I've ever done has been inspired by them and their music.

Nice, you explained it better than I could!
My favorite song fluctuates, but I usually default my favorite band to Powerman 5000
Pyroa (played by matthew100)

my favorite song changes as well but it usually is something in the alt rock genre
Heimdall wrote:
:) I proposed to my husband in a mosh pit!

Relationship goals.
Cassandra wrote:
Good is mighty subjective. There's Rock music I love and Rock music I don't and other people will have different opinions.

Of late, I've been a big fan of In This Moment. Female fronted Hard Rock makes me happy.

found you :^)

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